Update bug_report.md

Additional formatting and invisible HTML comments
Elsie Hupp 11 months ago committed by Rob Kam
parent 255b05225a
commit 659d6d9f31

@ -7,31 +7,79 @@ assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
<!-- Thank you for helping to improve MediaWiki Scraper! -->
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
<!-- So that we can better address your issue,
please fill out as much of the following as possible. -->
**Steps to reproduce the bug**
The commandline you used, with full URL.
## Describe the Bug
- Stdout: [copy the text from the terminal window]
- The errors.log file, from the dump folder, if there is one.
<!-- A brief but clear summary -->
**Desktop (please complete as much of the following as you're able to):**
- OS and version: [e.g. Kubuntu 23.04, Windows 10, macOS 14]
- File system: [e.g. EXT4, NTFS, APFS]
- Python version: [e.g. Python 3.11.4, Python 3.10]
- Name of the terminal: [e.g. Bash, CMD, Powershell]
- Dumpgenerator version: [-v option]
### Expected Behavior
<!-- What did you expect to happen? -->
### Actual Behavior
<!-- What happened instead? -->
## Command for Reproducing the Bug
<!-- The command string you used, with full URL
(Please copy and paste within the code block below.) -->
## Output
<!-- stdout (the text from the terminal window)
(Please copy and paste within the code block below.) -->
<!-- The errors.log file from the dump folder, if there is one
(Please copy and paste within the code block below.) -->
## Platform Details
<!-- Please complete as much of the following as you're
able to and remove whichever section is inapplicable -->
### Desktop
- OS and version: <!-- e.g. Kubuntu 23.04, Windows 10, macOS 14.2 -->
- File system: <!-- e.g. EXT4, NTFS, APFS -->
- Python version: <!-- `$ python --version` -->
- Command line shell: <!-- `$ $SHELL --version` -->
- `dumpgenerator` version: <!-- `$ dumpgenerator -v` -->
**Smartphone (please complete as much of the following as you're able to):**
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1, Android]
- Python version: [e.g. Python 3.11.4, Python 3.10]
- Name of the terminal: [e.g. Termux, Termius]
- Dumpgenerator version: [-v option]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
### Smartphone or Tablet
- OS: <!-- e.g. iOS 16.1, Android 11 -->
- Python version: <!-- `$ python --version` -->
- Command line shell: <!-- `$ $SHELL --version` -->
- Terminal application used: <!-- e.g. Termux, Termius -->
- `dumpgenerator` version: <!-- `$ dumpgenerator -v` -->
## Additional Context
<!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->
