# The Missing Wireguard Documentation
API reference guide for Wireguard including Setup, Configuration, and Usage, with examples.
All credit goes to the WireGuard project, [zx2c4](https://www.zx2c4.com/), [Edge Security](https://www.edgesecurity.com/), and the [open source contributors](https://github.com/WireGuard/WireGuard/graphs/contributors) for the original software,
this is my solo unofficial attempt at providing more comprehensive documentation, API references, and examples.
Source for these docs, example code, and issue tracker: https://github.com/pirate/wireguard-docs
Nicer HTML page version: https://docs.sweeting.me/s/wireguard
[WireGuard](https://www.wireguard.com/) is a BETA/WIP open-source VPN solution written in C by [Jason Donenfeld](https://www.jasondonenfeld.com) and [others](https://github.com/WireGuard/WireGuard/graphs/contributors), aiming to fix many of the problems that have plagued other modern server-to-server VPN offerings like IPSec/IKEv2, OpenVPN, or L2TP. It shares some similarities with other modern VPN offerings like [Tinc](https://www.tinc-vpn.org/) and [MeshBird](https://github.com/meshbird/meshbird), namely good cipher suites and minimal config.
This is my attempt at writing "The Missing Wireguard Documentation" to make up for the somewhat sparse offical docs on an otherwise great piece of software.
**Official Links**
- Homepage: https://www.wireguard.com
- Install: https://www.wireguard.com/install/
- QuickStart: https://www.wireguard.com/quickstart/
- Main Git repo: https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/
- Github Mirror: https://github.com/WireGuard/WireGuard
- Mailing List: https://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/wireguard
**WireGuard Goals**
- strong, modern security by default
- minimal config and key management
- fast, both low-latency and high-bandwidth
- simple internals and small protocol surface area
- simple CLI and seamless integration with system networking