FROM python:3.11.0a5-alpine as builder RUN apk --update add \ build-base \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt-dev \ openssl-dev \ libffi-dev COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install --prefix /install --no-warn-script-location --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt FROM python:3.11.0a5-alpine RUN apk add --update --no-cache tor curl openrc # libcurl4-openssl-dev RUN apk -U upgrade ARG DOCKER_USER=whoogle ARG DOCKER_USERID=927 ARG config_dir=/config RUN mkdir -p $config_dir RUN chmod a+w $config_dir VOLUME $config_dir ARG username='' ARG password='' ARG proxyuser='' ARG proxypass='' ARG proxytype='' ARG proxyloc='' ARG whoogle_dotenv='' ARG use_https='' ARG whoogle_port=5000 ARG twitter_alt='' ARG youtube_alt='' ARG instagram_alt='' ARG reddit_alt='' ARG medium_alt='' ARG translate_alt='' ARG imgur_alt='' ARG wikipedia_alt='' ENV CONFIG_VOLUME=$config_dir \ WHOOGLE_USER=$username \ WHOOGLE_PASS=$password \ WHOOGLE_PROXY_USER=$proxyuser \ WHOOGLE_PROXY_PASS=$proxypass \ WHOOGLE_PROXY_TYPE=$proxytype \ WHOOGLE_PROXY_LOC=$proxyloc \ WHOOGLE_DOTENV=$whoogle_dotenv \ HTTPS_ONLY=$use_https \ EXPOSE_PORT=$whoogle_port \ WHOOGLE_ALT_TW=$twitter_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_YT=$youtube_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_IG=$instagram_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_RD=$reddit_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_MD=$medium_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_TL=$translate_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_IMG=$imgur_alt \ WHOOGLE_ALT_WIKI=$wikipedia_alt WORKDIR /whoogle COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local COPY misc/tor/torrc /etc/tor/torrc COPY misc/tor/ misc/tor/ COPY app/ app/ COPY run . #COPY whoogle.env . # Create user/group to run as RUN adduser -D -g $DOCKER_USERID -u $DOCKER_USERID $DOCKER_USER # Fix ownership / permissions RUN chown -R ${DOCKER_USER}:${DOCKER_USER} /whoogle /var/lib/tor # Allow writing symlinks to build dir RUN chown $DOCKER_USERID:$DOCKER_USERID app/static/build USER $DOCKER_USER:$DOCKER_USER EXPOSE $EXPOSE_PORT HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s \ CMD curl -f http://localhost:${EXPOSE_PORT}/healthz || exit 1 CMD misc/tor/ & ./run