The .replit file gets autofilled with a ton of garbage when Whoogle is
imported, including a required "entrypoint" field that defaults to
"" (even though the run and onBoot fields were already included
and should negate the need to specify an entrypoint, but whatever).
I'm not going to restructure Whoogle to fit what Replit wants, so I've
moved the startup commands to their own script (misc/ and
updated the "entrypoint" field in .replit.
Addresses an issue where re-running an instance on replit caused an
`[ERNO 98] Address already in use` error. Now it kills whatever process
is running on the default Whoogle port (5000) before running the app.
* Make replit install all requirements first
This should install all requirements from requirements.txt. It makes this a one click experience, without the user having to run `pip install -r requirements.txt` and then tap the run button. I myself had to first run that command in my repl, so I have made this change so others don't have to do the same. also runs on linux based systems, so `&&` is the correct bash syntax.
* Running in Bash
I applied the same change I made on onBoot to the run variable, and made the language bash as the syntax `./` and `&&` belong to bash.