mirror of https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam synced 2024-11-04 12:00:28 +00:00
2011-04-08 15:35:40 +00:00

636 lines
27 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 emijrp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import cPickle
import datetime
import getopt
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
# todo:
# curonly and all history (curonly si puede acumular varias peticiones en un solo GET, ara full history pedir cada pagina una a una)
# usar api o parsear html si no está disponible
# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Parameters_to_Special:Export
# threads para bajar más rápido? pedir varias páginas a la vez
# Special:Log? uploads, account creations, etc
# download Special:Version to save whch extension it used
# que guarde el index.php (la portada) como index.html para que se vea la licencia del wiki abajo del todo
# fix use api when available
def delay(config={}):
if config['delay'] > 0:
print 'Sleeping... %d seconds...' % (config['delay'])
def cleanHTML(raw=''):
if re.search('<!-- bodytext -->', raw): #<!-- bodytext --> <!-- /bodytext --> <!-- start content --> <!-- end content -->
raw = raw.split('<!-- bodytext -->')[1].split('<!-- /bodytext -->')[0]
elif re.search('<!-- start content -->', raw):
raw = raw.split('<!-- start content -->')[1].split('<!-- end content -->')[0]
print 'This wiki doesn\'t use marks to split contain'
return raw
def getPageTitles(config={}, start='!'):
#Get page titles parsing Special:Allpages or using API (fix)
print 'Loading page titles from namespaces =', ','.join([str(i) for i in config['namespaces']])
#namespace checks and stuff
#fix get namespaces from a randome Special:Export page, it is better
namespacenames = {0:''} # main is 0, no prefix
namespaces = config['namespaces']
if namespaces:
raw = urllib.urlopen('%s?title=Special:Allpages' % (config['domain'])).read()
m = re.compile(r'<option [^>]*?value="(?P<namespaceid>\d+)"[^>]*?>(?P<namespacename>[^<]+)</option>').finditer(raw) # [^>]*? to include selected="selected"
if 'all' in namespaces:
namespaces = []
for i in m:
namespacenames[int(i.group("namespaceid"))] = i.group("namespacename")
#check if those namespaces really exist in this wiki
namespaces2 = []
for i in m:
if int(i.group("namespaceid")) in namespaces:
namespacenames[int(i.group("namespaceid"))] = i.group("namespacename")
namespaces = namespaces2
namespaces = [0]
#retrieve all titles from Special:Allpages, if the wiki is big, perhaps there are sub-Allpages to explore
namespaces = [i for i in set(namespaces)] #uniques
print '%d namespaces have been found' % (len(namespaces))
titles = []
for namespace in namespaces:
print ' Retrieving titles in the namespace', namespace
url = '%s?title=Special:Allpages&namespace=%s' % (config['domain'], namespace)
raw = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
raw = cleanHTML(raw)
r_title = r'title="(?P<title>[^>]+)">'
r_suballpages = r'&amp;from=(?P<from>[^>]+)&amp;to=(?P<to>[^>]+)">'
deep = 3 # 3 is the current deep of English Wikipedia for Special:Allpages, 3 levels
c = 0
checked_suballpages = []
rawacum = raw
while re.search(r_suballpages, raw) and c < deep:
#load sub-Allpages
m = re.compile(r_suballpages).finditer(raw)
for i in m:
fr = i.group('from')
to = i.group('to')
name = '%s-%s' % (fr, to)
if not name in checked_suballpages:
url = '%s?title=Special:Allpages&namespace=%s&from=%s&to=%s' % (config['domain'], namespace, fr, to) #do not put urllib.quote in fr or to
raw2 = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
raw2 = cleanHTML(raw2)
rawacum += raw2 #merge it after removed junk
print ' Detected sub-Allpages:', name, len(raw2), 'bytes', len(re.findall(r_title, raw2))
c += 1
m = re.compile(r_title).finditer(rawacum)
for i in m:
if not i.group('title').startswith('Special:'):
if not i.group('title') in titles:
print '%d page titles loaded' % (len(titles))
return titles
def getXMLHeader(config={}):
#get the header of a random page, to attach it in the complete XML backup
#similar to: <mediawiki xmlns="http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.3/" xmlns:x....
randomtitle = 'AMF5LKE43MNFGHKSDMRTJ'
xml = getXMLPage(config=config, title=randomtitle)
header = xml.split('</mediawiki>')[0]
return header
def getXMLFileDesc(config={}, title=''):
config['curonly'] = 1 #tricky to get only the most recent desc
return getXMLPage(config=config, title=title)
def getXMLPage(config={}, title=''):
limit = 1000
truncated = False
title_ = re.sub(' ', '_', title)
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/'}
params = {'title': 'Special:Export', 'pages': title_, 'action': 'submit', }
if config['curonly']:
params['curonly'] = 1
params['offset'] = '1'
params['limit'] = limit
data = urllib.urlencode(params)
req = urllib2.Request(url=config['domain'], data=data, headers=headers)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
print 'Sever is slow... Waiting some seconds and retrying...'
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
print 'An error have occurred while retrieving', title
print 'Please, resume the dump, --resume'
xml = f.read()
#if complete history, check if this page history has > limit edits, if so, retrieve all using offset if available
#else, warning about Special:Export truncating large page histories
r_timestamp = r'<timestamp>([^<]+)</timestamp>'
if not config['curonly'] and re.search(r_timestamp, xml): # search for timestamps in xml to avoid analysing empty pages like Special:Allpages and the random one
while not truncated and params['offset']:
params['offset'] = re.findall(r_timestamp, xml)[-1] #get the last timestamp from the acum XML
data = urllib.urlencode(params)
req2 = urllib2.Request(url=config['domain'], data=data, headers=headers)
f2 = urllib2.urlopen(req2)
print 'Sever is slow... Waiting some seconds and retrying...'
f2 = urllib2.urlopen(req2)
print 'An error have occurred while retrieving', title
print 'Please, resume the dump, --resume'
xml2 = f2.read()
if re.findall(r_timestamp, xml2): #are there more edits in this next XML chunk?
if re.findall(r_timestamp, xml2)[-1] == params['offset']:
#again the same XML, this wiki does not support params in Special:Export, offer complete XML up to X edits (usually 1000)
print 'ATTENTION: This wiki does not allow some parameters in Special:Export, so, pages with large histories may be truncated'
truncated = True
#offset is OK in this wiki, merge with the previous chunk of this page history and continue
xml = xml.split('</page>')[0]+xml2.split('<page>\n')[1]
params['offset'] = '' #no more edits in this page history
print title, len(re.findall(r_timestamp, xml)), 'edits'
return xml
def cleanXML(xml=''):
xml = xml.split('</siteinfo>\n')[1]
xml = xml.split('</mediawiki>')[0]
return xml
def generateXMLDump(config={}, titles=[], start=''):
print 'Retrieving the XML for every page from "%s"' % (start and start or 'start')
header = getXMLHeader(config=config)
footer = '</mediawiki>\n' #new line at the end
xmlfilename = '%s-%s-%s.xml' % (domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history')
xmlfile = ''
lock = True
if start:
#remove the last chunk of xml dump (it is probably incomplete)
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'r')
xml = xmlfile.read()
xml = xml.split('<title>%s</title>' % (start))[0]
xml = '\n'.join(xml.split('\n')[:-2]) # [:-1] removing <page>\n tag
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'w')
xmlfile.write('%s\n' % (xml))
#requested complete xml dump
lock = False
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'w')
xmlfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], xmlfilename), 'a')
c = 1
for title in titles:
if title == start: #start downloading from start, included
lock = False
if lock:
if c % 10 == 0:
print ' Downloaded %d pages' % (c)
xml = getXMLPage(config=config, title=title)
xml = cleanXML(xml=xml)
c += 1
print 'XML dump saved at...', xmlfilename
def saveTitles(config={}, titles=[]):
#save titles in a txt for resume if needed
titlesfilename = '%s-%s-titles.txt' % (domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'])
titlesfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], titlesfilename), 'w')
print 'Titles saved at...', titlesfilename
def saveImageFilenamesURL(config={}, images=[]):
#save list of images and their urls
imagesfilename = '%s-%s-images.txt' % (domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'])
imagesfile = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], imagesfilename), 'w')
imagesfile.write('\n'.join(['%s\t%s\t%s' % (filename, url, uploader) for filename, url, uploader in images]))
print 'Image filenames and URLs saved at...', imagesfilename
def getImageFilenamesURL(config={}, start='!'):
#fix start is only available if parsing from API, if not, reload all the list from special:imagelist is mandatory
print 'Retrieving image filenames'
r_next = r'(?<!&amp;dir=prev)&amp;offset=(?P<offset>\d+)&amp;' # (?<! http://docs.python.org/library/re.html
images = []
offset = '29990101000000' #january 1, 2999
while offset:
url = '%s?title=Special:Imagelist&limit=5000&offset=%s' % (config['domain'], offset)
raw = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
raw = cleanHTML(raw)
#archiveteam <td class="TablePager_col_img_name"><a href="/index.php?title=File:Yahoovideo.jpg" title="File:Yahoovideo.jpg">Yahoovideo.jpg</a> (<a href="/images/2/2b/Yahoovideo.jpg">file</a>)</td>
#wikanda <td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a href="/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Fernandocg&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Usuario:Fernandocg (página no existe)">Fernandocg</a></td>
m = re.compile(r'(?im)<td class="TablePager_col_img_name"><a href[^>]+title="[^:>]+:(?P<filename>[^>]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+<a href="(?P<url>[^>]+/[^>/]+)">[^<]+</a>[^<]+</td>\s*<td class="TablePager_col_img_user_text"><a[^>]+>(?P<uploader>[^<]+)</a></td>').finditer(raw)
for i in m:
url = i.group('url')
if url[0] == '/' or not url.startswith('http://'): #relative URL
if url[0] == '/': #it is added later
url = url[1:]
domainalone = config['domain'].split('http://')[1].split('/')[0]
url = 'http://%s/%s' % (domainalone, url)
url = undoHTMLEntities(text=url)
url = urllib.unquote(url)
url = re.sub(' ', '_', url)
filename = re.sub('_', ' ', i.group('filename'))
filename = undoHTMLEntities(text=filename)
filename = urllib.unquote(filename)
uploader = re.sub('_', ' ', i.group('uploader'))
uploader = undoHTMLEntities(text=uploader)
uploader = urllib.unquote(uploader)
images.append([filename, url, uploader])
#print filename, url
if re.search(r_next, raw):
offset = re.findall(r_next, raw)[0]
offset = ''
print ' Found %d images' % (len(images))
return images
def undoHTMLEntities(text=''):
text = re.sub('&lt;', '<', text) # i guess only < > & " need conversion http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_entities.asp
text = re.sub('&gt;', '>', text)
text = re.sub('&amp;', '&', text)
text = re.sub('&quot;', '"', text)
return text
def generateImageDump(config={}, images=[], start=''):
#slurp all the images
#save in a .tar?
#tener en cuenta http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:ImportImages.php
#fix, download .desc ? YEP!
#fix download the upload log too, for uploaders info and date
print 'Retrieving images from "%s"' % (start and start or 'start')
imagepath = '%s/images' % (config['path'])
if os.path.isdir(imagepath):
print 'It exists an images directory for this dump' #fix, resume?
c = 0
lock = True
if not start:
lock = False
for filename, url, uploader in images:
if filename == start: #start downloading from start, included
lock = False
if lock:
#saving file
urllib.urlretrieve(url, '%s/%s' % (imagepath, filename))
#saving description if any
xmlfiledesc = getXMLFileDesc(config=config, title='Image:%s' % (filename))
f = open('%s/%s.desc' % (imagepath, filename), 'w')
if re.search(r'<text xml:space="preserve"/>', xmlfiledesc):
#empty desc
xmlfiledesc = ''
elif re.search(r'<text xml:space="preserve">', xmlfiledesc):
xmlfiledesc = xmlfiledesc.split('<text xml:space="preserve">')[1].split('</text>')[0]
xmlfiledesc = undoHTMLEntities(text=xmlfiledesc)
else: #failure when retrieving desc?
xmlfiledesc = ''
c += 1
if c % 10 == 0:
print ' Downloaded %d images' % (c)
print 'Downloaded %d images' % (c)
def saveLogs(config={}):
#get all logs from Special:Log
<select name='type'>
<option value="block">Bloqueos de usuarios</option>
<option value="rights">Cambios de perfil de usuario</option>
<option value="protect" selected="selected">Protecciones de páginas</option>
<option value="delete">Registro de borrados</option>
<option value="newusers">Registro de creación de usuarios</option>
<option value="merge">Registro de fusiones</option>
<option value="import">Registro de importaciones</option>
<option value="patrol">Registro de revisiones</option>
<option value="move">Registro de traslados</option>
<option value="upload">Subidas de archivos</option>
<option value="">Todos los registros</option>
def domain2prefix(domain=''):
domain = re.sub(r'(http://|www\.|/index\.php)', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'/', '_', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'\.', '', domain)
domain = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', domain)
return domain
def loadConfig(config={}, configfilename=''):
f = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename), 'r')
config = cPickle.load(f)
return config
def saveConfig(config={}, configfilename=''):
f = open('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename), 'w')
cPickle.dump(config, f)
def welcome(config={}):
print "-"*75
print """Welcome to DumpGenerator 0.1 by WikiTeam (GPL v3)
More info at: http://code.google.com/p/wikiteam/"""
print "-"*75
def bye(config={}):
print "Your dump is in %s" % (config['path'])
print "If you found any bug, report a new issue here (Gmail account required): http://code.google.com/p/wikiteam/issues/list"
print "Good luck! Bye!"
def usage():
print "Write a complete help"
def getParameters():
config = {
'curonly': False,
'date': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'),
'domain': '',
'images': False,
'logs': False,
'xml': False,
'namespaces': ['all'],
'path': '',
'threads': 1, #fix not coded yet
'delay': 0,
other = {
'resume': False,
#console params
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["h", "help", "path=", "domain=", "images", "logs", "xml", "curonly", "threads=", "resume", "delay=" ])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help information and exit:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h","--help"):
elif o in ("--path"):
config["path"] = a
while len(config["path"])>0:
if config["path"][-1] == '/': #dará problemas con rutas windows?
config["path"] = config["path"][:-1]
if not config["path"]:
config["path"] = '.'
elif o in ("--domain"):
config["domain"] = a
elif o in ("--images"):
config["images"] = True
elif o in ("--logs"):
config["logs"] = True
elif o in ("--xml"):
config["xml"] = True
elif o in ("--curonly"):
if not config["xml"]:
print "If you select --curonly, you must use --xml too"
config["curonly"] = True
elif o in ("--threads"):
config["threads"] = int(a)
elif o in ("--resume"):
other["resume"] = True
elif o in ("--delay"):
config["delay"] = int(a)
assert False, "unhandled option"
#missing mandatory params
if not config["domain"] or \
not re.search('/index\.php', config['domain']) or \
not (config["xml"] or config["images"] or config["logs"]):
print """Error. You forget mandatory parameters:
--domain: URL to index.php in the wiki (examples: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php or http://archiveteam.org/index.php)
And one of these, or two or three:
--xml: it generates a XML dump. It retrieves full history of pages located in namespace = 0 (articles)
If you want more namespaces, use the parameter --namespaces=0,1,2,3... or --namespaces=all
--images: it generates an image dump
--logs: it generates a log dump
Write --help for help."""
#add http://
if not config['domain'].startswith('http://'):
config['domain'] = 'http://' + config['domain']
#calculating path, if not defined by user with --path=
config['path'] = './%s-%s-wikidump' % (domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'])
return config, other
def main():
configfilename = 'config.txt'
config, other = getParameters()
#notice about wikipedia dumps
if re.findall(r'(wikipedia|wikisource|wiktionary|wikibooks|wikiversity|wikimedia|wikispecies|wikiquote|wikinews)\.org', config['domain']):
print 'DO NOT USE THIS SCRIPT TO DOWNLOAD WIKIMEDIA PROJECTS!\nDownload the dumps from http://download.wikimedia.org\nThanks!'
print 'Analysing %s' % (config['domain'])
#creating path or resuming if desired
c = 2
originalpath = config['path'] # to avoid concat blabla-2, blabla-2-3, and so on...
while not other['resume'] and os.path.isdir(config['path']): #do not enter if resume is request from begining
print '\nWarning!: "%s" path exists' % (config['path'])
reply = raw_input('There is a dump in "%s", probably incomplete.\nIf you choose resume, to avoid conflicts, the parameters you have chosen in the current session will be ignored\nand the parameters available in "%s/%s" will be loaded.\nDo you want to resume ([yes, y], otherwise no)? ' % (config['path'], config['path'], configfilename))
if reply.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s' % (config['path'], configfilename)):
print 'No config file found. I can\'t resume. Aborting.'
print 'You have selected YES'
other['resume'] = True
print 'You have selected NO'
config['path'] = '%s-%d' % (originalpath, c)
print 'Trying "%s"...' % (config['path'])
c += 1
if other['resume']:
print 'Loading config file...'
config = loadConfig(config=config, configfilename=configfilename)
saveConfig(config=config, configfilename=configfilename)
titles = []
images = []
if other['resume']:
print 'Resuming previous dump process...'
if config['xml']:
#load titles
lasttitle = ''
f = open('%s/%s-%s-titles.txt' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date']), 'r')
raw = f.read()
titles = raw.split('\n')
lasttitle = titles[-1]
pass #probably file doesnot exists
if lasttitle == '--END--':
#titles list is complete
print 'Title list was completed in the previous session'
#start = last
#remove complete namespaces and then getPageTitles(config=config, start=start)
#titles += getPageTitles(config=config, start=last)
print 'Title list is incomplete. Resuming...'
#search last
last = 'lastline'
titles = titles[:-1] #removing last one, next line append from start, and start is inclusive
titles += getPageTitles(config=config, start='!') #fix, try resume not reload entirely, change start='!' and develop the feature into getPageTitles()
saveTitles(config=config, titles=titles)
#checking xml dump
f = open('%s/%s-%s-%s.xml' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history'), 'r')
xml = f.read()
if re.findall('</mediawiki>', xml):
#xml dump is complete
print 'XML dump was completed in the previous session'
xmltitles = re.findall(r'<title>([^<]+)</title>', xml)
lastxmltitle = ''
if xmltitles:
lastxmltitle = xmltitles[-1]
generateXMLDump(config=config, titles=titles, start=lastxmltitle)
if config['images']:
#load images
lastimage = ''
f = open('%s/%s-%s-images.txt' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date']), 'r')
raw = f.read()
lines = raw.split('\n')
for l in lines:
if re.search(r'\t', l):
lastimage = lines[-1]
pass #probably file doesnot exists
if lastimage == '--END--':
print 'Image list was completed in the previous session'
print 'Image list is incomplete. Resuming...'
images = images[:-1] #removing last one, next line append from start, and start is inclusive
images += getImageFilenamesURL(config=config, start='!') #fix, develop start when using API, if using special:imagelist ignore start and reload all
saveImageFilenamesURL(config=config, images=images)
#checking images directory
listdir = []
listdir = os.listdir('%s/images' % (config['path']))
pass #probably directory does not exist
complete = True
lastfilename = ''
lastfilename2 = ''
c = 0
for filename, url, uploader in images:
if filename not in listdir:
complete = False
lastfilename2 = lastfilename
lastfilename = filename
c +=1
print '%d images were found in the directory from a previous session' % (c)
lastfilename2 = lastfilename # we resume from previous image, which may be corrupted by the previous session ctrl-c or abort
if complete:
#image dump is complete
print 'Image dump was completed in the previous session'
generateImageDump(config=config, images=images, start=lastfilename)
if config['logs']:
print 'Trying generating a new dump into a new directory...'
if config['xml']:
titles += getPageTitles(config=config, start='!')
saveTitles(config=config, titles=titles)
generateXMLDump(config=config, titles=titles)
if config['images']:
images += getImageFilenamesURL(config=config) #fix add start like above
saveImageFilenamesURL(config=config, images=images)
generateImageDump(config=config, images=images)
if config['logs']:
if __name__ == "__main__":