# XMR to BTC Atomic Swap This repository hosts an MVP for atomically swapping BTC to XMR. It implements the protocol described in section 3 of [this](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.12332) paper. ## Quick start 1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/releases/latest) for your operating system 2. Run the binary: `./swap buy-xmr --receive-address ` 3. Follow the instructions printed to the terminal ## Limitations For now, the MVP is limited to `testnet3` on Bitcoin and `stagenet` on Monero. ## How it works This repository primarily hosts two components: - the `swap` CLI - the `asb` service ### swap CLI The `swap` CLI acts in the role of Bob and swaps BTC for XMR. See `./swap --help` for a description of all commands. The main command is `buy-xmr` which automatically connects to an instance of `asb`. ### asb service `asb` is short for **a**utomated **s**wap **b**ackend (we are open to suggestions for better names!). The service acts as the counter-party for the `swap` CLI in the role of Alice. It provides the CLI with a quote and the liquidity necessary for swapping BTC into XMR. ## Contact Feel free to reach out to us in the [COMIT-Monero Matrix channel](https://matrix.to/#/#comit-monero:matrix.org).