You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
4.3 KiB

package tview
import ""
// Characters to draw the box border.
const (
BoxVertBar = '\u2500'
BoxHorBar = '\u2502'
BoxTopLeftCorner = '\u250c'
BoxTopRightCorner = '\u2510'
BoxBottomRightCorner = '\u2518'
BoxBottomLeftCorner = '\u2514'
BoxEllipsis = '\u2026'
// Box implements Rect with a background and optional elements such as a border
// and a title.
type Box struct {
// The position of the rect.
x, y, width, height int
// Whether or not the box has focus.
hasFocus bool
// The box's background color.
backgroundColor tcell.Color
// Whether or not a border is drawn, reducing the box's space for content by
// two in width and height.
border bool
// The color of the border.
borderColor tcell.Color
// The color of the border when the box has focus.
focusedBorderColor tcell.Color
// The title. Only visible if there is a border, too.
title string
// The color of the title.
titleColor tcell.Color
// NewBox returns a Box without a border.
func NewBox() *Box {
return &Box{
width: 15,
height: 10,
borderColor: tcell.ColorWhite,
focusedBorderColor: tcell.ColorYellow,
titleColor: tcell.ColorWhite,
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (b *Box) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
// Don't draw anything if there is no space.
if b.width <= 0 || b.height <= 0 {
def := tcell.StyleDefault
// Fill background.
background := def.Background(b.backgroundColor)
for y := b.y; y < b.y+b.height; y++ {
for x := b.x; x < b.x+b.width; x++ {
screen.SetContent(x, y, ' ', nil, background)
// Draw border.
if b.border && b.width >= 2 && b.height >= 2 {
border := background.Foreground(b.borderColor)
if b.hasFocus {
border = background.Foreground(b.focusedBorderColor)
for x := b.x + 1; x < b.x+b.width-1; x++ {
screen.SetContent(x, b.y, BoxVertBar, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(x, b.y+b.height-1, BoxVertBar, nil, border)
for y := b.y + 1; y < b.y+b.height-1; y++ {
screen.SetContent(b.x, y, BoxHorBar, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(b.x+b.width-1, y, BoxHorBar, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(b.x, b.y, BoxTopLeftCorner, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(b.x+b.width-1, b.y, BoxTopRightCorner, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(b.x, b.y+b.height-1, BoxBottomLeftCorner, nil, border)
screen.SetContent(b.x+b.width-1, b.y+b.height-1, BoxBottomRightCorner, nil, border)
// Draw title.
if b.title != "" && b.width >= 4 {
title := background.Foreground(b.titleColor)
x := b.x
for index, ch := range b.title {
if x >= b.x+b.width-1 {
if x == b.x+b.width-2 && index < len(b.title)-1 {
ch = BoxEllipsis
screen.SetContent(x, b.y, ch, nil, title)
// GetRect returns the current position of the rectangle, x, y, width, and
// height.
func (b *Box) GetRect() (int, int, int, int) {
return b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height
// SetRect sets a new position of the rectangle.
func (b *Box) SetRect(x, y, width, height int) {
b.x = x
b.y = y
b.width = width
b.height = height
// InputHandler returns nil.
func (b *Box) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey) {
return nil
// SetBackgroundColor sets the box's background color.
func (b *Box) SetBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *Box {
b.backgroundColor = color
return b
// SetBorder sets the flag indicating whether or not the box should have a
// border.
func (b *Box) SetBorder(show bool) *Box {
b.border = show
return b
// SetBorderColor sets the box's border color.
func (b *Box) SetBorderColor(color tcell.Color) *Box {
b.borderColor = color
return b
// SetFocusedBorderColor sets the box's border color for when the box has focus.
func (b *Box) SetFocusedBorderColor(color tcell.Color) *Box {
b.focusedBorderColor = color
return b
// SetTitle sets the box's title.
func (b *Box) SetTitle(title string) *Box {
b.title = title
return b
// SetTitleColor sets the box's title color.
func (b *Box) SetTitleColor(color tcell.Color) *Box {
b.titleColor = color
return b
// Focus is called when this primitive receives focus.
func (b *Box) Focus(app *Application) {
b.hasFocus = true
// Blur is called when this primitive loses focus.
func (b *Box) Blur() {
b.hasFocus = false