# wuzz Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection Wuzz command line arguments are similar to cURL's arguments, so it can be used to inspect/modify requests copied from the browser's network inspector with the "copy as cURL" feature. ![wuzz screencast](docs/images/screencast.gif) ## Installation and usage ``` $ go get github.com/asciimoo/wuzz $ "$GOPATH/bin/wuzz" --help ``` Note: golang >= 1.7 required. [Binary releases](https://github.com/asciimoo/wuzz/releases) are also available. ### Configuration It is possible to override default settings in a configuration file. The default location is `"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wuzz/config.toml"`on linux and `~/.wuzz/config.toml` on other platforms. `-c`/`--config` switches can be used to load config file from custom location. See [example configuration](sample-config.toml) for more details. ### Commands Keybinding | Description ----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------- F1 | Display help Ctrl+R | Send request Ret | Send request (only from URL view) Ctrl+S | Save response Ctrl+E | Save request Ctrl+F | Load request Ctrl+C | Quit Ctrl+K, Shift+Tab | Previous view Ctlr+J, Tab | Next view Ctlr+T | Toggle context specific search Alt+H | Toggle history Down | Move down one view line Up | Move up one view line Page down | Move down one view page Page up | Move up one view page F2 | Jump to URL F3 | Jump to query parameters F4 | Jump to HTTP method F5 | Jump to request body F6 | Jump to headers F7 | Jump to search F8 | Jump to response headers F9 | Jump to response body ### Context specific search Wuzz accepts regular expressions by default to filter response body. Custom query syntax can be toggled by pressing Ctrl+T. The following formats have context specific search syntax: Response format | Query syntax -----------------|---------------------------------------- HTML | https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery JSON | https://github.com/tidwall/gjson ## TODO * Better navigation * Autocompletion * Tests ## Bugs Bugs or suggestions? Visit the [issue tracker](https://github.com/asciimoo/wuzz/issues) or join `#wuzz` on freenode