import base64 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from flask import Request import hashlib import io import os import re from requests import exceptions, get from urllib.parse import urlparse ddg_favicon_site = '' empty_gif = base64.b64decode( 'R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///////yH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==') placeholder_img = base64.b64decode( 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABkAAAAZCAYAAADE6YVjAAABF0lEQVRIS8XWPw9EMBQA8Eok' \ 'JBKrMFqMBt//GzAYLTZ/VomExPDu6uLiaPteqVynBn0/75W2Vp7nEIYhe6p1XcespmmAd7Is' \ 'M+4URcGiKPogvMMvmIS2eN9MOMKbKWgf54SYgI4vKkTuQKJKSJErkKzUSkQHUs0lilAg7GMh' \ 'ISoIA/hYMiKCKIA2soeowCWEMkfHtUmrXLcyGYYBfN9HF8djiaglWzNZlgVs21YisoAUaEXG' \ 'cQTP86QIFgi7vyLzPIPjOEIEC7ANQv/4aZrAdd0TUtc1i+MYnSsMWjPp+x6CIPgJVlUVS5KE' \ 'DKig/+wnVzM4pnzaGeHd+ENlWbI0TbVLJBtw2uMfP63wc9d2kDCWxi5Q27bsBerSJ9afJbeL' \ 'AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC' ) def fetch_favicon(url: str) -> bytes: """Fetches a favicon using DuckDuckGo's favicon retriever Args: url: The url to fetch the favicon from Returns: bytes - the favicon bytes, or a placeholder image if one was not returned """ domain = urlparse(url).netloc response = get(f'{ddg_favicon_site}/{domain}.ico') if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.content) > 0: tmp_mem = io.BytesIO() tmp_mem.write(response.content) return else: return placeholder_img def gen_file_hash(path: str, static_file: str) -> str: file_contents = open(os.path.join(path, static_file), 'rb').read() file_hash = hashlib.md5(file_contents).hexdigest()[:8] filename_split = os.path.splitext(static_file) return filename_split[0] + '.' + file_hash + filename_split[-1] def read_config_bool(var: str) -> bool: val = os.getenv(var, '0') # user can specify one of the following values as 'true' inputs (all # variants with upper case letters will also work): # ('true', 't', '1', 'yes', 'y') val = val.lower() in ('true', 't', '1', 'yes', 'y') return val def get_client_ip(r: Request) -> str: if r.environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') is None: return r.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] else: return r.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] def get_request_url(url: str) -> str: if os.getenv('HTTPS_ONLY', False): return url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) return url def get_proxy_host_url(r: Request, default: str, root=False) -> str: scheme = r.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto', 'https') http_host = r.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Host') full_path = r.full_path if not root else '' if full_path.startswith('/'): full_path = f'/{full_path}' if http_host: prefix = os.environ.get('WHOOGLE_URL_PREFIX', '') if prefix: prefix = f'/{re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "", prefix)}' return f'{scheme}://{http_host}{prefix}{full_path}' return default def check_for_update(version_url: str, current: str) -> int: # Check for the latest version of Whoogle try: update = bsoup(get(version_url).text, 'html.parser') latest = update.select_one('[class="Link--primary"]').string[1:] current = int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, current))) latest = int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, latest))) has_update = '' if current >= latest else latest except (exceptions.ConnectionError, AttributeError): # Ignore failures, assume current version is up to date has_update = '' return has_update def get_abs_url(url, page_url): # Creates a valid absolute URL using a partial or relative URL if url.startswith('//'): return f'https:{url}' elif url.startswith('/'): return f'{urlparse(page_url).netloc}{url}' elif url.startswith('./'): return f'{page_url}{url[2:]}' return url def list_to_dict(lst: list) -> dict: if len(lst) < 2: return {} return {lst[i].replace(' ', ''): lst[i+1].replace(' ', '') for i in range(0, len(lst), 2)} def encrypt_string(key: bytes, string: str) -> str: cipher_suite = Fernet(key) return cipher_suite.encrypt(string.encode()).decode() def decrypt_string(key: bytes, string: str) -> str: cipher_suite = Fernet(g.session_key) return cipher_suite.decrypt(string.encode()).decode()