You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.6 KiB

package main
import (
const form = `[green]package[white] main
[green]import[white] (
[green]func[white] [yellow]main[white]() {
form := tview.[yellow]NewForm[white]().
[yellow]AddInputField[white]([red]"First name:"[white], [red]""[white], [red]20[white], nil, nil).
[yellow]AddInputField[white]([red]"Last name:"[white], [red]""[white], [red]20[white], nil, nil).
[yellow]AddDropDown[white]([red]"Role:"[white], [][green]string[white]{
}, [red]0[white], nil).
[yellow]AddCheckbox[white]([red]"On vacation:"[white], false, nil).
[yellow]AddButton[white]([red]"Save"[white], [yellow]func[white]() { [blue]/* Save data */[white] }).
[yellow]AddButton[white]([red]"Cancel"[white], [yellow]func[white]() { [blue]/* Cancel */[white] })
[yellow]SetRoot[white](form, true).
// Form demonstrates forms.
func Form(nextSlide func()) (title string, content tview.Primitive) {
f := tview.NewForm().
AddInputField("First name:", "", 20, nil, nil).
AddInputField("Last name:", "", 20, nil, nil).
AddDropDown("Role:", []string{"Engineer", "Manager", "Administration"}, 0, nil).
AddCheckbox("On vacation:", false, nil).
AddButton("Save", nextSlide).
AddButton("Cancel", nextSlide)
f.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("Employee Information")
return "Forms", Code(f, 36, 13, form)