Completed Table documentation.

Oliver 7 years ago
parent f990c283b3
commit a7017c9312

@ -23,9 +23,49 @@ type TableCell struct {
// Whether or not this cell may be selected.
Selectable bool
// The position and width of the cell the last time table was drawn.
x, y, width int
// GetLastPosition returns the position of the table cell the last time it was
// drawn on screen. If the cell is not on screen, the return values are
// undefined.
// Because the Table class will attempt to keep selected cells on screen, this
// function is most useful in response to a "selected" event (see
// SetSelectedFunc()).
func (c *TableCell) GetLastPosition() (x, y, width int) {
return c.x, c.y, c.width
// Table visualizes two-dimensional data consisting of rows and columns.
// Table visualizes two-dimensional data consisting of rows and columns. Each
// Table cell is defined via SetCell() by the TableCell type. They can be added
// dynamically to the table and changed any time.
// The most compact display of a table is without borders. Each row will then
// occupy one row on screen and columns are seperated by the rune defined via
// SetSeparator() (a space character by default).
// When borders are turned on (via SetBorders()), each table cell is surrounded
// by lines. Therefore one table row will require two rows on screen.
// Columns will use as much horizontal space as they need. You can constrain
// their size with the MaxWidth parameter of the TableCell type.
// Fixed Columns
// You can define fixed rows and rolumns via SetFixed(). They will always stay
// in their place, even when the table is scrolled. Fixed rows are always the
// top rows. Fixed columns are always the leftmost columns.
// Selections
// You can call SetSelectable() to set columns and/or rows to "selectable". If
// the flag is set only for columns, entire columns can be selected by the user.
// If it is set only for rows, entire rows can be selected. If both flags are
// set, individual cells can be selected. The "selected" handler set via
// SetSelectedFunc() is invoked when the user presses Enter on a selection.
// Navigation
@ -43,7 +83,7 @@ type TableCell struct {
// When there is no selection, this affects the entire table (except for fixed
// rows and columns). When there is a selection, the user moves the selection.
// The class will attempt to always keep the selection in view.
// The class will attempt to keep the selection from moving out of the screen.
type Table struct {
@ -298,7 +338,8 @@ func (t *Table) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
t.selectedColumn = 0
// Determine the indices and widths of the columns which fit on the screen.
// Determine the indices and widths of the columns and rows which fit on the
// screen.
var (
columns, rows, widths []int
tableHeight, tableWidth int
@ -342,7 +383,7 @@ ColumnLoop:
break ColumnLoop // The selected column reached the leftmost point before disappearing.
if t.columnsSelectable && skipped >= t.columnOffset &&
(t.selectedColumn < column && lastTableWidth < width-1 || t.selectedColumn < column-1) {
(t.selectedColumn < column && lastTableWidth < width-1 && tableWidth < width-1 || t.selectedColumn < column-1) {
break ColumnLoop // We've skipped as many as requested and the selection is visible.
if len(columns) <= t.fixedColumns {
@ -402,7 +443,7 @@ ColumnLoop:
columnWidth := widths[columnIndex]
columnSelected := t.columnsSelectable && !t.rowsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn
for rowY, row := range rows {
// Is this row/column/cell selected?
// Is this row/cell selected?
rowSelected := t.rowsSelectable && !t.columnsSelectable && row == t.selectedRow
cellSelected := columnSelected || rowSelected || t.rowsSelectable && t.columnsSelectable && column == t.selectedColumn && row == t.selectedRow
@ -446,20 +487,21 @@ ColumnLoop:
// Draw cell background.
bgStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Background(bgColor)
for pos := 0; pos < columnWidth && columnX+1+pos < width; pos++ {
finalWidth := columnWidth
if columnX+1+columnWidth >= width {
finalWidth = width - columnX - 1
for pos := 0; pos < finalWidth; pos++ {
screen.SetContent(x+columnX+1+pos, y+rowY, ' ', nil, bgStyle)
cell.x, cell.y, cell.width = x+columnX+1, y+rowY, finalWidth
// Draw text.
w := columnWidth
if columnX+1+w >= width {
w = width - columnX - 1
text := []rune(cell.Text)
if w < len(text) && w > 0 {
text = append(text[:w-1], GraphicsEllipsis)
if finalWidth < len(text) && finalWidth > 0 {
text = append(text[:finalWidth-1], GraphicsEllipsis)
Print(screen, string(text), x+columnX+1, y+rowY, w, cell.Align, textColor)
Print(screen, string(text), x+columnX+1, y+rowY, finalWidth, cell.Align, textColor)
// Draw bottom border.
