You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

551 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Litmus Automation Inc.
// Author: Levko Burburas <>
package tview
import (
// RadioOption holds key and title for radio option
type RadioOption struct {
Name string
Title string
// NewRadioOption returns a new option for RadioOption
func NewRadioOption(name, text string) *RadioOption {
return &RadioOption{
Name: name,
Title: text,
// RadioButtons implements a simple primitive for radio button selections.
type RadioButtons struct {
options []*RadioOption
currentOption int
selectedOption int
itemPadding int
align int
lockColors bool
// The text to be displayed before the input area.
subLabel string
// The item sub label color.
subLabelColor tcell.Color
// The text to be displayed before the input area.
label string
labelFiller string
// The label color.
labelColor tcell.Color
// The background color of the input area.
fieldBackgroundColor tcell.Color
// The text color of the input area.
fieldTextColor tcell.Color
// The item main text color.
mainTextColor tcell.Color
// The item secondary text color.
secondaryTextColor tcell.Color
// The text color for selected items.
selectedTextColor tcell.Color
// The background color for selected items.
selectedBackgroundColor tcell.Color
// The screen width of the input area. A value of 0 means extend as much as
// possible.
fieldWidth int
labelWidth int
joinElements []*RadioButtons
currentElement int
// An optional function which is called when the user indicated that they
// are done selecting options. The key which was pressed is provided (tab,
// shift-tab, or escape).
done func(tcell.Key)
// A callback function set by the Form class and called when the user leaves
// this form item.
finished func(tcell.Key)
// If set to true, instead of position items and buttons from top to bottom,
// they are positioned from left to right.
horizontal bool
horizontalSeparator string
// An optional function which is called when the user has navigated to a list
// item.
changed func(*RadioOption)
inputHandler func() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive))
// NewRadioButtons returns a new radio button primitive.
func NewRadioButtons() *RadioButtons {
r := &RadioButtons{
Box: NewBox(),
labelColor: tcell.ColorWhite,
fieldBackgroundColor: tcell.ColorBlack,
fieldTextColor: tcell.ColorWhite,
mainTextColor: Styles.PrimaryTextColor,
secondaryTextColor: Styles.TertiaryTextColor,
selectedTextColor: Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor,
selectedBackgroundColor: Styles.PrimaryTextColor,
align: AlignLeft,
labelFiller: " ",
r.focus = r
r.joinElements = append(r.joinElements, r)
r.inputHandler = r.defaultInputHandler
return r
// Join combines two element the same type in one, for navigation
func (r *RadioButtons) Join(elements ...*RadioButtons) *RadioButtons {
for i := 0; i < len(elements); i++ {
elements[i].inputHandler = r.inputHandler
elements[i].id =
elements[i].currentOption = -1
r.joinElements = append(r.joinElements, elements...)
return r
// SetOptions replaces all current options with the ones provided
func (r *RadioButtons) SetOptions(options []*RadioOption) *RadioButtons {
r.options = options
return r
// SetItemPadding sets the number of empty rows between form items for vertical
// layouts and the number of empty cells between form items for horizontal
// layouts.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetItemPadding(padding int) *RadioButtons {
r.itemPadding = padding
return r
// SetAlign sets the radiobox alignment within the box. This must be
// either AlignLeft, AlignCenter, or AlignRight.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetAlign(align int) *RadioButtons {
r.align = align
return r
// Focus is called when this primitive receives focus.
func (r *RadioButtons) Focus(delegate func(p Primitive)) {
if r != r.joinElements[r.currentElement] {
r.hasFocus = true
// InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive.
func (r *RadioButtons) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
if r.inputHandler != nil {
return r.inputHandler()
return r.Box.InputHandler()
// InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive.
func (r *RadioButtons) defaultInputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
return r.WrapInputHandler(func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
parent := r
r = parent.joinElements[parent.currentElement]
switch key := event.Key(); key {
case tcell.KeyUp, tcell.KeyLeft:
if r.currentOption < 0 {
if len(parent.joinElements) > 1 {
if parent.currentElement < 0 {
parent.currentElement = len(parent.joinElements) - 1
nextElement := parent.joinElements[parent.currentElement]
nextElement.currentOption = len(nextElement.options) - 1
r.currentOption = len(r.options) - 1 - int(math.Mod(float64(len(r.options)), float64(r.currentOption)))
if r.changed != nil {
case tcell.KeyDown, tcell.KeyRight:
if r.currentOption >= len(r.options) {
if len(parent.joinElements) > 1 {
if parent.currentElement >= len(parent.joinElements) {
parent.currentElement = 0
nextElement := parent.joinElements[parent.currentElement]
nextElement.currentOption = 0
r.currentOption = int(math.Mod(float64(len(r.options)), float64(r.currentOption)))
if r.changed != nil {
case tcell.KeyEnter, tcell.KeyRune: // We're done.
for index, element := range parent.joinElements {
if parent.currentElement != index {
element.currentOption = -1
if r.changed != nil {
case tcell.KeyTab, tcell.KeyBacktab, tcell.KeyEscape: // We're done.
if parent.done != nil {
if parent.finished != nil {
// GetRect returns the current position of the rectangle, x, y, width, and
// height.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetRect() (int, int, int, int) {
x, y, width, _ := r.Box.GetRect()
optionsCount := len(r.options)
if optionsCount == 0 {
optionsCount = 1
height := 1
if !r.horizontal {
height = (optionsCount * (r.itemPadding + 1)) - r.itemPadding
if height > 0 && r.Box.GetBorder() {
return x, y, width, height
// GetLabelWidth returns label width.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetLabelWidth() int {
return StringWidth(strings.Replace(r.subLabel+r.label, "%s", "", -1))
// GetFieldWidth returns field width.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetFieldWidth() int {
if r.fieldWidth > 0 {
return r.fieldWidth
var maxWidth int
for i := 0; i < len(r.options); i++ {
line := fmt.Sprintf(`%s[white] %s`, Styles.GraphicsRadioUnchecked, r.options[i].Title)
if r.horizontal {
maxWidth += StringWidth(line)
if i < len(r.options)-1 {
maxWidth += r.itemPadding + 1
} else if maxWidth < StringWidth(line) {
maxWidth = StringWidth(line)
return maxWidth
// SetFieldWidth sets the screen width of the options area. A value of 0 means
// extend to as long as the longest option text.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFieldWidth(width int) FormItem {
r.fieldWidth = width
return r
// SetFormAttributes sets attributes shared by all form items.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFormAttributes(labelWidth, fieldWidth int, labelColor, bgColor, fieldTextColor, fieldBgColor tcell.Color) FormItem {
if r.fieldWidth == 0 {
r.fieldWidth = fieldWidth
if r.labelWidth == 0 {
r.labelWidth = labelWidth
if !r.lockColors {
r.labelColor = labelColor
r.backgroundColor = bgColor
r.fieldTextColor = fieldTextColor
r.fieldBackgroundColor = fieldBgColor
return r
// SetFieldAlign sets the input alignment within the radiobutton box. This must be
// either AlignLeft, AlignCenter, or AlignRight.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFieldAlign(align int) FormItem {
r.align = align
return r
// SetLabelFiller sets a sign which will be fill the label when this one need to stretch
func (r *RadioButtons) SetLabelFiller(filler string) FormItem {
r.labelFiller = filler
return r
// GetFieldAlign returns the input alignment within the radiobutton box.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetFieldAlign() (align int) {
return r.align
// SetDoneFunc sets a handler which is called when the user is done selecting
// options. The callback function is provided with the key that was pressed,
// which is one of the following:
// - KeyEscape: Abort selection.
// - KeyTab: Move to the next field.
// - KeyBacktab: Move to the previous field.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetDoneFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) *RadioButtons {
r.done = handler
return r
// SetFinishedFunc calls SetDoneFunc().
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFinishedFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) FormItem {
r.finished = handler
return r
// GetFinishedFunc returns SetDoneFunc().
func (r *RadioButtons) GetFinishedFunc() func(key tcell.Key) {
return r.finished
// SetLabel sets the text to be displayed before the input area.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetLabel(label string) *RadioButtons {
if !strings.Contains(label, "%s") {
label += "%s"
r.label = label
return r
// GetLabel returns the text to be displayed before the input area.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetLabel() string {
return r.label
// SetLockColors locks the change of colors by form
func (r *RadioButtons) SetLockColors(lock bool) *RadioButtons {
r.lockColors = lock
return r
// SetLabelColor sets the color of the label.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetLabelColor(color tcell.Color) *RadioButtons {
r.labelColor = color
return r
// SetSubLabel sets the text to be displayed before the input area.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetSubLabel(label string) *RadioButtons {
r.subLabel = label
return r
// SetSubLabelColor sets the color of the subLabel.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetSubLabelColor(color tcell.Color) *RadioButtons {
r.subLabelColor = color
return r
// SetFieldBackgroundColor sets the background color of the options area.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFieldBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *RadioButtons {
r.fieldBackgroundColor = color
return r
// SetFieldTextColor sets the text color of the options area.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetFieldTextColor(color tcell.Color) *RadioButtons {
r.fieldTextColor = color
return r
// SetHorizontal sets the direction the form elements are laid out. If set to
// true, instead of positioning them from top to bottom (the default), they are
// positioned from left to right, moving into the next row if there is not
// enough space.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetHorizontal(horizontal bool) *RadioButtons {
r.horizontal = horizontal
return r
// SetCurrentOptionByName sets the index of the currently selected option. This may
// be a negative value to indicate that no option is currently selected.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetCurrentOptionByName(name string) *RadioButtons {
for i := 0; i < len(r.options); i++ {
if r.options[i].Name == name {
r.currentOption = i
if r.changed != nil {
return r
// SetCurrentOption sets the index of the currently selected option. This may
// be a negative value to indicate that no option is currently selected.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetCurrentOption(index int) *RadioButtons {
r.currentOption = index
if r.changed != nil {
return r
// GetCurrentOption returns the index of the currently selected option as well
// as its text. If no option was selected, -1 and an empty string is returned.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetCurrentOption() *RadioOption {
r = r.joinElements[r.currentElement]
if len(r.options) > r.currentOption {
return r.options[r.currentOption]
return nil
// GetCurrentOptionName returns the name of the currently selected option.
func (r *RadioButtons) GetCurrentOptionName() string {
r = r.joinElements[r.currentElement]
if len(r.options) > r.currentOption {
return r.options[r.currentOption].Name
return ""
// SetChangedFunc sets the function which is called when the user navigates to
// a list item. The function receives the item's index in the list of items
// (starting with 0), its main text, secondary text, and its shortcut rune.
// This function is also called when the first item is added or when
// SetCurrentItem() is called.
func (r *RadioButtons) SetChangedFunc(handler func(*RadioOption)) *RadioButtons {
r.changed = handler
return r
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (r *RadioButtons) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
x, y, width, height := r.GetInnerRect()
rightLimit := x + width
if height < 1 || rightLimit <= x {
// Draw label.
var labels = []struct {
text string
color tcell.Color
text: r.subLabel,
color: r.subLabelColor,
}, {
text: r.label,
color: r.labelColor,
if len(labels) > 0 {
labelWidth := r.labelWidth
if labelWidth > rightLimit-x {
labelWidth = rightLimit - x
addCount := labelWidth - r.GetLabelWidth()
for _, label := range labels {
if addCount > 0 && strings.Contains(label.text, "%s") {
label.text = fmt.Sprintf(label.text, strings.Repeat(r.labelFiller, addCount))
addCount = 0
} else {
label.text = strings.Replace(label.text, "%s", "", -1)
labelWidth = StringWidth(label.text)
Print(screen, label.text, x, y, labelWidth, AlignLeft, label.color)
x += labelWidth
var lineWidth int
for index, option := range r.options {
if index >= height && !r.horizontal {
radioButton := Styles.GraphicsRadioUnchecked // Unchecked.
if index == r.currentOption {
radioButton = Styles.GraphicsRadioChecked // Checked.
line := fmt.Sprintf(`%s[white] %s`, radioButton, option.Title)
if r.horizontal {
Print(screen, line, x+lineWidth, y, width, AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite)
} else {
Print(screen, line, x, y+(index*(r.itemPadding+1)), width, AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite)
// Background color of selected text.
if r.HasFocus() && index == r.currentOption {
textWidth := StringWidth(line)
for bx := 0; bx < textWidth && bx < width; bx++ {
if r.horizontal {
m, c, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+lineWidth+bx, y)
fg, _, _ := style.Decompose()
if fg == r.mainTextColor {
fg = r.selectedTextColor
style = style.Background(r.selectedBackgroundColor).Foreground(fg)
screen.SetContent(x+lineWidth+bx, y, m, c, style)
} else {
m, c, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+bx, y+(index*(r.itemPadding+1)))
fg, _, _ := style.Decompose()
if fg == r.mainTextColor {
fg = r.selectedTextColor
style = style.Background(r.selectedBackgroundColor).Foreground(fg)
screen.SetContent(x+bx, y+(index*(r.itemPadding+1)), m, c, style)
if r.horizontal {
lineWidth += StringWidth(line) + (r.itemPadding + 1)