Rewrote WordWrap() function due to bugs.

Oliver 6 years ago
parent 3bac79f308
commit a3971dc430

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
runewidth ""
@ -318,90 +319,111 @@ func StringWidth(text string) int {
// Text is always split at newline characters ('\n').
func WordWrap(text string, width int) (lines []string) {
x := 0
start := 0
candidate := -1 // -1 = no candidate yet.
startAfterCandidate := 0
countAfterCandidate := 0
var evaluatingCandidate bool
text = strings.TrimSpace(text)
colorIndices := colorPattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1)
escapeIndices := escapePattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1)
// Strip color tags.
strippedText := escapePattern.ReplaceAllString(colorPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, ""), "[$1$2]")
var colorPos, escapePos int
for pos, ch := range text {
// Skip color tags.
if colorPos < len(colorIndices) && pos >= colorIndices[colorPos][0] && pos < colorIndices[colorPos][1] {
if pos == colorIndices[colorPos][1]-1 {
// Keep track of color tags and escape patterns so we can restore the original
// indices.
colorTagIndices := colorPattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1)
escapeIndices := escapePattern.FindAllStringIndex(text, -1)
// Handle escape tags.
if escapePos < len(escapeIndices) && pos >= escapeIndices[escapePos][0] && pos < escapeIndices[escapePos][1] {
if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-1 {
} else if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-2 {
// Find candidate breakpoints.
breakPoints := boundaryPattern.FindAllStringIndex(strippedText, -1)
// This helper function adds a new line to the result slice. The provided
// positions are in stripped index space.
addLine := func(from, to int) {
// Shift indices back to original index space.
var colorTagIndex, escapeIndex int
for colorTagIndex < len(colorTagIndices) && to >= colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] ||
escapeIndex < len(escapeIndices) && to >= escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] {
past := 0
if colorTagIndex < len(colorTagIndices) {
tagWidth := colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][1] - colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0]
if colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] < from {
from += tagWidth
to += tagWidth
} else if colorTagIndices[colorTagIndex][0] < to {
to += tagWidth
} else {
} else {
// What's the width of this rune?
chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
if !evaluatingCandidate && x >= width {
// We've exceeded the width, we must split.
if candidate >= 0 {
lines = append(lines, text[start:candidate])
start = startAfterCandidate
x = countAfterCandidate
if escapeIndex < len(escapeIndices) {
tagWidth := escapeIndices[escapeIndex][1] - escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0]
if escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] < from {
from += tagWidth
to += tagWidth
} else if escapeIndices[escapeIndex][0] < to {
to += tagWidth
} else {
} else {
lines = append(lines, text[start:pos])
start = pos
x = 0
if past == 2 {
break // All other indices are beyond the requested string.
candidate = -1
evaluatingCandidate = false
lines = append(lines, text[from:to])
switch {
// We have a candidate.
case ch >= '!' && ch <= '/', ch >= ':' && ch <= '@', ch >= '[' && ch <= '`', ch >= '{' && ch <= '~':
if x > 0 {
candidate = pos + 1
evaluatingCandidate = true
// If we've had a candidate, skip whitespace. If not, we have a candidate.
case ch == ' ', ch == '\t':
if x > 0 && !evaluatingCandidate {
candidate = pos
evaluatingCandidate = true
// Determine final breakpoints.
var start, lastEnd, newStart, breakPoint int
for {
// What's our candidate string?
var candidate string
if breakPoint < len(breakPoints) {
candidate = text[start:breakPoints[breakPoint][1]]
} else {
candidate = text[start:]
candidate = strings.TrimRightFunc(candidate, unicode.IsSpace)
if runewidth.StringWidth(candidate) >= width {
// We're past the available width.
if lastEnd > start {
// Use the previous candidate.
addLine(start, lastEnd)
start = newStart
} else {
// We have no previous candidate. Make a hard break.
var lineWidth int
for index, ch := range text {
if index < start {
chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
if lineWidth > 0 && lineWidth+chWidth >= width {
addLine(start, index)
start = index
lineWidth += chWidth
// Split in any case.
case ch == '\n':
lines = append(lines, text[start:pos])
start = pos + 1
evaluatingCandidate = false
countAfterCandidate = 0
x = 0
// If we've had a candidate, we have a new start.
if evaluatingCandidate {
startAfterCandidate = pos
evaluatingCandidate = false
countAfterCandidate = 0
} else {
// We haven't hit the right border yet.
if breakPoint >= len(breakPoints) {
// It's the last line. We're done.
if len(candidate) > 0 {
addLine(start, len(strippedText))
} else {
// We have a new candidate.
lastEnd = start + len(candidate)
newStart = breakPoints[breakPoint][1]
x += chWidth
countAfterCandidate += chWidth
// Process remaining text.
text = strings.TrimSpace(text[start:])
if len(text) > 0 {
lines = append(lines, text)
