Fixed handling of combining unicode characters. Fixes #101

Oliver 6 years ago
parent d7d44cb0d2
commit 213c37c368

@ -248,40 +248,18 @@ func (i *InputField) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
text := i.text
if text == "" && i.placeholder != "" {
Print(screen, i.placeholder, x, y, fieldWidth, AlignLeft, i.placeholderTextColor)
// Draw entered text.
if i.maskCharacter > 0 {
text = strings.Repeat(string(i.maskCharacter), utf8.RuneCountInString(i.text))
fieldWidth-- // We need one cell for the cursor.
if fieldWidth < runewidth.StringWidth(text) {
runes := []rune(text)
for pos := len(runes) - 1; pos >= 0; pos-- {
ch := runes[pos]
w := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
if fieldWidth-w < 0 {
_, _, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+fieldWidth-w, y)
style = style.Foreground(i.fieldTextColor)
for w > 0 {
screen.SetContent(x+fieldWidth, y, ch, nil, style)
} else {
pos := 0
for _, ch := range text {
w := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
_, _, style, _ := screen.GetContent(x+pos, y)
style = style.Foreground(i.fieldTextColor)
for w > 0 {
screen.SetContent(x+pos, y, ch, nil, style)
// Draw entered text.
if i.maskCharacter > 0 {
text = strings.Repeat(string(i.maskCharacter), utf8.RuneCountInString(i.text))
} else {
text = Escape(text)
fieldWidth-- // We need one cell for the cursor.
if fieldWidth < runewidth.StringWidth(text) {
Print(screen, text, x, y, fieldWidth, AlignRight, i.fieldTextColor)
} else {
Print(screen, text, x, y, fieldWidth, AlignLeft, i.fieldTextColor)

@ -769,10 +769,60 @@ func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Print the line.
var currentTag, currentRegion, currentEscapeTag, skipped int
var currentTag, currentRegion, currentEscapeTag, skipped, runeSeqWidth int
runeSequence := make([]rune, 0, 10)
flush := func() {
if len(runeSequence) == 0 {
// Mix the existing style with the new style.
_, _, existingStyle, _ := screen.GetContent(x+posX, y+line-t.lineOffset)
_, background, _ := existingStyle.Decompose()
style := overlayStyle(background, defaultStyle, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes)
// Do we highlight this character?
var highlighted bool
if len(regionID) > 0 {
if _, ok := t.highlights[regionID]; ok {
highlighted = true
if highlighted {
fg, bg, _ := style.Decompose()
if bg == tcell.ColorDefault {
r, g, b := fg.RGB()
c := colorful.Color{R: float64(r) / 255, G: float64(g) / 255, B: float64(b) / 255}
_, _, li := c.Hcl()
if li < .5 {
bg = tcell.ColorWhite
} else {
bg = tcell.ColorBlack
style = style.Background(fg).Foreground(bg)
// Draw the character.
var comb []rune
if len(runeSequence) > 1 {
// Allocate space for the combining characters only when necessary.
comb = make([]rune, len(runeSequence)-1)
copy(comb, runeSequence[1:])
for offset := 0; offset < runeSeqWidth; offset++ {
screen.SetContent(x+posX+offset, y+line-t.lineOffset, runeSequence[0], comb, style)
// Advance.
posX += runeSeqWidth
runeSequence = runeSequence[:0]
runeSeqWidth = 0
for pos, ch := range text {
// Get the color.
if currentTag < len(colorTags) && pos >= colorTagIndices[currentTag][0] && pos < colorTagIndices[currentTag][1] {
if pos == colorTagIndices[currentTag][1]-1 {
foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes = styleFromTag(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes, colorTags[currentTag])
@ -782,6 +832,7 @@ func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Get the region.
if currentRegion < len(regionIndices) && pos >= regionIndices[currentRegion][0] && pos < regionIndices[currentRegion][1] {
if pos == regionIndices[currentRegion][1]-1 {
regionID = regions[currentRegion][1]
@ -791,6 +842,7 @@ func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Skip the second-to-last character of an escape tag.
if currentEscapeTag < len(escapeIndices) && pos >= escapeIndices[currentEscapeTag][0] && pos < escapeIndices[currentEscapeTag][1] {
if pos == escapeIndices[currentEscapeTag][1]-1 {
} else if pos == escapeIndices[currentEscapeTag][1]-2 {
@ -801,7 +853,14 @@ func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Determine the width of this rune.
chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
if chWidth == 0 {
// If this is not a modifier, we treat it as a space character.
if len(runeSequence) == 0 {
ch = ' '
chWidth = 1
} else {
runeSequence = append(runeSequence, ch)
// Skip to the right.
@ -811,44 +870,19 @@ func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Stop at the right border.
if posX+chWidth > width {
if posX+runeSeqWidth+chWidth > width {
// Mix the existing style with the new style.
_, _, existingStyle, _ := screen.GetContent(x+posX, y+line-t.lineOffset)
_, background, _ := existingStyle.Decompose()
style := overlayStyle(background, defaultStyle, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes)
// Flush the rune sequence.
// Do we highlight this character?
var highlighted bool
if len(regionID) > 0 {
if _, ok := t.highlights[regionID]; ok {
highlighted = true
if highlighted {
fg, bg, _ := style.Decompose()
if bg == tcell.ColorDefault {
r, g, b := fg.RGB()
c := colorful.Color{R: float64(r) / 255, G: float64(g) / 255, B: float64(b) / 255}
_, _, li := c.Hcl()
if li < .5 {
bg = tcell.ColorWhite
} else {
bg = tcell.ColorBlack
style = style.Background(fg).Foreground(bg)
// Draw the character.
for offset := 0; offset < chWidth; offset++ {
screen.SetContent(x+posX+offset, y+line-t.lineOffset, ch, nil, style)
// Advance.
posX += chWidth
// Queue this rune.
runeSequence = append(runeSequence, ch)
runeSeqWidth += chWidth
if posX+runeSeqWidth <= width {

@ -361,6 +361,9 @@ func printWithStyle(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int,
width += w
start = index
for runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[start]) == 0 && start < len(runes) {
return printWithStyle(screen, substring(start, len(runes)), x+maxWidth-width, y, width, AlignLeft, style)
} else if align == AlignCenter {
width := runewidth.StringWidth(strippedText)
@ -376,12 +379,15 @@ func printWithStyle(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int,
var choppedLeft, choppedRight, leftIndex, rightIndex int
rightIndex = len(runes) - 1
for rightIndex > leftIndex && width-choppedLeft-choppedRight > maxWidth {
leftWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[leftIndex])
rightWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[rightIndex])
if choppedLeft < choppedRight {
leftWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[leftIndex])
choppedLeft += leftWidth
for runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[leftIndex]) == 0 && leftIndex < len(runes) && leftIndex < rightIndex {
} else {
rightWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(runes[rightIndex])
choppedRight += rightWidth
@ -397,9 +403,39 @@ func printWithStyle(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int,
colorPos, escapePos int
foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes string
runeSequence := make([]rune, 0, 10)
runeSeqWidth := 0
flush := func() {
if len(runeSequence) == 0 {
return // Nothing to flush.
// Print the rune sequence.
finalX := x + drawnWidth
_, _, finalStyle, _ := screen.GetContent(finalX, y)
_, background, _ := finalStyle.Decompose()
finalStyle = overlayStyle(background, style, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes)
var comb []rune
if len(runeSequence) > 1 {
// Allocate space for the combining characters only when necessary.
comb = make([]rune, len(runeSequence)-1)
copy(comb, runeSequence[1:])
for offset := 0; offset < runeSeqWidth; offset++ {
// To avoid undesired effects, we place the same character in all cells.
screen.SetContent(finalX+offset, y, runeSequence[0], comb, finalStyle)
// Advance and reset.
drawn += len(runeSequence)
drawnWidth += runeSeqWidth
runeSequence = runeSequence[:0]
runeSeqWidth = 0
for pos, ch := range text {
// Handle color tags.
if colorPos < len(colorIndices) && pos >= colorIndices[colorPos][0] && pos < colorIndices[colorPos][1] {
if pos == colorIndices[colorPos][1]-1 {
foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes = styleFromTag(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes, colors[colorPos])
@ -409,6 +445,7 @@ func printWithStyle(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int,
// Handle escape tags.
if escapePos < len(escapeIndices) && pos >= escapeIndices[escapePos][0] && pos < escapeIndices[escapePos][1] {
if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-1 {
} else if pos == escapeIndices[escapePos][1]-2 {
@ -419,21 +456,26 @@ func printWithStyle(screen tcell.Screen, text string, x, y, maxWidth, align int,
// Check if we have enough space for this rune.
chWidth := runewidth.RuneWidth(ch)
if drawnWidth+chWidth > maxWidth {
break // No. We're done then.
finalX := x + drawnWidth
// Print the rune.
_, _, finalStyle, _ := screen.GetContent(finalX, y)
_, background, _ := finalStyle.Decompose()
finalStyle = overlayStyle(background, style, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, attributes)
for offset := 0; offset < chWidth; offset++ {
// To avoid undesired effects, we place the same character in all cells.
screen.SetContent(finalX+offset, y, ch, nil, finalStyle)
// Put this rune in the queue.
if chWidth == 0 {
// If this is not a modifier, we treat it as a space character.
if len(runeSequence) == 0 {
ch = ' '
chWidth = 1
} else {
// We have a character. Flush all previous runes.
runeSequence = append(runeSequence, ch)
runeSeqWidth += chWidth
drawnWidth += chWidth
if drawnWidth+runeSeqWidth <= maxWidth {
return drawn, drawnWidth
