# -*- mode: sh; -*- export CC=gcc CXX="g++ -fdiagnostics-color=always" # Miscellaneous packages. ENVIRONMENTS=( weechat # Debug runs profanity # Test ) # Environment packages. PACKAGES=( profanity # Test autoconf # Deps with autoreconf autoconf-archive # Deps with m4 tooling automake # Deps with automake libtool # Deps with libtool make # Deps with makefiles cmake # Deps with cmake doctest # Testing gcc-toolchain@11 # Compilation pkg-config # Deps configuration and configuration of deps deps patchelf # Fix linkage (guix) bear # Generate compile_commands.json for language servers universal-ctags # Generate tags (make tags) weechat # Weechat includes libxml2 # Dep (libxml2) libstrophe # Dep (strophe) libgcrypt # Dep (gcrypt) libsignal-protocol-c -l libomemo.scm # Dep (libsignal) lmdb lmdbxx # Dep (lmdb) rnp # Dep (rnpgp) xsd # Generate xml schema code ) echo direnv: fetching source - weechat mkdir -p /tmp/guix-build-weechat-3.2.drv-0 tar -C /tmp/guix-build-weechat-3.2.drv-0 -xJf $(guix build --source weechat) echo direnv: fetching source - libomemo-c mkdir -p /tmp/guix-build-libomemo-c-2.3.3.drv-0 ln -sf $(guix build --source -f libomemo.scm) /tmp/guix-build-libomemo-c-2.3.3.drv-0 echo direnv: fetching source - lmdb ln -sf $(guix build --source lmdb)/libraries/liblmdb/mdb.c mdb.c use guix \ ${ENVIRONMENTS[@]} --ad-hoc ${PACKAGES[@]} \ --with-debug-info=profanity \ --with-debug-info=weechat \ --with-debug-info=libstrophe \ --with-debug-info=libsignal-protocol-c \ --with-debug-info=libomemo-c \ --with-debug-info=lmdb \ --with-debug-info=rnp \ clang clang:extra ccls gdb