You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
4.0 KiB

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
** This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
** support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
** any purpose.
** ServerMediaSubsession.cpp
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <sstream>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
// project
#include "ServerMediaSubsession.h"
#include "MJPEGVideoSource.h"
#include "DeviceSource.h"
// ---------------------------------
// BaseServerMediaSubsession
// ---------------------------------
FramedSource* BaseServerMediaSubsession::createSource(UsageEnvironment& env, FramedSource* videoES, const std::string& format)
FramedSource* source = NULL;
if (format == "video/MP2T")
source = MPEG2TransportStreamFramer::createNew(env, videoES);
else if (format == "video/H264")
source = H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(env, videoES);
else if (format == "video/H265")
source = H265VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(env, videoES);
else if (format == "video/JPEG")
source = MJPEGVideoSource::createNew(env, videoES);
source = videoES;
return source;
RTPSink* BaseServerMediaSubsession::createSink(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, const std::string& format, V4L2DeviceSource* source)
RTPSink* videoSink = NULL;
if (format == "video/MP2T")
videoSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, 90000, "video", "MP2T", 1, True, False);
else if (format == "video/H264")
videoSink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
else if (format == "video/VP8")
videoSink = VP8VideoRTPSink::createNew (env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
else if (format == "video/VP9")
videoSink = VP9VideoRTPSink::createNew (env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
else if (format == "video/H265")
videoSink = H265VideoRTPSink::createNew(env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
else if (format == "video/JPEG")
videoSink = JPEGVideoRTPSink::createNew (env, rtpGroupsock);
else if (format =="video/RAW")
std::string sampling;
DeviceInterface* device = source->getDevice();
switch (device->getVideoFormat()) {
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV444: sampling = "YCbCr-4:4:4"; break;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV: sampling = "YCbCr-4:2:2"; break;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY: sampling = "YCbCr-4:2:2"; break;
videoSink = RawVideoRTPSink::createNew(env, rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, device->getWidth(), device->getHeight(), 8, sampling.c_str(),"BT709-2");
else if (format.find("audio/L16") == 0)
std::istringstream is(format);
std::string dummy;
getline(is, dummy, '/');
getline(is, dummy, '/');
std::string sampleRate("44100");
getline(is, sampleRate, '/');
std::string channels("2");
getline(is, channels);
videoSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(env, rtpGroupsock,rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, atoi(sampleRate.c_str()), "audio", "L16", atoi(channels.c_str()), True, False);
return videoSink;
char const* BaseServerMediaSubsession::getAuxLine(V4L2DeviceSource* source, RTPSink* rtpSink)
const char* auxLine = NULL;
if (rtpSink) {
std::ostringstream os;
if (rtpSink->auxSDPLine()) {
os << rtpSink->auxSDPLine();
else if (source) {
unsigned char rtpPayloadType = rtpSink->rtpPayloadType();
DeviceInterface* device = source->getDevice();
os << "a=fmtp:" << int(rtpPayloadType) << " " << source->getAuxLine() << "\r\n";
int width = device->getWidth();
int height = device->getHeight();
if ( (width > 0) && (height>0) ) {
os << "a=x-dimensions:" << width << "," << height << "\r\n";
auxLine = strdup(os.str().c_str());
return auxLine;