You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
6.2 KiB

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
** This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
** support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
** any purpose.
** V4l2RTSPServer.cpp
** V4L2 RTSP server
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "logger.h"
#include "V4l2Capture.h"
#include "V4l2Output.h"
#include "DeviceSourceFactory.h"
#include "V4l2RTSPServer.h"
#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
#include "ALSACapture.h"
StreamReplicator* V4l2RTSPServer::CreateVideoReplicator(
const V4L2DeviceParameters& inParam,
int queueSize, int useThread, int repeatConfig,
const std::string& outputFile, V4l2IoType ioTypeOut, V4l2Output*& out,
std::string& rtpVideoFormat) {
StreamReplicator* videoReplicator = NULL;
std::string videoDev(inParam.m_devName);
if (!videoDev.empty())
// Init video capture
LOG(NOTICE) << "Create V4L2 Source..." << videoDev;
V4l2Capture* videoCapture = V4l2Capture::create(inParam);
if (videoCapture)
int outfd = -1;
if (!outputFile.empty())
V4L2DeviceParameters outparam(outputFile.c_str(), videoCapture->getFormat(), videoCapture->getWidth(), videoCapture->getHeight(), 0, ioTypeOut, inParam.m_verbose);
out = V4l2Output::create(outparam);
if (out != NULL)
outfd = out->getFd();
LOG(INFO) << "Output fd:" << outfd << " " << outputFile;
} else {
LOG(WARN) << "Cannot open output:" << outputFile;
if (rtpVideoFormat.empty()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "No Streaming format supported for device " << videoDev;
delete videoCapture;
} else {
LOG(NOTICE) << "Create Source ..." << videoDev;
videoReplicator = DeviceSourceFactory::createStreamReplicator(this->env(), videoCapture->getFormat(), new DeviceCaptureAccess<V4l2Capture>(videoCapture), queueSize, useThread, outfd, repeatConfig);
if (videoReplicator == NULL)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create source for device " << videoDev;
delete videoCapture;
return videoReplicator;
std::string getVideoDeviceName(const std::string & devicePath)
std::string deviceName(devicePath);
size_t pos = deviceName.find_last_of('/');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
return deviceName;
#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
** get a "deviceid" from uevent sys file
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
std::string getDeviceId(const std::string& evt) {
std::string deviceid;
std::istringstream f(evt);
std::string key;
while (getline(f, key, '=')) {
std::string value;
if (getline(f, value)) {
if ( (key =="PRODUCT") || (key == "PCI_SUBSYS_ID") ) {
deviceid = value;
return deviceid;
std::string getV4l2Alsa(const std::string& v4l2device) {
std::string audioDevice(v4l2device);
std::map<std::string,std::string> videodevices;
std::string video4linuxPath("/sys/class/video4linux");
DIR *dp = opendir(video4linuxPath.c_str());
if (dp != NULL) {
struct dirent *entry = NULL;
while((entry = readdir(dp))) {
std::string devicename;
std::string deviceid;
if (strstr(entry->d_name,"video") == entry->d_name) {
std::string ueventPath(video4linuxPath);
std::ifstream ifsd(ueventPath.c_str());
deviceid = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{ifsd}, {});
if (!deviceid.empty()) {
videodevices[entry->d_name] = getDeviceId(deviceid);
std::map<std::string,std::string> audiodevices;
int rcard = -1;
while ( (snd_card_next(&rcard) == 0) && (rcard>=0) ) {
void **hints = NULL;
if (snd_device_name_hint(rcard, "pcm", &hints) >= 0) {
void **str = hints;
while (*str) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "/sys/class/sound/card" << rcard << "/device/uevent";
std::ifstream ifs(os.str().c_str());
std::string deviceid = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{ifs}, {});
deviceid = getDeviceId(deviceid);
if (!deviceid.empty()) {
if (audiodevices.find(deviceid) == audiodevices.end()) {
std::string audioname = snd_device_name_get_hint(*str, "NAME");
audiodevices[deviceid] = audioname;
auto deviceId = videodevices.find(getVideoDeviceName(v4l2device));
if (deviceId != videodevices.end()) {
auto audioDeviceIt = audiodevices.find(deviceId->second);
if (audioDeviceIt != audiodevices.end()) {
audioDevice = audioDeviceIt->second;
std::cout << v4l2device << "=>" << audioDevice << std::endl;
return audioDevice;
StreamReplicator* V4l2RTSPServer::CreateAudioReplicator(
const std::string& audioDev, const std::list<snd_pcm_format_t>& audioFmtList, int audioFreq, int audioNbChannels, int verbose,
int queueSize, int useThread,
std::string& rtpAudioFormat) {
StreamReplicator* audioReplicator = NULL;
if (!audioDev.empty())
// find the ALSA device associated with the V4L2 device
std::string audioDevice = getV4l2Alsa(audioDev);
// Init audio capture
LOG(NOTICE) << "Create ALSA Source..." << audioDevice;
ALSACaptureParameters param(audioDevice.c_str(), audioFmtList, audioFreq, audioNbChannels, verbose);
ALSACapture* audioCapture = ALSACapture::createNew(param);
if (audioCapture)
rtpAudioFormat.assign(V4l2RTSPServer::getAudioRtpFormat(audioCapture->getFormat(),audioCapture->getSampleRate(), audioCapture->getChannels()));
audioReplicator = DeviceSourceFactory::createStreamReplicator(this->env(), 0, new DeviceCaptureAccess<ALSACapture>(audioCapture), queueSize, useThread);
if (audioReplicator == NULL)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to create source for device " << audioDevice;
delete audioCapture;
return audioReplicator;