Added mouse handling as well as lots of improvements and bugfixes.

Oliver 2 years ago
parent 99cf18bf98
commit f2c8ab440f

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ type textAreaUndoItem struct {
before, after int // The index of the copied "before" and "after" spans into the "spans" slice.
originalBefore, originalAfter int // The original indices of the "before" and "after" spans.
pos [3]int // The cursor position to be assumed after applying an undo.
continuation bool // If true, this item is a continuation of the previous undo item.
// TextArea implements a simple text editor for multi-line text. Multi-color
@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ type textAreaUndoItem struct {
// following keys can also be used to modify the text:
// - Enter: Insert a newline character (see [NewLine]).
// - Tab: Insert [TabSize] spaces.
// - Tab: Insert a tab character (\t). It will be rendered like [TabSize]
// spaces.
// - Ctrl-H, Backspace: Delete one character to the left of the cursor.
// - Ctrl-D, Delete: Delete the character under the cursor (or the first
// character on the next line if the cursor is at the end of a line).
@ -130,8 +132,11 @@ type textAreaUndoItem struct {
// character before the cursor up until the next newline character. This may
// span multiple lines if wrapping is enabled.
// Text can be selected by moving the cursor while holding the Shift key. Thus
// when text is selected:
// Text can be selected by moving the cursor while holding the Shift key, to the
// extent that this is supported by the user's terminal. The Ctrl-L key can be
// used to select the entire text. (Ctrl-A already binds to the "Home" key.)
// When text is selected:
// - Entering a character will replace the selected text with the new
// character.
@ -155,6 +160,9 @@ type textAreaUndoItem struct {
// [TextArea.SetClipboard] which provides all the functionality needed to
// implement your own clipboard.
// Note that pasting text using your operating system's or terminal's own
// methods will be very slow as each character will be pasted individually.
// The text area also supports Undo:
// - Ctrl-Z: Undo the last change.
@ -162,11 +170,13 @@ type textAreaUndoItem struct {
// Undo does not affect the clipboard.
// If the mouse is enabled, clicking on a screen cell will move the cursor to
// that location or to the end of the line if past the last character. Turning
// the scroll wheel will scroll the text. Text can also be selected by moving
// the mouse while pressing the left mouse button (see below for details). The
// word underneath the mouse cursor can be selected by double-clicking.
// If the mouse is enabled, the following actions are available:
// - Left click: Move the cursor to the clicked position or to the end of the
// line if past the last character.
// - Left double-click: Select the word under the cursor.
// - Left click while holding the Shift key: Select text.
// - Scroll wheel: Scroll the text.
type TextArea struct {
@ -254,6 +264,9 @@ type TextArea struct {
pos [3]int
// Set to true when the mouse is dragging to select text.
dragging bool
// Clipboard related fields:
// The internal clipboard.
@ -510,85 +523,36 @@ func (t *TextArea) replace(deleteStart, deleteEnd [3]int, insert string, continu
defer t.changed()
// Handle the few cases where we don't put anything onto the undo stack.
// Handle a few cases where we don't put anything onto the undo stack for
// increased efficiency.
if continuation {
// Same action as the one before. An undo item was already generated for
// this block of (same) actions.
if insert == "" {
if deleteStart[1] == 0 && deleteEnd[1] == 0 {
// We're deleting an entire span (only one because we delete at
// most one grapheme). Where does it connect to the last undo
// item?
previous := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].previous
if previous == t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].originalBefore {
// Backspace. Extend the "before" span of the undo stack's
// last item.
beforePrevious := t.spans[previous].previous
if beforePrevious >= 0 {
undoPrevious := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].before
spansLength := len(t.spans)
t.spans = append(t.spans, t.spans[beforePrevious])
t.spans[undoPrevious].previous = beforePrevious
t.spans[spansLength].next = undoPrevious
t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].before = spansLength
t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].originalBefore = beforePrevious
t.spans[previous].next = deleteEnd[0]
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].previous = previous
length := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length
if length < 0 {
t.length += length
} else {
t.length -= length
return deleteEnd
// Delete. Extend the "after" span of the undo stack's last
// item.
if deleteEnd[0] != 1 {
next := t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].next
undoNext := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].after
spansLength := len(t.spans)
t.spans = append(t.spans, t.spans[next])
t.spans[undoNext].next = next
t.spans[spansLength].previous = undoNext
t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].after = spansLength
t.undoStack[t.nextUndo-1].originalAfter = next
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].previous = previous
t.spans[previous].next = deleteEnd[0]
length := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length
if length < 0 {
t.length += length
} else {
t.length -= length
return deleteEnd
} else if deleteEnd[1] == 0 {
// Simple backspace. Just shorten this span.
length := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length
if length < 0 {
t.length -= -length - deleteStart[1]
length = -deleteStart[1]
} else {
t.length -= length - deleteStart[1]
length = deleteStart[1]
t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length = length
return deleteEnd
} else if deleteStart[1] == 0 {
// Simple delete. Just clip the beginning of this span.
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].offset += deleteEnd[1]
if t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length < 0 {
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length += deleteEnd[1]
} else {
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length -= deleteEnd[1]
t.length -= deleteEnd[1]
deleteEnd[1] = 0
return deleteEnd
// this block of (same) actions. We're also only changing one character.
switch {
case insert == "" && deleteStart[1] != 0 && deleteEnd[1] == 0:
// Simple backspace. Just shorten this span.
length := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length
if length < 0 {
t.length -= -length - deleteStart[1]
length = -deleteStart[1]
} else {
t.length -= length - deleteStart[1]
length = deleteStart[1]
} else if insert != "" && deleteStart == deleteEnd && deleteEnd[1] == 0 {
t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length = length
return deleteEnd
case insert == "" && deleteStart[1] == 0 && deleteEnd[1] != 0:
// Simple delete. Just clip the beginning of this span.
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].offset += deleteEnd[1]
if t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length < 0 {
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length += deleteEnd[1]
} else {
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length -= deleteEnd[1]
t.length -= deleteEnd[1]
deleteEnd[1] = 0
return deleteEnd
case insert != "" && deleteStart == deleteEnd && deleteEnd[1] == 0:
previous := t.spans[deleteStart[0]].previous
bufferSpan := t.spans[previous]
if bufferSpan.length > 0 && bufferSpan.offset+bufferSpan.length == t.editText.Len() {
@ -614,6 +578,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) replace(deleteStart, deleteEnd [3]int, insert string, continu
originalBefore: before,
originalAfter: after,
pos: deleteEnd,
continuation: continuation,
t.spans = append(t.spans, t.spans[before])
t.spans = append(t.spans, t.spans[after])
@ -717,10 +682,15 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Show/hide the cursor at the end.
defer func() {
if t.HasFocus() {
if t.cursor.row >= 0 &&
t.cursor.row-t.rowOffset >= 0 && t.cursor.row-t.rowOffset < height &&
t.cursor.actualColumn-columnOffset >= 0 && t.cursor.actualColumn-columnOffset < width {
screen.ShowCursor(x+t.cursor.actualColumn-columnOffset, y+t.cursor.row-t.rowOffset)
row, column := t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn
if t.wrap && column >= t.lastWidth { // This happens when a row has text all the way until the end, pushing the cursor outside the viewport.
column = 0
if row >= 0 &&
row-t.rowOffset >= 0 && row-t.rowOffset < height &&
column-columnOffset >= 0 && column-columnOffset < width {
screen.ShowCursor(x+column-columnOffset, y+row-t.rowOffset)
} else {
@ -746,7 +716,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// If the cursor position is unknown, find it. This usually only happens
// before the screen is drawn for the first time.
if t.cursor.row < 0 {
t.findCursor(true, 0)
if t.selectionStart.row < 0 {
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
@ -759,10 +729,10 @@ func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
endPos := pos
posX, posY := 0, 0
for pos[0] != 1 {
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
var clusterWidth int
cluster, text, _, clusterWidth, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
// Prepare drawing.
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
runes := []rune(cluster)
style := t.selectedStyle
fromRow, fromColumn := t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn
@ -880,15 +850,14 @@ func (t *TextArea) extendLines(width, maxLines int) {
pos := t.lineStarts[len(t.lineStarts)-1] // The starting position is the last known line.
endPos := pos
var (
cluster, text string
lineWidth, boundaries int
lastGraphemeBreak, lastLineBreak [3]int
widthSinceLineBreak int
cluster, text string
lineWidth, clusterWidth, boundaries int
lastGraphemeBreak, lastLineBreak [3]int
widthSinceLineBreak int
for pos[0] != 1 {
// Get the next grapheme cluster.
cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
cluster, text, boundaries, clusterWidth, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
lineWidth += clusterWidth
widthSinceLineBreak += clusterWidth
@ -958,21 +927,33 @@ func (t *TextArea) truncateLines(fromLine int) {
// clampToCursor ensures that the cursor is visible in the text area. If the
// cursor position is unknown, "startRow" helps reduce processing time by
// findCursor determines the cursor position if its "row" value is < 0
// (=unknown) but only its span position ("pos" value) is known. If the cursor
// position is already known (row >= 0), it can also be used to modify row and
// column offsets such that the cursor is visible during the next call to
// [TextArea.Draw], by setting "clamp" to true.
// To determine the cursor position, "startRow" helps reduce processing time by
// indicating the lowest row in which searching should start. Set this to 0 if
// you don't have any information where the cursor might be (but know that this
// is expensive for long texts). This function also sets the cursor clamp flag
// to false.
func (t *TextArea) clampToCursor(startRow int) {
if t.cursor.row >= 0 {
// This is the simple case because the current cursor position is known.
if t.cursor.row < t.rowOffset {
// is expensive for long texts).
func (t *TextArea) findCursor(clamp bool, startRow int) {
if !clamp && t.cursor.row >= 0 {
return // Nothing to do.
// Clamp to viewport.
if clamp && t.cursor.row >= 0 {
cursorRow := t.cursor.row
if t.wrap && t.cursor.actualColumn >= t.lastWidth {
cursorRow++ // A row can push the cursor just outside the viewport. It will wrap onto the next line.
if cursorRow < t.rowOffset {
// We're above the viewport.
t.rowOffset = t.cursor.row
} else if t.cursor.row >= t.rowOffset+t.lastHeight {
t.rowOffset = cursorRow
} else if cursorRow >= t.rowOffset+t.lastHeight {
// We're below the viewport.
t.rowOffset = t.cursor.row - t.lastHeight + 1
t.rowOffset = cursorRow - t.lastHeight + 1
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, t.rowOffset)
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
@ -1004,8 +985,8 @@ func (t *TextArea) clampToCursor(startRow int) {
// The screen position of the cursor is unknown. Find it. This is expensive.
// First, find the row.
// The screen position of the cursor is unknown. Find it. This can be
// expensive. First, find the row.
row := startRow
if row < 0 {
row = 0
@ -1062,40 +1043,40 @@ RowLoop:
pos = t.lineStarts[row]
endPos := pos
column := 0
var cluster, text string
var text string
for {
if pos[0] == 1 || t.cursor.pos[0] == pos[0] && t.cursor.pos[1] == pos[1] {
// We found the position. We're done.
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn, t.cursor.pos = row, column, pos
break RowLoop
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
var clusterWidth int
_, text, _, clusterWidth, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if row+1 < len(t.lineStarts) && t.lineStarts[row+1] == pos {
// We reached the end of the line. Go to the next one.
continue RowLoop
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
column += clusterWidth
if t.cursor.row >= 0 {
if clamp && t.cursor.row >= 0 {
// We know the position now. Adapt offsets.
t.findCursor(true, startRow)
// step is similar to uniseg.StepString() but it iterates over the piece chain,
// starting with "pos", a span position plus state (which may be -1 for the
// start of the text). The returned "boundaries" value is same value returned by
// uniseg.StepString(). The "pos" and "endPos" positions refer to the start and
// the end of the "text" string, respectively. For the first call, text may be
// empty and pos/endPos may be the same. For consecutive calls, provide "rest"
// as the text and "newPos" and "newEndPos" as the new positions/states. An
// empty "rest" string indicates the end of the text. The "endPos" state is not
// used.
func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string, boundaries int, newPos, newEndPos [3]int) {
// uniseg.StepString(), "width" is the screen width of the grapheme. The "pos"
// and "endPos" positions refer to the start and the end of the "text" string,
// respectively. For the first call, text may be empty and pos/endPos may be the
// same. For consecutive calls, provide "rest" as the text and "newPos" and
// "newEndPos" as the new positions/states. An empty "rest" string indicates the
// end of the text. The "endPos" state is not used.
func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string, boundaries, width int, newPos, newEndPos [3]int) {
if pos[0] == 1 {
return // We're already past the end.
@ -1147,7 +1128,13 @@ func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string,
span = t.spans[pos[0]]
return cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos
if cluster == "\t" {
width = TabSize
} else {
width = stringWidth(cluster)
return cluster, text, boundaries, width, pos, endPos
// moveCursor sets the cursor's screen position and span position for the given
@ -1155,8 +1142,8 @@ func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string,
// corner of the text area's full text (visible or not). The column value may be
// negative, in which case, the cursor will be placed at the end of the line.
// The cursor's actual position will be aligned with a grapheme cluster
// boundary. The next call to [Draw] will attempt to keep the cursor in the
// viewport.
// boundary. The next call to [TextArea.Draw] will attempt to keep the cursor in
// the viewport.
func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
// Are we within the range of rows?
if len(t.lineStarts) <= row {
@ -1183,11 +1170,11 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
pos := t.lineStarts[row]
endPos := pos
var cluster, text string
var text string
for pos[0] != 1 {
var clusterWidth int
oldPos := pos // We may have to revert to this position.
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
_, text, _, clusterWidth, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if len(t.lineStarts) > row+1 && pos == t.lineStarts[row+1] || // We've reached the end of the line.
column >= 0 && t.cursor.actualColumn+clusterWidth > column { // We're past the requested column.
pos = oldPos
@ -1202,12 +1189,12 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveCursor(row, column int) {
t.cursor.column = column
t.cursor.pos = pos
t.findCursor(true, row)
// moveWordRight moves the cursor to the end of the current or next word. The
// next call to [Draw] will attempt to keep the cursor in the viewport.
func (t *TextArea) moveWordRight() {
func (t *TextArea) moveWordRight(clamp bool) {
// Because we rely on clampToCursor to calculate the new screen position,
// this is an expensive operation for large texts.
pos := t.cursor.pos
@ -1219,7 +1206,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveWordRight() {
for pos[0] != 0 {
var boundaries int
oldPos := pos
cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
cluster, text, boundaries, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if oldPos == t.cursor.pos {
continue // Skip the first character.
@ -1235,12 +1222,13 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveWordRight() {
startRow := t.cursor.row
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.column, t.cursor.actualColumn = -1, 0, 0
t.cursor.pos = pos
t.findCursor(clamp, startRow)
// moveWordLeft moves the cursor to the beginning of the current or previous
// word.
func (t *TextArea) moveWordLeft() {
// word. If clamp is true, the cursor will be visible during the next call to
// [TextArea.Draw].
func (t *TextArea) moveWordLeft(clamp bool) {
// We go back row by row, trying to find the last word boundary before the
// cursor.
row := t.cursor.row
@ -1262,7 +1250,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveWordLeft() {
for pos[0] != 1 && pos != t.cursor.pos {
oldBoundaries := boundaries
oldPos := pos
cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
cluster, text, boundaries, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
firstRune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(cluster)
wordRune := !unicode.IsSpace(firstRune) && !unicode.IsPunct(firstRune)
if oldBoundaries&uniseg.MaskWord != 0 {
@ -1290,7 +1278,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) moveWordLeft() {
row = 0
t.cursor.row, t.cursor.column, t.cursor.actualColumn = -1, 0, 0
t.findCursor(clamp, row)
// deleteLine deletes all characters between the last newline before the cursor
@ -1352,7 +1340,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) deleteLine() {
endPos := pos
var cluster, text string
for pos[0] != 1 {
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
cluster, text, _, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if uniseg.HasTrailingLineBreakInString(cluster) {
@ -1362,7 +1350,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) deleteLine() {
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(t.lineStarts[startRow], pos, "", false)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.findCursor(true, startRow)
// getSelection returns the current selection as span locations where the first
@ -1421,7 +1409,13 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
case tcell.KeyLeft: // Move one grapheme cluster to the left.
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
if t.cursor.actualColumn == 0 {
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 && t.selectionStart.pos != t.cursor.pos {
// Move to the start of the selection.
if t.selectionStart.row < t.cursor.row || (t.selectionStart.row == t.cursor.row && t.selectionStart.column < t.cursor.column) {
t.cursor = t.selectionStart
t.findCursor(true, t.cursor.row)
} else if t.cursor.actualColumn == 0 {
// Move to the end of the previous row.
if t.cursor.row > 0 {
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row-1, -1)
@ -1443,9 +1437,15 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
case tcell.KeyRight: // Move one grapheme cluster to the right.
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModAlt == 0 {
// Regular movement.
if t.cursor.pos[0] != 1 {
var cluster string
cluster, _, _, t.cursor.pos, _ = t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 && t.selectionStart.pos != t.cursor.pos {
// Move to the end of the selection.
if t.selectionStart.row > t.cursor.row || (t.selectionStart.row == t.cursor.row && t.selectionStart.column > t.cursor.column) {
t.cursor = t.selectionStart
t.findCursor(true, t.cursor.row)
} else if t.cursor.pos[0] != 1 {
var clusterWidth int
_, _, _, clusterWidth, t.cursor.pos, _ = t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
if len(t.lineStarts) <= t.cursor.row+1 {
t.extendLines(t.lastWidth, t.cursor.row+1)
@ -1454,10 +1454,10 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.actualColumn = 0
t.cursor.column = 0
t.findCursor(true, t.cursor.row)
} else {
// Move one character to the right.
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn+stringWidth(cluster))
t.moveCursor(t.cursor.row, t.cursor.actualColumn+clusterWidth)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 {
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, NewLine, t.lastAction == taActionTypeSpace)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
newLastAction = taActionTypeSpace
case tcell.KeyTab: // Insert TabSize spaces.
case tcell.KeyTab: // Insert a tab character. It will be rendered as TabSize spaces.
from, to, row := t.getSelection()
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, strings.Repeat(" ", TabSize), t.lastAction == taActionTypeSpace)
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, "\t", t.lastAction == taActionTypeSpace)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
newLastAction = taActionTypeSpace
case tcell.KeyRune:
@ -1548,12 +1548,12 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
// We accept some Alt- key combinations.
switch event.Rune() {
case 'f':
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 {
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case 'b':
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 {
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, string(r), newLastAction == t.lastAction || t.lastAction == taActionTypeNonSpace && newLastAction == taActionTypeSpace)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyBackspace, tcell.KeyBackspace2: // Delete backwards. tcell.KeyBackspace is the same as tcell.CtrlH.
@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, "", false)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos[2] = endPos[2]
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(t.cursor.row - 1)
t.clampToCursor(t.cursor.row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, t.cursor.row-1)
newLastAction = taActionBackspace
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
@ -1613,17 +1613,17 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, "", false)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
if t.cursor.pos[0] != 1 {
_, _, _, endPos, _ := t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
_, _, _, _, endPos, _ := t.step("", t.cursor.pos, t.cursor.pos)
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(t.cursor.pos, endPos, "", t.lastAction == taActionDelete) // Delete the character.
t.cursor.pos[2] = endPos[2]
t.truncateLines(t.cursor.row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, t.cursor.row)
newLastAction = taActionDelete
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
for pos[0] != 1 {
var boundaries int
oldPos := pos
cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
cluster, text, boundaries, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
if boundaries&uniseg.MaskLine == uniseg.LineMustBreak {
if uniseg.HasTrailingLineBreakInString(cluster) {
pos = oldPos
@ -1646,20 +1646,27 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
row := t.cursor.row
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyCtrlW: // Delete from the start of the current word to the left of the cursor.
pos := t.cursor.pos
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(t.cursor.pos, pos, "", false)
row := t.cursor.row - 1
t.cursor.row = -1
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyCtrlU: // Delete the current line.
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyCtrlL: // Select everything.
t.selectionStart.row, t.selectionStart.column, t.selectionStart.actualColumn = 0, 0, 0
t.selectionStart.pos = [3]int{t.spans[0].next, 0, -1}
row := t.cursor.row
t.cursor.row = -1
t.cursor.pos = [3]int{1, 0, -1}
t.findCursor(false, row)
case tcell.KeyCtrlQ: // Copy to clipboard.
if t.cursor != t.selectionStart {
@ -1672,7 +1679,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, "", false)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyCtrlV: // Paste from clipboard.
@ -1680,20 +1687,25 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
t.cursor.pos = t.replace(from, to, t.pasteFromClipboard(), false)
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(row - 1)
t.findCursor(true, row)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
case tcell.KeyCtrlZ: // Undo.
if t.nextUndo <= 0 {
undo := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo]
t.spans[undo.originalBefore], t.spans[undo.before] = t.spans[undo.before], t.spans[undo.originalBefore]
t.spans[undo.originalAfter], t.spans[undo.after] = t.spans[undo.after], t.spans[undo.originalAfter]
t.cursor.pos, t.undoStack[t.nextUndo].pos = undo.pos, t.cursor.pos
for t.nextUndo > 0 {
undo := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo]
t.spans[undo.originalBefore], t.spans[undo.before] = t.spans[undo.before], t.spans[undo.originalBefore]
t.spans[undo.originalAfter], t.spans[undo.after] = t.spans[undo.after], t.spans[undo.originalAfter]
t.cursor.pos, t.undoStack[t.nextUndo].pos = undo.pos, t.cursor.pos
if !undo.continuation {
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(0) // This is why Undo is expensive for large texts. (t.lineStarts can get largely unusable after an undo.)
t.findCursor(true, 0)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
if t.changed != nil {
defer t.changed()
@ -1702,14 +1714,19 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
if t.nextUndo >= len(t.undoStack) {
undo := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo]
t.spans[undo.originalBefore], t.spans[undo.before] = t.spans[undo.before], t.spans[undo.originalBefore]
t.spans[undo.originalAfter], t.spans[undo.after] = t.spans[undo.after], t.spans[undo.originalAfter]
t.cursor.pos, t.undoStack[t.nextUndo].pos = undo.pos, t.cursor.pos
for t.nextUndo < len(t.undoStack) {
undo := t.undoStack[t.nextUndo]
t.spans[undo.originalBefore], t.spans[undo.before] = t.spans[undo.before], t.spans[undo.originalBefore]
t.spans[undo.originalAfter], t.spans[undo.after] = t.spans[undo.after], t.spans[undo.originalAfter]
t.cursor.pos, t.undoStack[t.nextUndo].pos = undo.pos, t.cursor.pos
if t.nextUndo < len(t.undoStack) && !t.undoStack[t.nextUndo].continuation {
t.cursor.row = -1
t.truncateLines(0) // This is why Redo is expensive for large texts. (t.lineStarts can get largely unusable after an undo.)
t.findCursor(true, 0)
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
if t.changed != nil {
defer t.changed()
@ -1719,7 +1736,7 @@ func (t *TextArea) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Pr
func (t *TextArea) dump() string {
func (t *TextArea) Dump() string {
var buf strings.Builder
// Dump spans.
@ -1768,8 +1785,93 @@ func (t *TextArea) dump() string {
index =
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[yellow]%d[white]>[blue]%d[yellow]\n", undo.after, undo.originalAfter)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[yellow]%d[white]>[blue]%d[yellow]", undo.after, undo.originalAfter)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %d\n", undo.pos)
return buf.String()
// MouseHandler returns the mouse handler for this primitive.
func (t *TextArea) MouseHandler() func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) {
return t.WrapMouseHandler(func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) {
x, y := event.Position()
rectX, rectY, _, _ := t.GetInnerRect()
if !t.InRect(x, y) {
return false, nil
// Turn mouse coordinates into text coordinates.
column := x - rectX
row := y - rectY
if !t.wrap {
column += t.columnOffset
row += t.rowOffset
// Process mouse actions.
switch action {
case MouseLeftDown:
t.moveCursor(row, column)
if event.Modifiers()&tcell.ModShift == 0 {
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
consumed = true
capture = t
t.dragging = true
case MouseMove:
if !t.dragging {
t.moveCursor(row, column)
consumed = true
case MouseLeftUp:
t.moveCursor(row, column)
consumed = true
capture = nil
t.dragging = false
case MouseLeftDoubleClick: // Select word.
// Left down/up was already triggered so we are at the correct
// position.
t.selectionStart = t.cursor
consumed = true
case MouseScrollUp:
if t.rowOffset > 0 {
consumed = true
case MouseScrollDown:
if t.rowOffset >= len(t.lineStarts) {
t.rowOffset = len(t.lineStarts) - 1
if t.rowOffset < 0 {
t.rowOffset = 0
consumed = true
case MouseScrollLeft:
if t.columnOffset > 0 {
consumed = true
case MouseScrollRight:
if t.columnOffset >= t.widestLine {
t.columnOffset = t.widestLine - 1
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
consumed = true
//TODO: Don't replace tab with spaces.
