Upgrade testcontainers from 0.12 to 0.14 (#1552)

* Upgrade testcontainers from 0.12 to 0.14

* minor cleanup


Co-authored-by: Byron Hambly <bhambly@blockstream.com>
Ian McKenzie 2 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 9c5914ff7a
commit b2ca1b5f8c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

Cargo.lock generated

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ dependencies = [
"testcontainers 0.14.0",
@ -896,16 +896,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "crypto-mac"
version = "0.10.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "4857fd85a0c34b3c3297875b747c1e02e06b6a0ea32dd892d8192b9ce0813ea6"
dependencies = [
name = "crypto-mac"
version = "0.11.1"
@ -1598,16 +1588,6 @@ version = "0.4.1"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "6fe2267d4ed49bc07b63801559be28c718ea06c4738b7a03c94df7386d2cde46"
name = "hmac"
version = "0.10.1"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "c1441c6b1e930e2817404b5046f1f989899143a12bf92de603b69f4e0aee1e15"
dependencies = [
"crypto-mac 0.10.0",
"digest 0.9.0",
name = "hmac"
version = "0.11.0"
@ -2468,7 +2448,7 @@ dependencies = [
"rand 0.7.3",
"testcontainers 0.12.0",
"tracing-subscriber 0.2.25",
@ -2504,7 +2484,7 @@ dependencies = [
"rand 0.7.3",
"testcontainers 0.12.0",
"tracing-subscriber 0.2.25",
@ -4363,7 +4343,7 @@ dependencies = [
"strum 0.26.1",
"testcontainers 0.12.0",
"time 0.3.34",
@ -4467,21 +4447,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "testcontainers"
version = "0.12.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "d5e3ed6e3598dbf32cba8cb356b881c085e0adea57597f387723430dd94b4084"
dependencies = [
"hmac 0.10.1",
"rand 0.8.3",
"sha2 0.9.8",
name = "testcontainers"
version = "0.14.0"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ futures = "0.3"
monero-rpc = { path = "../monero-rpc" }
rand = "0.7"
spectral = "0.6"
testcontainers = "0.12"
testcontainers = "0.14"
tokio = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = [ "rt-multi-thread", "time", "macros" ] }
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = [ "fmt", "ansi", "env-filter", "tracing-log" ] }

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use testcontainers::core::{Container, Docker, WaitForMessage};
use testcontainers::Image;
use testcontainers::{core::WaitFor, Image, ImageArgs};
pub const MONEROD_DAEMON_CONTAINER_NAME: &str = "monerod";
pub const MONEROD_DEFAULT_NETWORK: &str = "monero_network";
@ -13,43 +11,22 @@ pub const MONEROD_DEFAULT_NETWORK: &str = "monero_network";
/// this doesn't matter.
pub const RPC_PORT: u16 = 18081;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Monerod {
args: MonerodArgs,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Monerod;
impl Image for Monerod {
type Args = MonerodArgs;
type EnvVars = HashMap<String, String>;
type Volumes = HashMap<String, String>;
type EntryPoint = str;
fn descriptor(&self) -> String {
fn wait_until_ready<D: Docker>(&self, container: &Container<'_, D, Self>) {
.wait_for_message("RPC server started ok")
fn args(&self) -> <Self as Image>::Args {
fn volumes(&self) -> Self::Volumes {
fn name(&self) -> String {
fn env_vars(&self) -> Self::EnvVars {
fn tag(&self) -> String {
fn with_args(self, args: <Self as Image>::Args) -> Self {
Self { args }
fn ready_conditions(&self) -> Vec<WaitFor> {
vec![WaitFor::message_on_stdout("RPC server started ok")]
fn entrypoint(&self) -> Option<String> {
@ -58,43 +35,22 @@ impl Image for Monerod {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct MoneroWalletRpc {
args: MoneroWalletRpcArgs,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct MoneroWalletRpc;
impl Image for MoneroWalletRpc {
type Args = MoneroWalletRpcArgs;
type EnvVars = HashMap<String, String>;
type Volumes = HashMap<String, String>;
type EntryPoint = str;
fn descriptor(&self) -> String {
fn wait_until_ready<D: Docker>(&self, container: &Container<'_, D, Self>) {
.wait_for_message("Run server thread name: RPC")
fn args(&self) -> <Self as Image>::Args {
fn volumes(&self) -> Self::Volumes {
fn name(&self) -> String {
fn env_vars(&self) -> Self::EnvVars {
fn tag(&self) -> String {
fn with_args(self, args: <Self as Image>::Args) -> Self {
Self { args }
fn ready_conditions(&self) -> Vec<WaitFor> {
vec![WaitFor::message_on_stdout("Run server thread name: RPC")]
fn entrypoint(&self) -> Option<String> {
@ -104,10 +60,9 @@ impl Image for MoneroWalletRpc {
impl MoneroWalletRpc {
pub fn new(name: &str, daemon_address: String) -> Self {
Self {
args: MoneroWalletRpcArgs::new(name, daemon_address),
pub fn new(name: &str, daemon_address: String) -> (Self, MoneroWalletRpcArgs) {
let args = MoneroWalletRpcArgs::new(name, daemon_address);
(Self, args)
@ -191,6 +146,12 @@ impl IntoIterator for MonerodArgs {
impl ImageArgs for MonerodArgs {
fn into_iterator(self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = String>> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
pub disable_rpc_login: bool,
@ -200,12 +161,6 @@ pub struct MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
pub daemon_address: String,
impl Default for MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
fn default() -> Self {
unimplemented!("A default instance for `MoneroWalletRpc` doesn't make sense because we always need to connect to a node.")
impl MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
pub fn new(wallet_name: &str, daemon_address: String) -> Self {
Self {
@ -247,3 +202,9 @@ impl IntoIterator for MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
impl ImageArgs for MoneroWalletRpcArgs {
fn into_iterator(self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = String>> {

@ -20,17 +20,20 @@
//! every BLOCK_TIME_SECS seconds.
//! Also provides standalone JSON RPC clients for monerod and monero-wallet-rpc.
pub mod image;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use testcontainers::clients::Cli;
use testcontainers::{Container, RunnableImage};
use tokio::time;
use monero_rpc::monerod;
use monero_rpc::monerod::MonerodRpc as _;
use monero_rpc::wallet::{self, GetAddress, MoneroWalletRpc as _, Refreshed, Transfer};
use std::time::Duration;
use testcontainers::clients::Cli;
use testcontainers::{Container, Docker, RunArgs};
use tokio::time;
pub mod image;
/// How often we mine a block.
const BLOCK_TIME_SECS: u64 = 1;
@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ impl<'c> Monero {
additional_wallets: Vec<&'static str>,
) -> Result<(
Container<'c, Cli, image::Monerod>,
Vec<Container<'c, Cli, image::MoneroWalletRpc>>,
Container<'c, image::Monerod>,
Vec<Container<'c, image::MoneroWalletRpc>>,
)> {
let prefix = format!("{}_", random_prefix());
let monerod_name = format!("{}{}", prefix, MONEROD_DAEMON_CONTAINER_NAME);
@ -221,15 +224,14 @@ impl<'c> Monerod {
cli: &'c Cli,
name: String,
network: String,
) -> Result<(Self, Container<'c, Cli, image::Monerod>)> {
) -> Result<(Self, Container<'c, image::Monerod>)> {
let image = image::Monerod::default();
let run_args = RunArgs::default()
let image: RunnableImage<image::Monerod> = RunnableImage::from(image)
let container = cli.run_with_args(image, run_args);
let monerod_rpc_port = container
.context("port not exposed")?;
let container = cli.run(image);
let monerod_rpc_port = container.get_host_port_ipv4(RPC_PORT);
Self {
@ -262,19 +264,15 @@ impl<'c> MoneroWalletRpc {
name: &str,
monerod: &Monerod,
prefix: String,
) -> Result<(Self, Container<'c, Cli, image::MoneroWalletRpc>)> {
) -> Result<(Self, Container<'c, image::MoneroWalletRpc>)> {
let daemon_address = format!("{}:{}", monerod.name, RPC_PORT);
let image = image::MoneroWalletRpc::new(name, daemon_address);
let (image, args) = image::MoneroWalletRpc::new(name, daemon_address);
let image = RunnableImage::from((image, args))
.with_container_name(format!("{}{}", prefix, name))
let network = monerod.network.clone();
let run_args = RunArgs::default()
// prefix the container name so we can run multiple tests
.with_name(format!("{}{}", prefix, name))
let container = cli.run_with_args(image, run_args);
let wallet_rpc_port = container
.context("port not exposed")?;
let container = cli.run(image);
let wallet_rpc_port = container.get_host_port_ipv4(RPC_PORT);
let client = wallet::Client::localhost(wallet_rpc_port)?;

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ rand = "0.7"
curve25519-dalek = "3"
monero-harness = { path = "../monero-harness" }
rand = "0.7"
testcontainers = "0.12"
testcontainers = "0.14"
tokio = { version = "1", features = [ "rt-multi-thread", "time", "macros", "sync", "process", "fs" ] }
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = [ "fmt", "ansi", "env-filter", "chrono", "tracing-log" ] }

@ -61,13 +61,12 @@ mod tests {
use monero_harness::image::Monerod;
use monero_rpc::monerod::{Client, GetOutputsOut};
use testcontainers::clients::Cli;
use testcontainers::Docker;
async fn get_outs_for_key_offsets() {
let cli = Cli::default();
let container = cli.run(Monerod::default());
let rpc_client = Client::localhost(container.get_host_port(18081).unwrap()).unwrap();
let rpc_client = Client::localhost(container.get_host_port_ipv4(18081)).unwrap();
rpc_client.generateblocks(150, "498AVruCDWgP9Az9LjMm89VWjrBrSZ2W2K3HFBiyzzrRjUJWUcCVxvY1iitfuKoek2FdX6MKGAD9Qb1G1P8QgR5jPmmt3Vj".to_owned()).await.unwrap();
let wallet = Wallet {
client: rpc_client.clone(),

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ serde_cbor = "0.11"
serial_test = "3.0"
spectral = "0.6"
tempfile = "3"
testcontainers = "0.12"
testcontainers = "0.14"
anyhow = "1"

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use testcontainers::core::{Container, Docker, WaitForMessage};
use testcontainers::Image;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use testcontainers::{core::WaitFor, Image, ImageArgs};
pub const RPC_USER: &str = "admin";
pub const RPC_PASSWORD: &str = "123";
@ -10,57 +9,27 @@ pub const DATADIR: &str = "/home/bdk";
pub struct Bitcoind {
args: BitcoindArgs,
entrypoint: Option<String>,
volume: Option<String>,
volumes: BTreeMap<String, String>,
impl Image for Bitcoind {
type Args = BitcoindArgs;
type EnvVars = HashMap<String, String>;
type Volumes = HashMap<String, String>;
type EntryPoint = str;
fn descriptor(&self) -> String {
fn name(&self) -> String {
fn wait_until_ready<D: Docker>(&self, container: &Container<'_, D, Self>) {
.wait_for_message("init message: Done loading")
fn tag(&self) -> String {
fn args(&self) -> <Self as Image>::Args {
fn ready_conditions(&self) -> Vec<WaitFor> {
vec![WaitFor::message_on_stdout("init message: Done loading")]
fn volumes(&self) -> Self::Volumes {
let mut volumes = HashMap::new();
match self.volume.clone() {
None => {}
Some(volume) => {
volumes.insert(volume, DATADIR.to_string());
fn env_vars(&self) -> Self::EnvVars {
fn with_args(self, args: <Self as Image>::Args) -> Self {
Bitcoind { args, ..self }
fn with_entrypoint(self, entrypoint: &Self::EntryPoint) -> Self {
Self {
entrypoint: Some(entrypoint.to_string()),
fn volumes(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&String, &String)> + '_> {
fn entrypoint(&self) -> Option<String> {
@ -71,16 +40,15 @@ impl Image for Bitcoind {
impl Default for Bitcoind {
fn default() -> Self {
Bitcoind {
args: BitcoindArgs::default(),
entrypoint: Some("/usr/bin/bitcoind".into()),
volume: None,
volumes: BTreeMap::default(),
impl Bitcoind {
pub fn with_volume(mut self, volume: String) -> Self {
self.volume = Some(volume);
self.volumes.insert(volume, DATADIR.to_string());
@ -109,7 +77,6 @@ impl IntoIterator for BitcoindArgs {
format!("-rpcuser={}", RPC_USER),
format!("-rpcpassword={}", RPC_PASSWORD),
format!("-datadir={}", DATADIR),
format!("-rpcport={}", RPC_PORT),
@ -120,3 +87,9 @@ impl IntoIterator for BitcoindArgs {
impl ImageArgs for BitcoindArgs {
fn into_iterator(self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = String>> {

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::harness::bitcoind;
use bitcoin::Network;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use testcontainers::core::{Container, Docker, WaitForMessage};
use testcontainers::Image;
use testcontainers::{core::WaitFor, Image, ImageArgs};
pub const HTTP_PORT: u16 = 60401;
pub const RPC_PORT: u16 = 3002;
@ -13,50 +13,25 @@ pub struct Electrs {
args: ElectrsArgs,
entrypoint: Option<String>,
wait_for_message: String,
volume: String,
volumes: BTreeMap<String, String>,
impl Image for Electrs {
type Args = ElectrsArgs;
type EnvVars = HashMap<String, String>;
type Volumes = HashMap<String, String>;
type EntryPoint = str;
fn descriptor(&self) -> String {
format!("vulpemventures/electrs:{}", self.tag)
fn wait_until_ready<D: Docker>(&self, container: &Container<'_, D, Self>) {
fn name(&self) -> String {
fn args(&self) -> <Self as Image>::Args {
fn tag(&self) -> String {
fn volumes(&self) -> Self::Volumes {
let mut volumes = HashMap::new();
volumes.insert(self.volume.clone(), bitcoind::DATADIR.to_string());
fn ready_conditions(&self) -> Vec<WaitFor> {
fn env_vars(&self) -> Self::EnvVars {
fn with_args(self, args: <Self as Image>::Args) -> Self {
Electrs { args, ..self }
fn with_entrypoint(self, entrypoint: &Self::EntryPoint) -> Self {
Self {
entrypoint: Some(entrypoint.to_string()),
fn volumes(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&String, &String)> + '_> {
fn entrypoint(&self) -> Option<String> {
@ -71,7 +46,7 @@ impl Default for Electrs {
args: ElectrsArgs::default(),
entrypoint: Some("/build/electrs".into()),
wait_for_message: "Running accept thread".to_string(),
volume: uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string(),
volumes: BTreeMap::default(),
@ -85,7 +60,7 @@ impl Electrs {
pub fn with_volume(mut self, volume: String) -> Self {
self.volume = volume;
self.volumes.insert(volume, bitcoind::DATADIR.to_string());
@ -93,6 +68,11 @@ impl Electrs {
self.args.daemon_rpc_addr = name;
pub fn self_and_args(self) -> (Self, ElectrsArgs) {
let args = self.args.clone();
(self, args)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -137,7 +117,7 @@ impl IntoIterator for ElectrsArgs {
args.push(format!("--daemon-dir=={}", self.daemon_dir.as_str()));
args.push(format!("--daemon-dir={}", self.daemon_dir.as_str()));
args.push(format!("--daemon-rpc-addr={}", self.daemon_rpc_addr));
args.push(format!("--cookie={}", self.cookie));
args.push(format!("--http-addr={}", self.http_addr));
@ -147,3 +127,9 @@ impl IntoIterator for ElectrsArgs {
impl ImageArgs for ElectrsArgs {
fn into_iterator(self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = String>> {

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use swap::seed::Seed;
use swap::{asb, bitcoin, cli, env, monero};
use tempfile::{tempdir, NamedTempFile};
use testcontainers::clients::Cli;
use testcontainers::{Container, Docker, RunArgs};
use testcontainers::{Container, RunnableImage};
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
@ -61,10 +61,7 @@ where
let alice_starting_balances =
StartingBalances::new(bitcoin::Amount::ZERO, xmr_amount, Some(10));
let electrs_rpc_port = containers
.expect("Could not map electrs rpc port");
let electrs_rpc_port = containers.electrs.get_host_port_ipv4(electrs::RPC_PORT);
let alice_seed = Seed::random().unwrap();
let (alice_bitcoin_wallet, alice_monero_wallet) = init_test_wallets(
@ -146,14 +143,14 @@ where
async fn init_containers(cli: &Cli) -> (Monero, Containers<'_>) {
let prefix = random_prefix();
let bitcoind_name = format!("{}_{}", prefix, "bitcoind");
let (bitcoind, bitcoind_url) =
let (_bitcoind, bitcoind_url, mapped_port) =
init_bitcoind_container(cli, prefix.clone(), bitcoind_name.clone(), prefix.clone())
.expect("could not init bitcoind");
let electrs = init_electrs_container(cli, prefix.clone(), bitcoind_name, prefix)
let electrs = init_electrs_container(cli, prefix.clone(), bitcoind_name, prefix, mapped_port)
.expect("could not init electrs");
let (monero, monerod_container, monero_wallet_rpc_containers) =
let (monero, _monerod_container, _monero_wallet_rpc_containers) =
@ -162,9 +159,9 @@ async fn init_containers(cli: &Cli) -> (Monero, Containers<'_>) {
Containers {
@ -175,29 +172,28 @@ async fn init_bitcoind_container(
volume: String,
name: String,
network: String,
) -> Result<(Container<'_, Cli, bitcoind::Bitcoind>, Url)> {
) -> Result<(Container<'_, bitcoind::Bitcoind>, Url, u16)> {
let image = bitcoind::Bitcoind::default().with_volume(volume);
let image = RunnableImage::from(image)
let run_args = RunArgs::default().with_name(name).with_network(network);
let docker = cli.run_with_args(image, run_args);
let a = docker
.context("Could not map bitcoind rpc port")?;
let docker = cli.run(image);
let port = docker.get_host_port_ipv4(bitcoind::RPC_PORT);
let bitcoind_url = {
let input = format!(
init_bitcoind(bitcoind_url.clone(), 5).await?;
Ok((docker, bitcoind_url.clone()))
Ok((docker, bitcoind_url.clone(), bitcoind::RPC_PORT))
pub async fn init_electrs_container(
@ -205,16 +201,18 @@ pub async fn init_electrs_container(
volume: String,
bitcoind_container_name: String,
network: String,
) -> Result<Container<'_, Cli, electrs::Electrs>> {
let bitcoind_rpc_addr = format!("{}:{}", bitcoind_container_name, bitcoind::RPC_PORT);
port: u16,
) -> Result<Container<'_, electrs::Electrs>> {
let bitcoind_rpc_addr = format!("{}:{}", bitcoind_container_name, port);
let image = electrs::Electrs::default()
let image = RunnableImage::from(image.self_and_args())
.with_container_name(format!("{}_electrs", network));
let run_args = RunArgs::default().with_network(network);
let docker = cli.run_with_args(image, run_args);
let docker = cli.run(image);
@ -952,13 +950,12 @@ pub async fn mint(node_url: Url, address: bitcoin::Address, amount: bitcoin::Amo
// This is just to keep the containers alive
struct Containers<'a> {
bitcoind_url: Url,
bitcoind: Container<'a, Cli, bitcoind::Bitcoind>,
monerod_container: Container<'a, Cli, image::Monerod>,
monero_wallet_rpc_containers: Vec<Container<'a, Cli, image::MoneroWalletRpc>>,
electrs: Container<'a, Cli, electrs::Electrs>,
_bitcoind: Container<'a, bitcoind::Bitcoind>,
_monerod_container: Container<'a, image::Monerod>,
_monero_wallet_rpc_containers: Vec<Container<'a, image::MoneroWalletRpc>>,
electrs: Container<'a, electrs::Electrs>,
pub mod alice_run_until {
