git-svn-id: 31edc4fc-5e31-b4c4-d58b-c8bc928bcb95

emijrp 13 years ago
parent 0fd85e888c
commit d361c3a31d

@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def getImageFilenamesURL(config={}, start='!'):
domainalone = config['domain'].split('http://')[1].split('/')[0]
url = 'http://%s/%s' % (domainalone, url)
url = undoHTMLEntities(text=url)
url = urllib.unquote(url)
#url = urllib.unquote(url) #do not use unquote with url, it break some urls with odd chars
url = re.sub(' ', '_', url)
filename = re.sub('_', ' ','filename'))
filename = undoHTMLEntities(text=filename)
@ -543,14 +543,8 @@ def main():
#titles list is complete
print 'Title list was completed in the previous session'
#start = last
#remove complete namespaces and then getPageTitles(config=config, start=start)
#titles += getPageTitles(config=config, start=last)
print 'Title list is incomplete. Resuming...'
#search last
last = 'lastline'
titles = titles[:-1] #removing last one, next line append from start, and start is inclusive
titles += getPageTitles(config=config, start='!') #fix, try resume not reload entirely, change start='!' and develop the feature into getPageTitles()
print 'Title list is incomplete. Reloading..' #do not resume, reload, to avoid inconsistences, deleted pages or so
titles = getPageTitles(config=config)
saveTitles(config=config, titles=titles)
#checking xml dump
f = open('%s/%s-%s-%s.xml' % (config['path'], domain2prefix(domain=config['domain']), config['date'], config['curonly'] and 'current' or 'history'), 'r')
@ -583,9 +577,8 @@ def main():
if lastimage == '--END--':
print 'Image list was completed in the previous session'
print 'Image list is incomplete. Resuming...'
images = images[:-1] #removing last one, next line append from start, and start is inclusive
images += getImageFilenamesURL(config=config, start='!') #fix, develop start when using API, if using special:imagelist ignore start and reload all
print 'Image list is incomplete. Reloading...' #do not resume, reload, to avoid inconsistences, deleted images or so
images = getImageFilenamesURL(config=config)
saveImageFilenamesURL(config=config, images=images)
#checking images directory
listdir = []
