import argparse import base64 import io import json import pickle import urllib.parse as urlparse import uuid from functools import wraps import waitress from flask import jsonify, make_response, request, redirect, render_template, \ send_file, session, url_for from requests import exceptions from app import app from app.models.config import Config from app.request import Request, TorError from app.utils.bangs import resolve_bang from app.utils.session import generate_user_key, valid_user_session from import * # Load DDG bang json files only on init bang_json = json.load(open(app.config['BANG_FILE'])) def auth_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): auth = request.authorization # Skip if username/password not set whoogle_user = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_USER', '') whoogle_pass = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_PASS', '') if (not whoogle_user or not whoogle_pass) or ( auth and whoogle_user == auth.username and whoogle_pass == auth.password): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return make_response('Not logged in', 401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) return decorated @app.before_request def before_request_func(): g.request_params = ( request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.form ) g.cookies_disabled = False # Generate session values for user if unavailable if not valid_user_session(session): session['config'] = json.load(open(app.config['DEFAULT_CONFIG'])) \ if os.path.exists(app.config['DEFAULT_CONFIG']) else {} session['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) session['key'] = generate_user_key(True) # Flag cookies as possibly disabled in order to prevent against # unnecessary session directory expansion g.cookies_disabled = True # Handle https upgrade if needs_https(request.url): return redirect( request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1), code=308) g.user_config = Config(**session['config']) if not g.user_config.url: g.user_config.url = request.url_root.replace( 'http://', 'https://') if os.getenv('HTTPS_ONLY', False) else request.url_root g.user_request = Request( request.headers.get('User-Agent'), request.url_root, config=g.user_config) g.app_location = g.user_config.url @app.after_request def after_request_func(resp): # Check if address consistently has cookies blocked, # in which case start removing session files after creation. # # Note: This is primarily done to prevent overpopulation of session # directories, since browsers that block cookies will still trigger # Flask's session creation routine with every request. if g.cookies_disabled and request.remote_addr not in app.no_cookie_ips: app.no_cookie_ips.append(request.remote_addr) elif g.cookies_disabled and request.remote_addr in app.no_cookie_ips: session_list = list(session.keys()) for key in session_list: session.pop(key) resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = app.config['CSP'] if os.environ.get('HTTPS_ONLY', False): resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] += 'upgrade-insecure-requests' return resp @app.errorhandler(404) def unknown_page(e): app.logger.warn(e) return redirect(g.app_location) @app.route('/healthz', methods=['GET']) def healthz(): return '' @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) @auth_required def index(): # Reset keys session['key'] = generate_user_key(g.cookies_disabled) # Redirect if an error was raised if 'error_message' in session and session['error_message']: error_message = session['error_message'] session['error_message'] = '' return render_template('error.html', error_message=error_message) return render_template('index.html', languages=app.config['LANGUAGES'], countries=app.config['COUNTRIES'], themes=app.config['THEMES'], translation=app.config['TRANSLATIONS'][ g.user_config.get_localization_lang() ], logo=render_template( 'logo.html', dark=g.user_config.dark), config_disabled=app.config['CONFIG_DISABLE'], config=g.user_config, tor_available=int(os.environ.get('TOR_AVAILABLE')), version_number=app.config['VERSION_NUMBER']) @app.route('/opensearch.xml', methods=['GET']) def opensearch(): opensearch_url = g.app_location if opensearch_url.endswith('/'): opensearch_url = opensearch_url[:-1] # Enforce https for opensearch template if needs_https(opensearch_url): opensearch_url = opensearch_url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) get_only = g.user_config.get_only or 'Chrome' in request.headers.get( 'User-Agent') return render_template( 'opensearch.xml', main_url=opensearch_url, request_type='' if get_only else 'method="post"' ), 200, {'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="opensearch.xml"'} @app.route('/search.html', methods=['GET']) def search_html(): search_url = g.app_location if search_url.endswith('/'): search_url = search_url[:-1] return render_template('search.html', url=search_url) @app.route('/autocomplete', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def autocomplete(): q = g.request_params.get('q') if not q: # FF will occasionally (incorrectly) send the q field without a # mimetype in the format "b'q='" through the field q = str('q=', '') # Search bangs if the query begins with "!", but not "! " (feeling lucky) if q.startswith('!') and len(q) > 1 and not q.startswith('! '): return jsonify([q, [bang_json[_]['suggestion'] for _ in bang_json if _.startswith(q)]]) if not q and not return jsonify({'?': []}) elif q = urlparse.unquote_plus('utf-8').replace('q=', '')) # Return a list of suggestions for the query # # Note: If Tor is enabled, this returns nothing, as the request is # almost always rejected return jsonify([ q, g.user_request.autocomplete(q) if not g.user_config.tor else [] ]) @app.route('/search', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @auth_required def search(): # Update user config if specified in search args g.user_config = g.user_config.from_params(g.request_params) search_util = Search(request, g.user_config, session, cookies_disabled=g.cookies_disabled) query = search_util.new_search_query() bang = resolve_bang(query=query, bangs_dict=bang_json) if bang != '': return redirect(bang) # Redirect to home if invalid/blank search if not query: return redirect('/') # Generate response and number of external elements from the page try: response = search_util.generate_response() except TorError as e: session['error_message'] = e.message + ( "\\n\\nTor config is now disabled!" if e.disable else "") session['config']['tor'] = False if e.disable else session['config'][ 'tor'] return redirect(url_for('.index')) if search_util.feeling_lucky: return redirect(response, code=303) # If the user is attempting to translate a string, determine the correct # string for formatting the url localization_lang = g.user_config.get_localization_lang() translation = app.config['TRANSLATIONS'][localization_lang] translate_to = localization_lang.replace('lang_', '') # Return 503 if temporarily blocked by captcha resp_code = 503 if has_captcha(str(response)) else 200 return render_template( 'display.html', query=urlparse.unquote(query), search_type=search_util.search_type, config=g.user_config, lingva_url=app.config['TRANSLATE_URL'], translation=translation, translate_to=translate_to, translate_str=query.replace( 'translate', '' ).replace( translation['translate'], '' ), is_translation=any( _ in query.lower() for _ in [translation['translate'], 'translate'] ) and not search_util.search_type, # Standard search queries only response=response, version_number=app.config['VERSION_NUMBER'], search_header=(render_template( 'header.html', config=g.user_config, logo=render_template('logo.html', dark=g.user_config.dark), query=urlparse.unquote(query), search_type=search_util.search_type, if 'isch' not in search_util.search_type else '')), resp_code @app.route('/config', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT']) @auth_required def config(): config_disabled = app.config['CONFIG_DISABLE'] if request.method == 'GET': return json.dumps(g.user_config.__dict__) elif request.method == 'PUT' and not config_disabled: if 'name' in request.args: config_pkl = os.path.join( app.config['CONFIG_PATH'], request.args.get('name')) session['config'] = (pickle.load(open(config_pkl, 'rb')) if os.path.exists(config_pkl) else session['config']) return json.dumps(session['config']) else: return json.dumps({}) elif not config_disabled: config_data = request.form.to_dict() if 'url' not in config_data or not config_data['url']: config_data['url'] = g.user_config.url # Save config by name to allow a user to easily load later if 'name' in request.args: pickle.dump( config_data, open(os.path.join( app.config['CONFIG_PATH'], request.args.get('name')), 'wb')) # Overwrite default config if user has cookies disabled if g.cookies_disabled: open(app.config['DEFAULT_CONFIG'], 'w').write( json.dumps(config_data, indent=4)) session['config'] = config_data return redirect(config_data['url']) else: return redirect(url_for('.index'), code=403) @app.route('/url', methods=['GET']) @auth_required def url(): if 'url' in request.args: return redirect(request.args.get('url')) q = request.args.get('q') if len(q) > 0 and 'http' in q: return redirect(q) else: return render_template( 'error.html', error_message='Unable to resolve query: ' + q) @app.route('/imgres') @auth_required def imgres(): return redirect(request.args.get('imgurl')) @app.route('/element') @auth_required def element(): cipher_suite = Fernet(session['key']) src_url = cipher_suite.decrypt(request.args.get('url').encode()).decode() src_type = request.args.get('type') try: file_data = g.user_request.send(base_url=src_url).content tmp_mem = io.BytesIO() tmp_mem.write(file_data) return send_file(tmp_mem, mimetype=src_type) except exceptions.RequestException: pass empty_gif = base64.b64decode( 'R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///////yH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==') return send_file(io.BytesIO(empty_gif), mimetype='image/gif') @app.route('/window') @auth_required def window(): get_body = g.user_request.send(base_url=request.args.get('location')).text get_body = get_body.replace('src="/', 'src="' + request.args.get('location') + '"') get_body = get_body.replace('href="/', 'href="' + request.args.get('location') + '"') results = bsoup(get_body, 'html.parser') for script in results('script'): script.decompose() return render_template('display.html', response=results) def run_app() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Whoogle Search console runner') parser.add_argument( '--port', default=5000, metavar='', help='Specifies a port to run on (default 5000)') parser.add_argument( '--host', default='', metavar='', help='Specifies the host address to use (default') parser.add_argument( '--debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='Activates debug mode for the server (default False)') parser.add_argument( '--https-only', default=False, action='store_true', help='Enforces HTTPS redirects for all requests') parser.add_argument( '--userpass', default='', metavar='', help='Sets a username/password basic auth combo (default None)') parser.add_argument( '--proxyauth', default='', metavar='', help='Sets a username/password for a HTTP/SOCKS proxy (default None)') parser.add_argument( '--proxytype', default='', metavar='', help='Sets a proxy type for all connections (default None)') parser.add_argument( '--proxyloc', default='', metavar='', help='Sets a proxy location for all connections (default None)') args = parser.parse_args() if args.userpass: user_pass = args.userpass.split(':') os.environ['WHOOGLE_USER'] = user_pass[0] os.environ['WHOOGLE_PASS'] = user_pass[1] if args.proxytype and args.proxyloc: if args.proxyauth: proxy_user_pass = args.proxyauth.split(':') os.environ['WHOOGLE_PROXY_USER'] = proxy_user_pass[0] os.environ['WHOOGLE_PROXY_PASS'] = proxy_user_pass[1] os.environ['WHOOGLE_PROXY_TYPE'] = args.proxytype os.environ['WHOOGLE_PROXY_LOC'] = args.proxyloc os.environ['HTTPS_ONLY'] = '1' if args.https_only else '' if args.debug:, port=args.port, debug=args.debug) else: waitress.serve(app, listen="{}:{}".format(, args.port))