# SYNOPSIS xmppipe [*options*] [*jid*] # DESCRIPTION xmppipe - stdio over XMPP xmppipe redirects stdin/stdout in a shell pipeline to an XMPP MUC (XEP-0045) or a one to one chat: * supports flow control using stream management (XEP-0198) * optionally deals with overload by acting as a circuit breaker or by discarding messages * works with line oriented tools like grep, sed and awk by outputting each message as a newline terminated, [percent-encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding) string xmppipe can be used in shell scripts to quickly write interactive bots for monitoring systems or for sending alerts. # USAGE xmppipe [*options*] XMPPIPE_USERNAME=me@example.com XMPPIPE_PASSWORD="password" # default name: stdout-*hostname*-*uid* xmpipe xmppipe muc xmppipe muc@example.com # REQUIREMENTS * [libstrophe](https://github.com/strophe/libstrophe) libstrophe 0.9.2 or later is required for [TLS certificate verification](https://github.com/strophe/libstrophe/issues/100). # BUILD $ make ## Tests # Install bats: # apt-get install bats # git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/bats.git # or from git make test # PROCESS RESTRICTIONS xmppipe restricts process operations at 2 points: * a permissive "init" sandbox allowing network connections to the XMPP server * once the connection is established, a stricter "stdio" sandbox limits the process to I/O operations The effectiveness of the process restrictions depend on which mechanism is used. By default: * Linux: * init: seccomp(2) * stdio: seccomp(2) * OpenBSD: * init: pledge(2) * stdio: pledge(2) * FreeBSD: * init: setrlimit(2) * stdio: setrlimit(2)/capsicum(4) * other: setrlimit(2) * init: setrlimit(2) * stdio: setrlimit(2) Selecting which process restrictions are enforced is done at compile time. For example, to use the "rlimit" process restrictions: RESTRICT_PROCESS=rlimit make If the process restrictions are interfering with normal operation, please open an issue. To disable all process restrictions, compile using the "null" sandbox: RESTRICT_PROCESS=null make # OPTIONS -u, --username *JID* : XMPP username: takes precedence over environment variable -p, --password *password* : XMPP password: takes precedence over environment variable -r, --resource *resource* : XMPP resource, used as the nickname in the MUC -S, --subject *subject* : XMPP MUC subject -a, --address *address[:port]* : Specify the IP address and port of the XMPP server -F, --format *text:csv* : stdin is text (default) or colon separated values -d, --discard : Discard stdin when MUC is empty -D, --discard-to-stdout : Discard stdin and print to local stdout -e, --ignore-eof : Ignore stdin EOF -s, --exit-when-empty : Exit when MUC is empty -x, --base64 : Base64 encode/decode data -b, --buffer-size *size* : Size of read buffer -I, --interval *interval* : Request stream management status every interval messages -k, --keepalive *seconds* : Periodically send a keepalive -K, --keepalive-failures *count* : Number of keepalive failures before exiting -P, --poll-delay *ms* : Poll delay -v, --verbose : Increase verbosity -V, --version : Display version --chat : Use one to one chat --no-tls-verify : Disable TLS certificate verification # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES XMPPIPE_USERNAME : XMPP jid XMPPIPE_PASSWORD : XMPP password # DECODING PERCENT-ENCODED STRINGS Using bash: ~~~ shell decode() { printf '%b' "${1//%/\\x}" } ~~~ # EXAMPLES ## Shell Bot An interactive XMPP bot written in the shell: ~~~ shell #!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail trap cleanup EXIT TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) in="$TMPDIR/stdin" out="$TMPDIR/stdout" mkfifo "$in" mkfifo "$out" cleanup() { rm -rf "$TMPDIR" } decode() { printf '%b' "${1//%/\\x}" } bot() { while IFS=: read -r stanza type from to body; do case "$stanza" in m) ;; p) decode "$stanza:$type:$from:$to" 1>&2 echo 1>&2 continue ;; *) continue ;; esac USER="$(decode "${from#*/}")" MSG="$(decode "${body}")" case $MSG in *"has set the subject to:"*) ;; "sudo make me a sandwich") echo "$USER: you're a sandwich" ;; sudo*) echo "I'm sorry, $USER. I'm afraid I can't do that." ;; uptime) uptime ;; exit) echo "exiting ..." exit 0 ;; *) echo "$MSG" ;; esac done <"$out" } bot >"$in" & xmppipe "$@" <"$in" >"$out" ~~~ ## Sending Notifications/Alerts Start `xmppipe` attached to a pipe: ~~~ shell mkfifo /tmp/xmpp xmppipe -o groupchat <>/tmp/xmpp ~~~ Any data written to the pipe will be sent to the groupchat: ~~~ shell echo "test" >/tmp/xmpp df -h >/tmp/xmpp git diff >/tmp/xmpp ~~~ ## SSH over XMPP See [examples/ssh-over-xmpp](https://github.com/msantos/xmppipe/blob/master/examples/ssh-over-xmpp): ~~~ shell # Server: has access to the destination SSH server # ssh-over-xmpp server ssh-over-xmpp server sshxmpp 22 ## Client: has access to the XMPP server ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh-over-xmpp client sshxmpp" ~~~ ## Stream Events from Riemann This example will stream events from a query to an XMPP MUC using [Riemann's](https://github.com/riemann/riemann) SSE interface. The events are written to a named pipe to avoid buffering. ~~~ shell mkfifo riemann curl -s --get --data subscribe=true \ --data-urlencode 'query=(service ~= "^example")' \ http://example.com:80/index riemann & xmppipe --verbose --verbose \ --discard --subject "riemann events" muc /dev/null 2>"$TMPDIR/stderr" & script -q -f "$FIFO" ~~~ * viewers ~~~ shell #!/bin/bash decode() { printf '%b' "${1//%/\\x}" } stty cols 80 rows 24 xmppipe --resource viewer --base64 console | while IFS=: read -r x s f t m; do [ "$m" = "m" ] && decode "$m" done ~~~ ## Image Upload Upload an image using HTTP Upload (XEP-0363) then display it inline. See [examples/image-upload](https://github.com/msantos/xmppipe/blob/master/examples/image-upload): ~~~ image-upload -o groupchat ~~~ ~~~ # file must be in the same working directory as image-upload echo "upload::::example.png" >/tmp/image_upload/stdin ~~~ # FORMAT Each message is terminated by a new line. Message fields are separated by ":" and percent encoded. Colon separated values are accepted as input if the input format type is set to csv (`--format=csv`). ## Presence p::: Input/Output: Both Example: p:available:test@muc.example.com/xmppipe:occupant@example.com/1234 ## Message m:::: Input/Output: Both Example: m:groupchat:test@muc.example.com/mobile:user1@example.com/1234:Hello m:chat:user1@example.com/mobile:user2@example.com:Message%20goes%20here ## Inline Image Inline images will add a hint so clients (notably [Conversations](https://github.com/iNPUTmice/Conversations)) will display the image instead of a URL. * type, from and to are optional * message body: the percent escaped URL I:::: Input/Output: Input only Example: I::::https%3A%2F%2Fhttpstatusdogs.com%2Fimg%2F500.jpg ## XEP-0363: HTTP Upload HTTP uploads create an upload slot. The XMPP server will respond with `get` and `put` URLs. The `put` URL can be used to upload the file using, e.g., `curl`. The `get` URL is used by clients for downloading the file. Note: xmppipe creates the upload slot. Another utility, such as curl, can be used to upload the file. The input format is: * type, from and to are optional * message body: percent escaped, pipe separated value * filename * size * optional: MIME type u::::|[|] The output format is: * type, from and to are optional * message body: percent escaped, pipe separated value * get URL * put URL U::::| Example: # $ stat --format="%s" example.png # 16698 u::::example.png%7C16698 # also specify content type u::::example.png%7C16698%7Cimage%2Fpng # server response: slot created U:groupchat:upload.example.com:user@example.com/123:https%3A//example.com/upload/0b9da82fea20a78778cbeddeab0472286cc35ed1/xyEaWFVZv3sv5ay9AGH5qBU02gglZRyUeGbjQg3k/example.png%7chttps%3A//example.com/upload/0b9da82fea20a78778cbeddeab0472286cc35ed1/xyEaWFVZv3sv5ay9AGH5qBU02gglZRyUeGbjQg3k/example.png # to upload the file curl https://example.com/upload/0b9da82fea20a78778cbeddeab0472286cc35ed1/xyEaWFVZv3sv5ay9AGH5qBU02gglZRyUeGbjQg3k/example.png --upload-file example.png # COMPATIBILITY Testing is done with ejabberd. Also confirmed to work with: * ejabberd ([creep.im](https://compliance.conversations.im/server/creep.im/)) * prosody ([dismail.de](https://compliance.conversations.im/server/dismail.de/)) * openfire ([jab.im](https://compliance.conversations.im/server/jab.im/)) * tigase ([tigase.im](https://compliance.conversations.im/server/tigase.im/)) * mongooseim # LICENSE Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Michael Santos Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # TODO * support [XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html) * support alternative input modes * "raw" mode: XML input/output * HTTP Upload * support PUT header elements * handle error conditions