mirror of https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam synced 2024-11-10 13:10:27 +00:00
2014-07-11 20:44:39 +02:00

1529 lines
62 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# dumpgenerator.py A generator of dumps for wikis
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 WikiTeam developers
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# To learn more, read the documentation:
# https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam/wiki
import cookielib
import cPickle
import datetime
import sys
import argparse
except ImportError:
print "Please install the argparse module."
import json
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError: # Python 2.4 compatibility
from md5 import new as md5
import os
import re
import requests
except ImportError:
print "Please install or update the Requests module."
import time
import urllib
__VERSION__ = '0.3.0-alpha' # major, minor, micro: semver.org
def getVersion():
def truncateFilename(other={}, filename=''):
""" Truncate filenames when downloading images with large filenames """
return filename[:other['filenamelimit']] + md5(filename).hexdigest() + '.' + filename.split('.')[-1]
def delay(config={}, session=None):
""" Add a delay if configured for that """
if config['delay'] > 0:
print 'Sleeping... %d seconds...' % (config['delay'])
def cleanHTML(raw=''):
""" Extract only the real wiki content and remove rubbish """
""" This function is ONLY used to retrieve page titles and file names when no API is available """
""" DO NOT use this function to extract page content """
# different "tags" used by different MediaWiki versions to mark where
# starts and ends content
if re.search('<!-- bodytext -->', raw):
raw = raw.split('<!-- bodytext -->')[1].split('<!-- /bodytext -->')[0]
elif re.search('<!-- start content -->', raw):
raw = raw.split(
'<!-- start content -->')[1].split('<!-- end content -->')[0]
elif re.search('<!-- Begin Content Area -->', raw):
raw = raw.split(
'<!-- Begin Content Area -->')[1].split('<!-- End Content Area -->')[0]
elif re.search('<!-- content -->', raw):
raw = raw.split('<!-- content -->')[1].split('<!-- mw_content -->')[0]
elif re.search('<article id="WikiaMainContent" class="WikiaMainContent">', raw):
raw = raw.split('<article id="WikiaMainContent" class="WikiaMainContent">')[1].split('</article>')[0]
elif re.search('<body class=', raw):
raw = raw.split('<body class=')[1].split('<div class="printfooter">')[0]
print raw[:250]
print 'This wiki doesn\'t use marks to split content'
return raw
def handleStatusCode(response):
statuscode = response.status_code
if statuscode >= 200 and statuscode < 300:
print "HTTP Error %d." % statuscode
if statuscode >= 300 and statuscode < 400:
print "Redirect should happen automatically: please report this as a bug."
print response.url
elif statuscode == 400:
print "Bad Request: The wiki may be malfunctioning."
print "Please try again later."
print response.url
elif statuscode == 401 or statuscode == 403:
print "Authentication required."
print "Please use --userpass."
print response.url
elif statuscode == 404:
print "Not found. Is Special:Export enabled for this wiki?"
print response.url
elif statuscode == 429 or (statuscode >= 500 and statuscode < 600):
print "Server error, max retries exceeded."
print "Please resume the dump later."
print response.url
def getNamespacesScraper(config={}, session=None):
""" Hackishly gets the list of namespaces names and ids from the dropdown in the HTML of Special:AllPages """
""" Function called if no API is available """
namespaces = config['namespaces']
namespacenames = {0: ''} # main is 0, no prefix
if namespaces:
r = session.post(
url=config['index'], data={'title': 'Special:Allpages'})
raw = r.text
delay(config=config, session=session)
# [^>]*? to include selected="selected"
m = re.compile(
r'<option [^>]*?value="(?P<namespaceid>\d+)"[^>]*?>(?P<namespacename>[^<]+)</option>').finditer(raw)
if 'all' in namespaces:
namespaces = []
for i in m:
namespacenames[int(i.group("namespaceid"))] = i.group(
# check if those namespaces really exist in this wiki
namespaces2 = []
for i in m:
if int(i.group("namespaceid")) in namespaces:
namespacenames[int(i.group("namespaceid"))] = i.group(
namespaces = namespaces2
namespaces = [0]
namespaces = list(set(namespaces)) # uniques
print '%d namespaces found' % (len(namespaces))
return namespaces, namespacenames
def getNamespacesAPI(config={}, session=None):
""" Uses the API to get the list of namespaces names and ids """
namespaces = config['namespaces']
namespacenames = {0: ''} # main is 0, no prefix
if namespaces:
r = session.post(url=config['api'], data={
'action': 'query', 'meta': 'siteinfo', 'siprop': 'namespaces', 'format': 'json'})
result = json.loads(r.text)
delay(config=config, session=session)
if 'all' in namespaces:
namespaces = []
for i in result['query']['namespaces'].keys():
if int(i) < 0: # -1: Special, -2: Media, excluding
namespacenames[int(i)] = result['query']['namespaces'][i]['*']
# check if those namespaces really exist in this wiki
namespaces2 = []
for i in result['query']['namespaces'].keys():
if int(i) < 0: # -1: Special, -2: Media, excluding
if int(i) in namespaces:
namespacenames[int(i)] = result['query']['namespaces'][i]['*']
namespaces = namespaces2
namespaces = [0]
namespaces = list(set(namespaces)) # uniques
print '%d namespaces found' % (len(namespaces))
return namespaces, namespacenames
def getPageTitlesAPI(config={}, session=None):
""" Uses the API to get the list of page titles """
titles = []
namespaces, namespacenames = getNamespacesAPI(
config=config, session=session)
for namespace in namespaces:
if namespace in config['exnamespaces']:
print ' Skipping namespace = %d' % (namespace)
c = 0
print ' Retrieving titles in the namespace %d' % (namespace)
apfrom = '!'
while apfrom:
sys.stderr.write('.') # progress
params = {'action': 'query', 'list': 'allpages', 'apnamespace': namespace,
'apfrom': apfrom.encode('utf-8'), 'format': 'json', 'aplimit': 500}
r = session.post(url=config['api'], data=params)
# FIXME Handle HTTP errors here!
jsontitles = json.loads(r.text)
apfrom = ''
if 'query-continue' in jsontitles and 'allpages' in jsontitles['query-continue']:
if 'apcontinue' in jsontitles['query-continue']['allpages']:
apfrom = jsontitles['query-continue']['allpages']['apcontinue']
elif 'apfrom' in jsontitles['query-continue']['allpages']:
apfrom = jsontitles['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom']
# print apfrom
# print jsontitles
titles += [page['title']
for page in jsontitles['query']['allpages']]
if len(titles) != len(set(titles)):
# probably we are in a loop, server returning dupe titles, stop
# it
print 'Probably a loop, finishing'
titles = list(set(titles))
apfrom = ''
c += len(jsontitles['query']['allpages'])
delay(config=config, session=session)
print ' %d titles retrieved in the namespace %d' % (c, namespace)
return titles
def getPageTitlesScraper(config={}, session=None):
""" """
titles = []
namespaces, namespacenames = getNamespacesScraper(
config=config, session=session)
for namespace in namespaces:
print ' Retrieving titles in the namespace', namespace
url = '%s?title=Special:Allpages&namespace=%s' % (
config['index'], namespace)
r = session.get(url=url)
raw = r.text
raw = cleanHTML(raw)
r_title = r'title="(?P<title>[^>]+)">'
r_suballpages = ''
r_suballpages1 = r'&amp;from=(?P<from>[^>]+)&amp;to=(?P<to>[^>]+)">'
r_suballpages2 = r'Special:Allpages/(?P<from>[^>]+)">'
if re.search(r_suballpages1, raw):
r_suballpages = r_suballpages1
elif re.search(r_suballpages2, raw):
r_suballpages = r_suballpages2
pass # perhaps no subpages
# 3 is the current deep of English Wikipedia for Special:Allpages, 3
# levels
deep = 3
c = 0
checked_suballpages = []
rawacum = raw
while r_suballpages and re.search(r_suballpages, raw) and c < deep:
# load sub-Allpages
m = re.compile(r_suballpages).finditer(raw)
for i in m:
fr = i.group('from')
if r_suballpages == r_suballpages1:
to = i.group('to')
name = '%s-%s' % (fr, to)
url = '%s?title=Special:Allpages&namespace=%s&from=%s&to=%s' % (
config['index'], namespace, fr, to) # do not put urllib.quote in fr or to
# fix, esta regexp no carga bien todas? o falla el r_title en
# este tipo de subpag? (wikiindex)
elif r_suballpages == r_suballpages2:
# clean &amp;namespace=\d, sometimes happens
fr = fr.split('&amp;namespace=')[0]
name = fr
url = '%s?title=Special:Allpages/%s&namespace=%s' % (
config['index'], name, namespace)
if name not in checked_suballpages:
# to avoid reload dupe subpages links
delay(config=config, session=session)
r2 = session.get(url=url)
raw2 = r2.text
raw2 = cleanHTML(raw2)
rawacum += raw2 # merge it after removed junk
print ' Reading', name, len(raw2), 'bytes', len(re.findall(r_suballpages, raw2)), 'subpages', len(re.findall(r_title, raw2)), 'pages'
delay(config=config, session=session)
c += 1
c = 0
m = re.compile(r_title).finditer(rawacum)
for i in m:
t = undoHTMLEntities(text=i.group('title'))
if not t.startswith('Special:'):
if t not in titles:
c += 1
print ' %d titles retrieved in the namespace %d' % (c, namespace)
return titles
def getPageTitles(config={}, session=None):
""" Get list of page titles """
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AllPages
# http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages
# http://www.wikanda.es/wiki/Especial:Todas
print 'Loading page titles from namespaces = %s' % (config['namespaces'] and ','.join([str(i) for i in config['namespaces']]) or 'None')
print 'Excluding titles from namespaces = %s' % (config['exnamespaces'] and ','.join([str(i) for i in config['exnamespaces']]) or 'None')
titles = []
if 'api' in config and config['api']:
titles = getPageTitlesAPI(config=config, session=session)
elif 'index' in config and config['index']:
titles = getPageTitlesScraper(config=config, session=session)
# removing dupes (e.g. in CZ appears Widget:AddThis two times (main
# namespace and widget namespace))
titles = list(set(titles))
print '%d page titles loaded' % (len(titles))
return titles
def getImageNames(config={}, session=None):
""" Get list of image names """
print 'Retrieving image filenames'
images = []
if 'api' in config and config['api']:
images = getImageNamesAPI(config=config, session=session)
elif 'index' in config and config['index']:
images = getImageNamesScraper(config=config, session=session)
#images = list(set(images)) # it is a list of lists
print '%d image names loaded' % (len(images))
return images
def getXMLHeader(config={}, session=None):
""" Retrieve a random page to extract XML headers (namespace info, etc) """
# get the header of a random page, to attach it in the complete XML backup
# similar to: <mediawiki xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.3/"
# xmlns:x....
randomtitle = 'Main_Page' # previously AMF5LKE43MNFGHKSDMRTJ
xml = getXMLPage(
config=config, title=randomtitle, verbose=False, session=session)
header = xml.split('</mediawiki>')[0]
if not xml:
print 'XML export on this wiki is broken, quitting.'
return header
def getXMLFileDesc(config={}, title='', session=None):
""" Get XML for image description page """
config['curonly'] = 1 # tricky to get only the most recent desc
return getXMLPage(config=config, title=title, verbose=False, session=session)
def getUserAgent():
""" Return a cool user-agent to hide Python user-agent """
useragents = [
# firefox
'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0',
'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0',
return useragents[0]
def logerror(config={}, text=''):
""" Log error in file """
if text:
with open('%s/errors.log' % (config['path']), 'a') as outfile:
output = u'%s: %s\n' % (
datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), text)
def getXMLPageCore(headers={}, params={}, config={}, session=None):
""" """
# returns a XML containing params['limit'] revisions (or current only), ending in </mediawiki>
# if retrieving params['limit'] revisions fails, returns a current only version
# if all fail, returns the empty string
xml = ''
c = 0
maxseconds = 100 # max seconds to wait in a single sleeping
maxretries = 5 # x retries and skip
increment = 20 # increment every retry
while not re.search(r'</mediawiki>', xml):
if c > 0 and c < maxretries:
wait = increment * c < maxseconds and increment * \
c or maxseconds # incremental until maxseconds
print ' XML for "%s" is wrong. Waiting %d seconds and reloading...' % (params['pages'], wait)
# reducing server load requesting smallest chunks (if curonly then
# limit = 1 from mother function)
if params['limit'] > 1:
params['limit'] = params['limit'] / 2 # half
if c >= maxretries:
print ' We have retried %d times' % (c)
print ' MediaWiki error for "%s", network error or whatever...' % (params['pages'])
# If it's not already what we tried: our last chance, preserve only the last revision...
# config['curonly'] means that the whole dump is configured to save nonly the last
# params['curonly'] should mean that we've already tried this
# fallback, because it's set by the following if and passed to
# getXMLPageCore
if not config['curonly']:
print ' Trying to save only the last revision for this page...'
params['curonly'] = 1
logerror(config=config, text='Error while retrieving the full history of "%s". Trying to save only the last revision for this page' % (
return getXMLPageCore(headers=headers, params=params, config=config, session=session)
print ' Saving in the errors log, and skipping...'
logerror(config=config, text='Error while retrieving the last revision of "%s". Skipping.' % (
return '' # empty xml
r = session.post(url=config['index'], data=params, headers=headers)
xml = r.text
c += 1
return xml
def getXMLPage(config={}, title='', verbose=True, session=None):
""" Get the full history (or current only) of a page """
# if server errors occurs while retrieving the full page history, it may return [oldest OK versions] + last version, excluding middle revisions, so it would be partialy truncated
# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Parameters_to_Special:Export#Parameters_no_longer_in_use.3F
limit = 1000
truncated = False
title_ = title
title_ = re.sub(' ', '_', title_)
# do not convert & into %26, title_ = re.sub('&', '%26', title_)
params = {'title': 'Special:Export', 'pages': title_, 'action': 'submit'}
if config['curonly']:
params['curonly'] = 1
params['limit'] = 1
params['offset'] = '1' # 1 always < 2000s
params['limit'] = limit
# in other case, do not set params['templates']
if 'templates' in config and config['templates']:
params['templates'] = 1
xml = getXMLPageCore(params=params, config=config, session=session)
# if complete history, check if this page history has > limit edits, if so, retrieve all using offset if available
# else, warning about Special:Export truncating large page histories
r_timestamp = r'<timestamp>([^<]+)</timestamp>'
# search for timestamps in xml to avoid analysing empty pages like
# Special:Allpages and the random one
if not config['curonly'] and re.search(r_timestamp, xml):
while not truncated and params['offset']: # next chunk
# get the last timestamp from the acum XML
params['offset'] = re.findall(r_timestamp, xml)[-1]
xml2 = getXMLPageCore(
params=params, config=config, session=session)
# are there more edits in this next XML chunk or no <page></page>?
if re.findall(r_timestamp, xml2):
if re.findall(r_timestamp, xml2)[-1] == params['offset']:
# again the same XML, this wiki does not support params in
# Special:Export, offer complete XML up to X edits (usually
# 1000)
print 'ATTENTION: This wiki does not allow some parameters in Special:Export, therefore pages with large histories may be truncated'
truncated = True
""" </namespaces>
<title>Main Page</title>
<restrictions>edit=sysop:move=sysop</restrictions> (?)
# offset is OK in this wiki, merge with the previous chunk
# of this page history and continue
xml = xml.split(
'</page>')[0] + ' <revision>' + ('<revision>'.join(xml2.split('<revision>')[1:]))
params['offset'] = '' # no more edits in this page history
if verbose:
numberofedits = len(re.findall(r_timestamp, xml))
if (numberofedits == 1):
print ' %s, 1 edit' % (title)
print ' %s, %d edits' % (title, numberofedits)
return xml
def cleanXML(xml=''):
""" Trim redundant info """
# do not touch XML codification, leave AS IS
if re.search(r'</siteinfo>\n', xml) and re.search(r'</mediawiki>', xml):
xml = xml.split('</siteinfo>\n')[1]
xml = xml.split('</mediawiki>')[0]
return xml
def generateXMLDump(config={}, titles=[], start='', session=None):
""" Generates a XML dump for a list of titles """
print 'Retrieving the XML for every page from "%s"' % (start and start or 'start')
header = getXMLHeader(config=config, session=session)
footer = '</mediawiki>\n' # new line at the end
xmlfilename = '%s-%s-%s.xml' % (domain2prefix(config=config),
config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history')
xmlfile = ''
lock = True
if start:
# remove the last chunk of xml dump (it is probably incomplete)
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'r')
xmlfile2 = open('%s/%s2' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'w')
prev = ''
c = 0
for l in xmlfile:
# removing <page>\n until end of file
# lock to avoid write an empty line at the begining of file
if c != 0:
if not re.search(r'<title>%s</title>' % (start), l):
c += 1
prev = l
# subst xml with xml2
# remove previous xml dump
os.remove('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename))
# move correctly truncated dump to its real name
'%s/%s2' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), '%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename))
# requested complete xml dump
lock = False
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'w')
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'a')
c = 1
for title in titles:
if not title.strip():
if title == start: # start downloading from start, included
lock = False
if lock:
delay(config=config, session=session)
if c % 10 == 0:
print 'Downloaded %d pages' % (c)
xml = getXMLPage(config=config, title=title, session=session)
xml = cleanXML(xml=xml)
if not xml:
config=config, text=u'The page "%s" was missing in the wiki (probably deleted)' % (title))
# here, XML is a correct <page> </page> chunk or
# an empty string due to a deleted page (logged in errors log) or
# an empty string due to an error while retrieving the page from server
# (logged in errors log)
c += 1
print 'XML dump saved at...', xmlfilename
def saveTitles(config={}, titles=[]):
""" Save title list in a file """
titlesfilename = '%s-%s-titles.txt' % (
domain2prefix(config=config), config['date'])
titlesfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], titlesfilename), 'w')
output = u"%s\n--END--" % ('\n'.join(titles))
print 'Titles saved at...', titlesfilename
def saveImageNames(config={}, images=[], session=None):
""" Save image list in a file, including filename, url and uploader """
imagesfilename = '%s-%s-images.txt' % (
domain2prefix(config=config), config['date'])
imagesfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], imagesfilename), 'w')
imagesfile.write(('\n'.join(['%s\t%s\t%s' % (
filename, url, uploader) for filename, url, uploader in images]).encode('utf-8')))
print 'Image filenames and URLs saved at...', imagesfilename
def curateImageURL(config={}, url=''):
""" Returns an absolute URL for an image, adding the domain if missing """
if 'index' in config and config['index']:
#remove from :// (http or https) until the first / after domain
domainalone = config['index'].split('://')[0] + '://' + config['index'].split('://')[1].split('/')[0]
elif 'api' in config and config['api']:
domainalone = config['api'].split('://')[0] + '://' + config['api'].split('://')[1].split('/')[0]
print 'ERROR: no index nor API'
if url.startswith('//'): # Orain wikifarm returns URLs starting with //
url = u'%s:%s' % (domainalone.split('://')[0], url)
elif url[0] == '/' or (not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://')): #is it a relative URL?
if url[0] == '/': #slash is added later
url = url[1:]
url = u'%s/%s' % (domainalone, url) # concat http(s) + domain + relative url
url = undoHTMLEntities(text=url)
#url = urllib.unquote(url) #do not use unquote with url, it break some urls with odd chars
url = re.sub(' ', '_', url)
return url
def getImageNamesScraper(config={}, session=None):
""" Retrieve file list: filename, url, uploader """
# (?<! http://docs.python.org/library/re.html
r_next = r'(?<!&amp;dir=prev)&amp;offset=(?P<offset>\d+)&amp;'
images = []
offset = '29990101000000' # january 1, 2999
limit = 5000
retries = 5
while offset:
# 5000 overload some servers, but it is needed for sites like this with
# no next links
# http://www.memoryarchive.org/en/index.php?title=Special:Imagelist&sort=byname&limit=50&wpIlMatch=
r = session.post(url=config['index'], data={
'title': 'Special:Imagelist', 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset})
raw = r.text
delay(config=config, session=session)
# delicate wiki
if re.search(ur'(?i)(allowed memory size of \d+ bytes exhausted|Call to a member function getURL)', raw):
if limit > 10:
print 'Error: listing %d images in a chunk is not possible, trying tiny chunks' % (limit)
limit = limit / 10
elif retries > 0: # waste retries, then exit
retries -= 1
print 'Retrying...'
print 'No more retries, exit...'
raw = cleanHTML(raw)
# archiveteam 1.15.1 <td class="TablePager_col_img_name"><a href="/index.php?title=File:Yahoovideo.jpg" title="File:Yahoovideo.jpg">Yahoovideo.jpg</a> (<a href="/images/2/2b/Yahoovideo.jpg">file</a>)</td>
# wikanda 1.15.5 <td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a
# href="/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Fernandocg&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1"
# class="new" title="Usuario:Fernandocg (página no
# existe)">Fernandocg</a></td>
r_images1 = r'(?im)<td class="TablePager_col_img_name"><a href[^>]+title="[^:>]+:(?P<filename>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+/[^>/]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+</td>\s*<td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a[^>]+>(?P<uploader>[^<]+)</a></td>'
# wikijuegos 1.9.5
# http://softwarelibre.uca.es/wikijuegos/Especial:Imagelist old
# mediawiki version
r_images2 = r'(?im)<td class="TablePager_col_links"><a href[^>]+title="[^:>]+:(?P<filename>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+/[^>/]+)">[^<]+</a></td>\s*<td class="TablePager_col_img_timestamp">[^<]+</td>\s*<td class="TablePager_col_img_name">[^<]+</td>\s*<td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a[^>]+>(?P<uploader>[^<]+)</a></td>'
# gentoowiki 1.18
r_images3 = r'(?im)<td class="TablePager_col_img_name"><a[^>]+title="[^:>]+:(?P<filename>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+</td><td class="TablePager_col_thumb"><a[^>]+><img[^>]+></a></td><td class="TablePager_col_img_size">[^<]+</td><td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a[^>]+>(?P<uploader>[^<]+)</a></td>'
# http://www.memoryarchive.org/en/index.php?title=Special:Imagelist&sort=byname&limit=50&wpIlMatch=
# (<a href="/en/Image:109_0923.JPG" title="Image:109 0923.JPG">desc</a>) <a href="/en/upload/c/cd/109_0923.JPG">109 0923.JPG</a> . . 885,713 bytes . . <a href="/en/User:Bfalconer" title="User:Bfalconer">Bfalconer</a> . . 18:44, 17 November 2005<br />
r_images4 = r'(?im)<a href=[^>]+ title="[^:>]+:(?P<filename>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a[^>]+>(?P<uploader>[^<]+)</a>'
r_images5 = (r'(?im)<td class="TablePager_col_img_name">\s*<a href[^>]*?>(?P<filename>[^>]+)</a>\s*\(<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+)">[^<]*?</a>\s*\)\s*</td>\s*'
'<td class="TablePager_col_thumb">[^\n\r]*?</td>\s*'
'<td class="TablePager_col_img_size">[^<]*?</td>\s*'
'<td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text">\s*(<a href="[^>]*?" title="[^>]*?">)?(?P<uploader>[^<]+?)(</a>)?\s*</td>')
# Select the regexp that returns more results
regexps = [r_images1, r_images2, r_images3, r_images4, r_images5]
count = 0
i = 0
regexp_best = 0
for regexp in regexps:
if len(re.findall(regexp, raw)) > count:
count = len(re.findall(regexp, raw))
regexp_best = i
i += 1
m = re.compile(regexps[regexp_best]).finditer(raw)
# Iter the image results
for i in m:
url = i.group('url')
url = curateImageURL(config=config, url=url)
filename = re.sub('_', ' ', i.group('filename'))
filename = undoHTMLEntities(text=filename)
filename = urllib.unquote(filename)
uploader = re.sub('_', ' ', i.group('uploader'))
uploader = undoHTMLEntities(text=uploader)
uploader = urllib.unquote(uploader)
images.append([filename, url, uploader])
# print filename, url
if re.search(r_next, raw):
offset = re.findall(r_next, raw)[0]
retries += 5 # add more retries if we got a page with offset
offset = ''
if (len(images) == 1):
print ' Found 1 image'
print ' Found %d images' % (len(images))
return images
def getImageNamesAPI(config={}, session=None):
""" Retrieve file list: filename, url, uploader """
oldAPI = False
aifrom = '!'
images = []
while aifrom:
sys.stderr.write('.') # progress
params = {'action': 'query', 'list': 'allimages', 'aiprop':
'url|user', 'aifrom': aifrom, 'format': 'json', 'ailimit': 500}
# FIXME Handle HTTP Errors HERE
r = session.post(url=config['api'], data=params)
jsonimages = json.loads(r.text)
delay(config=config, session=session)
if 'query' in jsonimages:
aifrom = ''
if jsonimages.has_key('query-continue') and jsonimages['query-continue'].has_key('allimages'):
if jsonimages['query-continue']['allimages'].has_key('aicontinue'):
aifrom = jsonimages['query-continue']['allimages']['aicontinue']
elif jsonimages['query-continue']['allimages'].has_key('aifrom'):
aifrom = jsonimages['query-continue']['allimages']['aifrom']
#print aifrom
for image in jsonimages['query']['allimages']:
url = image['url']
url = curateImageURL(config=config, url=url)
# encoding to ascii is needed to work around this horrible bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue8136
filename = unicode(urllib.unquote((re.sub('_', ' ', url.split('/')[-1])).encode('ascii','ignore')), 'utf-8')
uploader = re.sub('_', ' ', image['user'])
images.append([filename, url, uploader])
oldAPI = True
if oldAPI:
gapfrom = '!'
images = []
while gapfrom:
sys.stderr.write('.') #progress
# Some old APIs doesn't have allimages query
# In this case use allpages (in nm=6) as generator for imageinfo
# Example: http://minlingo.wiki-site.com/api.php?action=query&generator=allpages&gapnamespace=6 &gaplimit=500&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=user|url&gapfrom=!
params = {'action': 'query', 'generator': 'allpages', 'gapnamespace': 6, 'gaplimit': 500, 'gapfrom': gapfrom, 'prop': 'imageinfo', 'iiprop': 'user|url', 'format': 'json'}
#FIXME Handle HTTP Errors HERE
r = session.post(url=config['api'], data=params)
jsonimages = json.loads(r.text)
delay(config=config, session=session)
if 'query' in jsonimages:
gapfrom = ''
if jsonimages.has_key('query-continue') and jsonimages['query-continue'].has_key('allpages'):
if jsonimages['query-continue']['allpages'].has_key('gapfrom'):
gapfrom = jsonimages['query-continue']['allpages']['gapfrom']
#print gapfrom
#print jsonimages['query']
for image, props in jsonimages['query']['pages'].items():
url = props['imageinfo'][0]['url']
url = curateImageURL(config=config, url=url)
filename = re.sub('_', ' ', ':'.join(props['title'].split(':')[1:]))
uploader = re.sub('_', ' ', props['imageinfo'][0]['user'])
images.append([filename, url, uploader])
if (len(images) == 1):
print ' Found 1 image'
print ' Found %d images' % (len(images))
return images
def undoHTMLEntities(text=''):
""" Undo some HTML codes """
# i guess only < > & " ' need conversion
# http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_entities.asp
text = re.sub('&lt;', '<', text)
text = re.sub('&gt;', '>', text)
text = re.sub('&amp;', '&', text)
text = re.sub('&quot;', '"', text)
text = re.sub('&#039;', '\'', text)
return text
def generateImageDump(config={}, other={}, images=[], start='', session=None):
""" Save files and descriptions using a file list """
# fix use subdirectories md5
print 'Retrieving images from "%s"' % (start and start or 'start')
imagepath = '%s/images' % (config['path'])
if not os.path.isdir(imagepath):
print 'Creating "%s" directory' % (imagepath)
c = 0
lock = True
if not start:
lock = False
for filename, url, uploader in images:
if filename == start: # start downloading from start (included)
lock = False
if lock:
delay(config=config, session=session)
# saving file
# truncate filename if length > 100 (100 + 32 (md5) = 132 < 143 (crash
# limit). Later .desc is added to filename, so better 100 as max)
filename2 = urllib.unquote(filename)
if len(filename2) > other['filenamelimit']:
# split last . (extension) and then merge
filename2 = truncateFilename(other=other, filename=filename2)
print 'Filename is too long, truncating. Now it is:', filename2
filename3 = u'%s/%s' % (imagepath, filename2)
imagefile = open(filename3, 'wb')
r = requests.get(url=url)
# saving description if any
xmlfiledesc = getXMLFileDesc(config=config, title=u'Image:%s' % (
filename), session=session) # use Image: for backwards compatibility
f = open('%s/%s.desc' % (imagepath, filename2), 'w')
# <text xml:space="preserve" bytes="36">Banner featuring SG1, SGA, SGU teams</text>
if not re.search(r'</mediawiki>', xmlfiledesc):
# failure when retrieving desc? then save it as empty .desc
xmlfiledesc = ''
delay(config=config, session=session)
c += 1
if c % 10 == 0:
print ' Downloaded %d images' % (c)
print 'Downloaded %d images' % (c)
def saveLogs(config={}, session=None):
""" Save Special:Log """
# get all logs from Special:Log
<select name='type'>
<option value="block">Bloqueos de usuarios</option>
<option value="rights">Cambios de perfil de usuario</option>
<option value="protect" selected="selected">Protecciones de páginas</option>
<option value="delete">Registro de borrados</option>
<option value="newusers">Registro de creación de usuarios</option>
<option value="merge">Registro de fusiones</option>
<option value="import">Registro de importaciones</option>
<option value="patrol">Registro de revisiones</option>
<option value="move">Registro de traslados</option>
<option value="upload">Subidas de archivos</option>
<option value="">Todos los registros</option>
delay(config=config, session=session)
def domain2prefix(config={}, session=None):
""" Convert domain name to a valid prefix filename. """
# At this point, both api and index are supposed to be defined
domain = ''
if config['api']:
domain = config['api']
elif config['index']:
domain = config['index']
domain = domain.lower()
domain = re.sub(r'(https?://|www\.|/index\.php|/api\.php)', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'/', '_', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'\.', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', domain)
return domain
def loadConfig(config={}, configfilename=''):
""" Load config file """
with open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename), 'r') as infile:
config = cPickle.load(infile)
print 'There is no config file. we can\'t resume. Start a new dump.'
return config
def saveConfig(config={}, configfilename=''):
""" Save config file """
with open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename), 'w') as outfile:
cPickle.dump(config, outfile)
def welcome():
message = ''
""" Opening message """
message += "#" * 73
message += """
# Welcome to DumpGenerator %s by WikiTeam (GPL v3) #
# More info at: https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam #""" % (getVersion())
message += "\n"
message += "#" * 73
message += "\n"
message += ''
message += "\n"
message += "#" * 73
message += """
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 WikiTeam #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #"""
message += "\n"
message += "#" * 73
message += "\n"
message += ''
return message
def bye():
""" Closing message """
print "---> Congratulations! Your dump is complete <---"
print "If you found any bug, report a new issue here: https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam/issues"
print "If this is a public wiki, please, consider publishing this dump. Do it yourself as explained in https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam/wiki/Tutorial#Publishing_the_dump or contact us at https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam"
print "Good luck! Bye!"
def getParameters(params=[]):
if not params:
params = sys.argv
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
'-v', '--version', action='version', version=getVersion())
'--cookies', metavar="cookies.txt", help="path to a cookies.txt file")
'--delay', metavar=5, default=0, help="adds a delay (in seconds)")
'--retries', metavar=5, default=5, help="Maximum number of retries for ")
'--get-wiki-engine', action='store_true', help="returns the wiki engine")
groupWikiOrAPIOrIndex = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
'wiki', default='', nargs='?', help="URL to wiki")
groupWikiOrAPIOrIndex.add_argument('--api', help="URL to api.php")
groupWikiOrAPIOrIndex.add_argument('--index', help="URL to index.php")
groupXMLOrImages = parser.add_argument_group()
'--xml', action='store_true', help="generates a full history XML dump (--xml --curonly for current revisions only)")
parser.add_argument('--curonly', action='store_true',
help='store only the current version of pages')
'--images', action='store_true', help="generates an image dump")
parser.add_argument('--path', help='path to store wiki dump at')
parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true',
help='resumes previous incomplete dump (requires --path)')
parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', help='')
parser.add_argument('--namespaces', metavar="1,2,3",
help='comma-separated value of namespaces to include (all by default)')
parser.add_argument('--exnamespaces', metavar="1,2,3",
help='comma-separated value of namespaces to exclude')
'--user', help='Username if authentication is required.')
'--pass', dest='password', help='Password if authentication is required.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# print args
# Execute excluding args
if args.get_wiki_engine and args.wiki and (args.wiki.startswith('http://') or args.wiki.startswith('https://')):
print getWikiEngine(url=args.wiki)
# End execute excluding args
# check API URL
if args.api and (not args.api.startswith('http://') and not args.api.startswith('https://')):
print args.api
print 'ERROR: URL to api.php must start with http:// or https://\n'
# check index URL
if args.index and (not args.index.startswith('http://') and not args.index.startswith('https://')):
print 'ERROR: URL to index.php must start with http:// or https://\n'
# check user and pass (one requires both)
if (args.user and not args.password) or (args.password and not args.user):
print 'Both --user and --pass are required for authentication.'
namespaces = ['all']
exnamespaces = []
# Process namespace inclusions
if args.namespaces:
# fix, why - ? and... --namespaces= all with a space works?
if re.search(r'[^\d, \-]', args.namespaces) and args.namespaces.lower() != 'all':
print "Invalid namespace values.\nValid format is integer(s) separated by commas"
ns = re.sub(' ', '', args.namespaces)
if ns.lower() == 'all':
namespaces = ['all']
namespaces = [int(i) for i in ns.split(',')]
# Process namespace exclusions
if args.exnamespaces:
if re.search(r'[^\d, \-]', args.exnamespaces):
print "Invalid namespace values.\nValid format is integer(s) separated by commas"
ns = re.sub(' ', '', args.exnamespaces)
if ns.lower() == 'all':
print 'You cannot exclude all namespaces.'
exnamespaces = [int(i) for i in ns.split(',')]
# --curonly requires --xml
if args.curonly and not args.xml:
print "--curonly requires --xml\n"
# user chose --api, but --index it is necessary for special:export: we
# generate it
if args.api and not args.index:
index = args.api.split('api.php')[0] + 'index.php'
# WARNING: remove index.php here for misconfigured sites like
# editthis.info, or provide --index directly
print 'You didn\'t provide a path for index.php, using ', index
index = args.index
cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
if args.cookies:
print 'Using cookies from %s' % args.cookies
session = requests.Session()
session.cookies = cj
session.headers = {'User-Agent': getUserAgent()}
if args.user and args.password:
session.auth = (args.user, args.password)
# session.mount(args.api.split('/api.php')[0], HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_ret))
config = {
'curonly': args.curonly,
'date': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'),
'api': args.api or '',
'index': index,
'images': args.images,
'logs': False,
'xml': args.xml,
'namespaces': namespaces,
'exnamespaces': exnamespaces,
'path': args.path or '',
'cookies': args.cookies or '',
'delay': args.delay
other = {
'resume': args.resume,
'filenamelimit': 100, # do not change
'force': args.force,
'session': session
if config['api']:
# check api.php
if checkAPI(config['api'], config, session=other['session']):
print 'api.php is OK'
print 'Error in api.php, please, provide a correct path to api.php'
if config['index']:
# check index.php
if checkIndexphp(config['index'], config, session=other['session']):
print 'index.php is OK'
print 'Error in index.php, please, provide a correct path to index.php'
# calculating path, if not defined by user with --path=
if not config['path']:
config['path'] = './%s-%s-wikidump' % (domain2prefix(config=config, session=session), config['date'])
return config, other
def checkAPI(api, config={}, session=None):
""" Checking API availability """
global cj
r = session.post(
url=api, data={'action': 'query', 'meta': 'siteinfo', 'format': 'json'})
resultText = r.text
print 'Checking api.php...', api
if "MediaWiki API is not enabled for this site." in resultText:
return False
result = json.loads(resultText)
delay(config=config, session=session)
if 'query' in result:
return True
return False
def checkIndexphp(indexphp, config={}, session=None):
""" Checking index.php availability """
r = session.post(url=indexphp, data={'title': 'Special:Version'})
raw = r.text
delay(config=config, session=session)
print 'Checking index.php...', indexphp
# Workaround for issue 71
if re.search(r'(Special:Badtitle</a>|class="permissions-errors"|"wgCanonicalSpecialPageName":"Badtitle"|Login Required</h1>)', raw) and not config['cookies']:
print "ERROR: This wiki requires login and we are not authenticated"
return False
if re.search(r'(This wiki is powered by|<h2 id="mw-version-license">|meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki)', raw):
return True
return False
def removeIP(raw=''):
""" Remove IP from HTML comments <!-- --> """
raw = re.sub(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '', raw)
# http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/erx/erx50x/swconfig-routing-vol1/html/ipv6-config5.html
# weird cases as :: are not included
raw = re.sub(
r'(?i)[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}:[\da-f]{0,4}', '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0', raw)
return raw
def checkXMLIntegrity(config={}, titles=[], session=None):
""" Check XML dump integrity, to detect broken XML chunks """
print 'Verifying dump...'
checktitles = 0
checkpageopen = 0
checkpageclose = 0
checkrevisionopen = 0
checkrevisionclose = 0
for line in file('%s/%s-%s-%s.xml' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(config=config, session=session), config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history'), 'r').read().splitlines():
if "<revision>" in line:
checkrevisionopen += 1
elif "</revision>" in line:
checkrevisionclose += 1
elif "<page>" in line:
checkpageopen += 1
elif "</page>" in line:
checkpageclose += 1
elif "<title>" in line:
checktitles += 1
if (checktitles == checkpageopen and checktitles == checkpageclose and checkrevisionopen == checkrevisionclose):
print 'XML dump seems to be corrupted.'
reply = ''
while reply.lower() not in ['yes', 'y', 'no', 'n']:
reply = raw_input('Regenerate a new dump ([yes, y], [no, n])? ')
if reply.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
generateXMLDump(config=config, titles=titles, session=session)
elif reply.lower() in ['no', 'n']:
print 'Not generating a new dump.'
def createNewDump(config={}, other={}):
titles = []
images = []
print 'Trying generating a new dump into a new directory...'
if config['xml']:
titles += getPageTitles(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveTitles(config=config, titles=titles)
generateXMLDump(config=config, titles=titles, session=other['session'])
checkXMLIntegrity(config=config, titles=titles, session=other['session'])
if config['images']:
images += getImageNames(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveImageNames(config=config, images=images, session=other['session'])
generateImageDump(config=config, other=other, images=images, session=other['session'])
if config['logs']:
saveLogs(config=config, session=other['session'])
def resumePreviousDump(config={}, other={}):
titles = []
images = []
print 'Resuming previous dump process...'
if config['xml']:
# load titles
lasttitle = ''
f = open('%s/%s-%s-titles.txt' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(
config=config, session=other['session']), config['date']), 'r')
raw = unicode(f.read(), 'utf-8')
titles = raw.split('\n')
lasttitle = titles[-1]
if not lasttitle: # empty line at EOF ?
lasttitle = titles[-2]
pass # probably file doesnot exists
if lasttitle == '--END--':
# titles list is complete
print 'Title list was completed in the previous session'
print 'Title list is incomplete. Reloading...'
# do not resume, reload, to avoid inconsistences, deleted pages or
# so
titles = getPageTitles(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveTitles(config=config, titles=titles)
# checking xml dump
xmliscomplete = False
lastxmltitle = ''
f = open('%s/%s-%s-%s.xml' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(config=config, session=other[
'session']), config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history'), 'r')
for l in f:
if re.findall('</mediawiki>', l):
# xml dump is complete
xmliscomplete = True
# weird if found more than 1, but maybe
xmltitles = re.findall(r'<title>([^<]+)</title>', l)
if xmltitles:
lastxmltitle = undoHTMLEntities(text=xmltitles[-1])
pass # probably file doesnot exists
# removing --END-- before getXMLs
while titles and titles[-1] in ['', '--END--']:
titles = titles[:-1]
if xmliscomplete:
print 'XML dump was completed in the previous session'
elif lastxmltitle:
# resuming...
print 'Resuming XML dump from "%s"' % (lastxmltitle)
config=config, titles=titles, start=lastxmltitle, session=other['session'])
# corrupt? only has XML header?
print 'XML is corrupt? Regenerating...'
config=config, titles=titles, session=other['session'])
if config['images']:
# load images
lastimage = ''
f = open('%s/%s-%s-images.txt' %
(config['path'], domain2prefix(config=config), config['date']), 'r')
raw = unicode(f.read(), 'utf-8').strip()
lines = raw.split('\n')
for l in lines:
if re.search(r'\t', l):
lastimage = lines[-1]
pass # probably file doesnot exists
if lastimage == u'--END--':
print 'Image list was completed in the previous session'
print 'Image list is incomplete. Reloading...'
# do not resume, reload, to avoid inconsistences, deleted images or
# so
images = getImageNames(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveImageNames(config=config, images=images)
# checking images directory
listdir = []
listdir = os.listdir('%s/images' % (config['path']))
pass # probably directory does not exist
complete = True
lastfilename = ''
lastfilename2 = ''
c = 0
for filename, url, uploader in images:
lastfilename2 = lastfilename
# return always the complete filename, not the truncated
lastfilename = filename
filename2 = filename
if len(filename2) > other['filenamelimit']:
filename2 = truncateFilename(other=other, filename=filename2)
if filename2 not in listdir:
complete = False
c += 1
print '%d images were found in the directory from a previous session' % (c)
if complete:
# image dump is complete
print 'Image dump was completed in the previous session'
# we resume from previous image, which may be corrupted (or missing
# .desc) by the previous session ctrl-c or abort
config=config, other=other, images=images, start=lastfilename2, session=other['session'])
if config['logs']:
# fix
def saveSpecialVersion(config={}, session=None):
""" Save Special:Version as .html, to preserve extensions details """
if os.path.exists('%s/Special:Version.html' % (config['path'])):
print 'Special:Version.html exists, do not overwrite'
print 'Downloading Special:Version with extensions and other related info'
r = session.post(
url=config['index'], data={'title': 'Special:Version'})
raw = r.text
delay(config=config, session=session)
raw = removeIP(raw=raw)
with open('%s/Special:Version.html' % (config['path']), 'w') as outfile:
def saveIndexPHP(config={}, session=None):
""" Save index.php as .html, to preserve license details available at the botom of the page """
if os.path.exists('%s/index.html' % (config['path'])):
print 'index.html exists, do not overwrite'
print 'Downloading index.php (Main Page) as index.html'
r = session.post(url=config['index'], data={})
raw = r.text
delay(config=config, session=session)
raw = removeIP(raw=raw)
with open('%s/index.html' % (config['path']), 'w') as outfile:
def saveSiteInfo(config={}, session=None):
""" Save a file with site info """
if config['api']:
if os.path.exists('%s/siteinfo.json' % (config['path'])):
print 'siteinfo.json exists, do not overwrite'
print 'Downloading site info as siteinfo.json'
r = session.post(url=config['api'], data={
'action': 'query', 'meta': 'siteinfo', 'format': 'json'})
result = json.loads(r.text)
delay(config=config, session=session)
with open('%s/siteinfo.json' % (config['path']), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
def avoidWikimediaProjects(config={}, other={}):
""" Skip Wikimedia projects and redirect to the dumps website """
# notice about wikipedia dumps
if re.findall(r'(?i)(wikipedia|wikisource|wiktionary|wikibooks|wikiversity|wikimedia|wikispecies|wikiquote|wikinews|wikidata|wikivoyage)\.org', config['api'] + config['index']):
print 'Download the dumps from http://dumps.wikimedia.org'
if not other['force']:
print 'Thanks!'
def getWikiEngine(url=''):
""" Returns the wiki engine of a URL, if known """
session = requests.Session()
session.headers = {'User-Agent': getUserAgent()}
r = session.post(url=url)
result = r.text
wikiengine = 'Unknown'
if re.search(ur'(?im)(<meta name="generator" content="DokuWiki)', result):
wikiengine = 'DokuWiki'
elif re.search(ur'(?im)(alt="Powered by MediaWiki"|<meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki)', result):
wikiengine = 'MediaWiki'
elif re.search(ur'(?im)(>MoinMoin Powered</a>)', result):
wikiengine = 'MoinMoin'
return wikiengine
def mwGetAPIAndIndex(config={}, url=''):
""" Returns the MediaWiki API and Index.php """
api = ''
index = ''
session = requests.Session()
session.headers = {'User-Agent': getUserAgent()}
r = session.post(url=url)
result = r.text
m = re.findall(ur'(?im)<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" href="([^>]+?)\?action=rsd" />', result)
if m:
api = m[0]
m = re.findall(ur'<li id="ca-viewsource"><a href="([^\?]+?)\?', result)
if m:
index = m[0]
m = re.findall(ur'<li id="ca-history"><a href="([^\?]+?)\?', result)
if m:
index = m[0]
return api, index
def main(params=[]):
""" Main function """
configfilename = 'config.txt'
config, other = getParameters(params=params)
avoidWikimediaProjects(config=config, other=other)
print welcome()
print 'Analysing %s' % (config['api'] and config['api'] or config['index'])
# creating path or resuming if desired
c = 2
# to avoid concat blabla-2, blabla-2-3, and so on...
originalpath = config['path']
# do not enter if resume is requested from begining
while not other['resume'] and os.path.isdir(config['path']):
print '\nWarning!: "%s" path exists' % (config['path'])
reply = ''
while reply.lower() not in ['yes', 'y', 'no', 'n']:
reply = raw_input('There is a dump in "%s", probably incomplete.\nIf you choose resume, to avoid conflicts, the parameters you have chosen in the current session will be ignored\nand the parameters available in "%s/%s" will be loaded.\nDo you want to resume ([yes, y], [no, n])? ' % (
config['path'], config['path'], configfilename))
if reply.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename)):
print 'No config file found. I can\'t resume. Aborting.'
print 'You have selected: YES'
other['resume'] = True
elif reply.lower() in ['no', 'n']:
print 'You have selected: NO'
other['resume'] = False
config['path'] = '%s-%d' % (originalpath, c)
print 'Trying to use path "%s"...' % (config['path'])
c += 1
if other['resume']:
print 'Loading config file...'
config = loadConfig(config=config, configfilename=configfilename)
saveConfig(config=config, configfilename=configfilename)
if other['resume']:
resumePreviousDump(config=config, other=other)
createNewDump(config=config, other=other)
saveIndexPHP(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveSpecialVersion(config=config, session=other['session'])
saveSiteInfo(config=config, session=other['session'])
if __name__ == "__main__":