You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

716 lines
24 KiB

package tview
import (
const (
// The minimum capacity of the text area's piece chain slice.
pieceChainMinCap = 10
// The minimum capacity of the text area's edit buffer.
editBufferMinCap = 200
// The maximum number of bytes making up a grapheme cluster. In theory, this
// could be longer but it would be highly unusual.
maxGraphemeClusterSize = 40
var (
// NewLine is the string sequence to be inserted when hitting the Enter key
// in a TextArea. The default is "\n" but you may change it to "\r\n" if
// required.
NewLine = "\n"
// textAreaSpan represents a range of text in a text area. The text area widget
// roughly follows the concept of Piece Chains outline in
// with some modifications.
// This type represents a "span" (or "piece") and thus refers to a subset of the
// text in the editor as part of a doubly-linked list.
// In most places where we reference a position in the text, we use a
// two-element int array. The first element is the index of the referenced span
// in the piece chain. The second element is the offset into the span's
// referenced text (relative to the span's start), its value is always >= 0 and
// < span.length. Sometimes, we may use a three-element int array which also
// contains the corresponding text parser's state in the third position.
// A range of text is represented by a span range which is a starting position
// (int array) and an ending position (int array). The starting position
// references the first character of the range, the ending position references
// the position after the last character of the range. The end of the text is
// therefore always [2]int{1, 0}, position 0 of the ending sentinel.
type textAreaSpan struct {
// Links to the previous and next textAreaSpan objects as indices into the
// TextArea.spans slice. The sentinel spans (index 0 and 1) have -1 as their
// previous or next links.
previous, next int
// The start index and the length of the text segment this span represents.
// If "length" is negative, the span represents a substring of
// TextArea.initialText and the actual length must be its absolute value. If
// it is positive, the span represents a substring of TextArea.editText. For
// the sentinel spans (index 0 and 1), both values will be 0.
offset, length int
// TextArea implements a simple text editor for multi-line text. Multi-color
// text is not supported. Word-wrapping is enabled by default but can be turned
// off or be changed to character-wrapping.
// Navigation and Editing
// A text area is always in editing mode and no other mode exists. The following
// keys can be used to move the cursor:
// - Left arrow: Move left.
// - Right arrow: Move right.
// - Down arrow: Move down.
// - Up arrow: Move up.
// - Ctrl-A, Home: Move to the beginning of the current line.
// - Ctrl-E, End: Move to the end of the current line.
// - Ctrl-F, page down: Move down by one page.
// - Ctrl-B, page up: Move up by one page.
// - Alt-Up arrow: Scroll the page up, leaving the cursor in its position.
// - Alt-Down arrow: Scroll the page down, leaving the cursor in its position.
// - Alt-Left arrow: Scroll the page to the right, leaving the cursor in its
// position. Ignored if wrapping is enabled.
// - Alt-Right arrow: Scroll the page to the left, leaving the cursor in its
// position. Ignored if wrapping is enabled.
// Entering a character (rune) will insert it at the current cursor location.
// Subsequent characters are moved accordingly. If the cursor is outside the
// visible area, any changes to the text will move it into the visible area. The
// following keys can also be used to modify the text:
// - Enter: Insert a newline character (see NewLine).
// - Tab: Insert TabSize spaces.
// - Ctrl-H, Backspace: Delete one character to the left of the cursor.
// - Ctrl-D, Delete: Delete the character under the cursor (or the first
// character on the next line if the cursor is at the end of a line).
// - Ctrl-K: Delete everything under and to the right of the cursor.
// - Ctrl-W: Delete from the start of the current word to the left of the
// cursor.
// - Ctrl-U: Delete the current line, i.e. everything after the last newline
// character before the cursor up until the next newline character. This may
// span multiple lines if wrapping is enabled.
// Text can be selected by moving the cursor while holding the Shift key. Thus
// when text is selected:
// - Entering a character (rune) will replace the selected text with the new
// character.
// - Backspace, delete: Delete the selected text.
// - Ctrl-Q: Copy the selected text into the clipboard, unselect the text.
// - Ctrl-X: Copy the selected text into the clipboard and delete it.
// - Ctrl-V: Replace the selected text with the clipboard text. If no text is
// selected, the clipboard text will be inserted at the cursor location.
// The default clipboard is an internal text buffer, i.e. the operating system's
// clipboard is not used. The Ctrl-Q key was chosen for the "copy" function
// because the Ctrl-C key is the default key to stop the application. If your
// application frees up the global Ctrl-C key and you want to bind it to the
// "copy to clipboard" function, you may use SetInputCapture() to override the
// Ctrl-Q key to implement copying to the clipboard.
// Similarly, if you want to implement your own clipboard (or make use of your
// operating system's clipboard), you can also use SetInputCapture() to override
// the key binds for copy, cut, and paste. The GetSelection(), ReplaceText(),
// and SetSelection() provide all the functionality needed for your own
// clipboard. TODO: This will need to be reviewed.
// The text area also supports Undo:
// - Ctrl-Z: Undo the last change.
// - Ctrl-Y: Redo the last Undo change.
// If the mouse is enabled, clicking on a screen cell will move the cursor to
// that location or to the end of the line if past the last character. Turning
// the scroll wheel will scroll the text. Text can also be selected by moving
// the mouse while pressing the left mouse button (see below for details). The
// word underneath the mouse cursor can be selected by double-clicking.
type TextArea struct {
// The text to be shown in the text area when it is empty.
placeholder string
// Styles:
// The style of the text. Background colors different from the Box's
// background color may lead to unwanted artefacts.
textStyle tcell.Style
// The style of the placeholder text.
placeholderStyle tcell.Style
// Text manipulation related fields:
// The text area's text prior to any editing.
initialText string
// Any text that's been added by the user at some point.
editText strings.Builder
// The total length of all text in the text area.
length int
// The maximum number of bytes allowed in the text area. If 0, there is no
// limit.
maxLength int
// The piece chain. The first two spans are sentinel spans which don't
// reference anything and always remain in the same place. Spans are never
// deleted.
spans []textAreaSpan
// The undo stack's items are the first of two consecutive indices into the
// spans slice. The first referenced span is a copy of the one before the
// modified span range, thse second referenced span is a copy of the one
// after the modified span range.
undoStack []int
// Display, navigation, and cursor related fields:
// If set to true, lines that are longer than the available width are
// wrapped onto the next line. If set to false, any characters beyond the
// available width are discarded.
wrap bool
// If set to true and if wrap is also true, lines are split at spaces or
// after punctuation characters.
wordWrap bool
// The index of the first line shown in the text area.
lineOffset int
// The number of cells to be skipped on each line (not used in wrap mode).
columnOffset int
// The inner width of the text area the last time it was drawn.
lastWidth int
// Text positions and states of the start of lines. Each element is a span
// position (see textAreaSpan) and a state as returned by uniseg.Step(). Not
// all lines of the text may be contained at any time, extend as needed with
// the TextArea.extendLines() function.
lineStarts [][3]int
// The cursor always points to the next position where a new character would
// be placed. This is the row (index 0) and column (index 1) in screen space
// but relative to the start of the text which may be outside the text
// area's box. The column value may be larger than where the cursor actually
// is if the line the cursor is on is shorter. The remaining values (indices
// 2-4) is a textAreaSpan position with state for the actual next character.
cursor [5]int
// NewTextArea returns a new text area. For an empty text area, provide an empty
// string.
func NewTextArea(text string) *TextArea {
t := &TextArea{
Box: NewBox(),
wrap: true,
wordWrap: true,
placeholderStyle: tcell.StyleDefault.Background(Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor).Foreground(Styles.TertiaryTextColor),
textStyle: tcell.StyleDefault.Background(Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor).Foreground(Styles.PrimaryTextColor),
initialText: text,
spans: make([]textAreaSpan, 2, pieceChainMinCap), // We reserve some space to avoid reallocations right when editing starts.
t.spans[0] = textAreaSpan{previous: -1, next: 1}
t.spans[1] = textAreaSpan{previous: 0, next: -1}
if len(text) > 0 {
t.spans = append(t.spans, textAreaSpan{
previous: 0,
next: 1,
offset: 0,
length: -len(text),
t.spans[0].next = 2
t.spans[1].previous = 2
t.length = len(text)
return t
// SetWrap sets the flag that, if true, leads to lines that are longer than the
// available width being wrapped onto the next line. If false, any characters
// beyond the available width are not displayed.
func (t *TextArea) SetWrap(wrap bool) *TextArea {
//TODO: Existing text needs reformatting.
t.wrap = wrap
return t
// SetWordWrap sets the flag that, if true and if the "wrap" flag is also true
// (see SetWrap()), wraps the line at spaces or after punctuation marks.
// This flag is ignored if the "wrap" flag is false.
func (t *TextArea) SetWordWrap(wrapOnWords bool) *TextArea {
//TODO: Existing text needs reformatting.
t.wordWrap = wrapOnWords
return t
// SetPlaceholder sets the text to be displayed when the text area is empty.
func (t *TextArea) SetPlaceholder(placeholder string) *TextArea {
t.placeholder = placeholder
return t
// SetMaxLength sets the maximum number of bytes allowed in the text area. If 0,
// there is no limit.
func (t *TextArea) SetMaxLength(maxLength int) *TextArea {
t.maxLength = maxLength
return t
// SetTextStyle sets the style of the text. Background colors different from the
// Box's background color may lead to unwanted artefacts.
func (t *TextArea) SetTextStyle(style tcell.Style) *TextArea {
t.textStyle = style
return t
// SetPlaceholderStyle sets the style of the placeholder text.
func (t *TextArea) SetPlaceholderStyle(style tcell.Style) *TextArea {
t.placeholderStyle = style
return t
// GetOffset returns the text's offset, that is, the number of rows and columns
// skipped during drawing at the top or on the left, respectively. Note that the
// column offset is ignored if wrapping is enabled.
func (t *TextArea) GetOffset() (row, column int) {
return t.lineOffset, t.columnOffset
// SetOffset sets the text's offset, that is, the number of rows and columns
// skipped during drawing at the top or on the left, respectively. If wrapping
// is enabled, the column offset is ignored.
func (t *TextArea) SetOffset(row, column int) *TextArea {
t.lineOffset, t.columnOffset = row, column
return t
// replace deletes a range of text and inserts the given text at that position.
// If the resulting text would exceed the maximum length, the function does not
// do anything. See textAreaSpan for information about text positions and span
// ranges.
// This function does not generate Undo events. Undo events are generated
// elsewhere, when the user changes their type of edit.
func (t *TextArea) replace(deleteStart, deleteEnd [2]int, insert string) {
// Check max length.
if t.maxLength > 0 && t.length+len(insert) > t.maxLength {
// Delete.
for deleteStart[0] != deleteEnd[0] {
if deleteStart[1] == 0 {
// Delete this entire span.
deleteStart[0] = t.deleteSpan(deleteStart[0])
deleteStart[1] = 0
} else {
// Delete a partial span at the end.
if t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length < 0 {
// Initial text span. Has negative length.
t.length -= -t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length - deleteStart[1]
t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length = -deleteStart[1]
} else {
// Edit buffer span. Has positive length.
t.length -= t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length - deleteStart[1]
t.spans[deleteStart[0]].length = deleteStart[1]
deleteStart[0] = t.spans[deleteStart[0]].next
deleteStart[1] = 0
} // At this point, deleteStart[0] == deleteEnd[0].
if deleteEnd[1] > deleteStart[1] {
if deleteStart[1] == 0 {
// Delete a partial span at the beginning.
t.length -= deleteEnd[1]
if t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length < 0 {
// Initial text span. Has negative length.
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length += deleteEnd[1]
} else {
// Edit buffer span. Has positive length.
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].length -= deleteEnd[1]
t.spans[deleteEnd[0]].offset += deleteEnd[1]
} else {
// Delete in the middle by splitting the span.
deleteStart[0] = t.splitSpan(deleteStart[0], deleteStart[1])
deleteStart[1] = 0
// Insert.
if len(insert) > 0 {
spanIndex, offset := deleteStart[0], deleteStart[1]
span := t.spans[spanIndex]
if offset == 0 {
previousSpan := t.spans[span.previous]
if previousSpan.length > 0 && previousSpan.offset+previousSpan.length == t.editText.Len() {
// We can simply append to the edit buffer.
length, _ := t.editText.WriteString(insert)
previousSpan.length += length
t.length += length
} else {
// Insert a new span.
t.insertSpan(insert, spanIndex)
} else {
// Split and insert.
spanIndex = t.splitSpan(spanIndex, offset)
t.insertSpan(insert, spanIndex)
// deleteSpan removes the span with the given index from the piece chain. It
// returns the index of the span after the deleted span (or the provided index
// if no span was deleted due to an invalid span index).
// This function also adjusts TextArea.length.
func (t *TextArea) deleteSpan(index int) int {
if index < 2 || index >= len(t.spans) {
return index
// Remove from piece chain.
previous := t.spans[index].previous
next := t.spans[index].next
t.spans[previous].next = next
t.spans[next].previous = previous
// Adjust total length.
length := t.spans[index].length
if length < 0 {
length = -length
t.length -= length
return next
// splitSpan splits the span with the given index at the given offset into two
// spans. It returns the index of the span after the split or the provided
// index if no span was split due to an invalid span index or an invalid
// offset.
func (t *TextArea) splitSpan(index, offset int) int {
if index < 2 || index >= len(t.spans) || offset <= 0 || offset >= t.spans[index].length {
return index
// Make a new trailing span.
span := t.spans[index]
newSpan := textAreaSpan{
previous: index,
offset: span.offset + offset,
// Adjust lengths.
if span.length < 0 {
// Initial text span. Has negative length.
newSpan.length = span.length + offset
span.length = -offset
} else {
// Edit buffer span. Has positive length.
newSpan.length = span.length - offset
span.length = offset
// Insert it.
newIndex := len(t.spans)
t.spans = append(t.spans, newSpan)
t.spans[].previous = newIndex = newIndex
return newIndex
// insertSpan inserts the a span with the given text into the piece chain before
// the span with the given index and returns the index of the newly inserted
// span. If index <= 0, nothing happens and 1 is returned. The text is appended
// to the edit buffer. The length of the text is added to TextArea.length.
func (t *TextArea) insertSpan(text string, index int) int {
if index < 1 || index >= len(t.spans) {
return 1
// Make a new span.
nextSpan := t.spans[index]
span := textAreaSpan{
previous: nextSpan.previous,
next: index,
offset: t.editText.Len(),
span.length, _ = t.editText.WriteString(text)
// Insert into piece chain.
newIndex := len(t.spans)
t.spans[nextSpan.previous].next = newIndex
nextSpan.previous = newIndex
t.spans = append(t.spans, span)
// Adjust text area length.
t.length += span.length
return newIndex
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (t *TextArea) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
t.Box.DrawForSubclass(screen, t)
// Prepare
x, y, width, height := t.GetInnerRect()
if width == 0 || height == 0 {
return // We have no space for anything.
// Placeholder.
if t.length == 0 && len(t.placeholder) > 0 {
t.drawPlaceholder(screen, x, y, width, height)
return // We're done already.
// Make sure the visible lines are broken over.
if t.lastWidth != width && t.lineStarts != nil {
t.lineStarts = t.lineStarts[:0]
t.lastWidth = width
t.extendLines(width, t.lineOffset+height)
if len(t.lineStarts) <= t.lineOffset {
return // It's scrolled out of view.
// Print the text.
var cluster, text string
line := t.lineOffset
pos := t.lineStarts[line]
endPos := pos
posX, posY := 0, 0
columnOffset := t.columnOffset
if t.wrap {
columnOffset = 0
for pos[0] != 1 {
cluster, text, _, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
runes := []rune(cluster)
if posX+clusterWidth-columnOffset <= width && posX-columnOffset >= 0 && clusterWidth > 0 {
screen.SetContent(x+posX-columnOffset, y+posY, runes[0], runes[1:], t.textStyle)
posX += clusterWidth
if line+1 < len(t.lineStarts) && t.lineStarts[line+1] == pos {
// We must break over.
if posY >= height {
break // Don&& x+posX->=olumnOffset<0
posX = 0
// drawPlaceholder draws the placeholder text into the given rectangle. It does
// not do anything if the text area already contains text or if there is no
// placeholder text.
func (t *TextArea) drawPlaceholder(screen tcell.Screen, x, y, width, height int) {
posX, posY := x, y
lastLineBreak, lastGraphemeBreak := x, x // Screen positions of the last possible line/grapheme break.
iterateString(t.placeholder, func(main rune, comb []rune, textPos, textWidth, screenPos, screenWidth, boundaries int) bool {
if posX+screenWidth > x+width {
// This character doesn't fit. Break over to the next line.
// Perform word wrapping first by copying the last word over to
// the next line.
clearX := lastLineBreak
if lastLineBreak == x {
clearX = lastGraphemeBreak
if posY >= y+height {
return true
newPosX := x
for clearX < posX {
main, comb, _, _ := screen.GetContent(clearX, posY-1)
screen.SetContent(clearX, posY-1, ' ', nil, tcell.StyleDefault.Background(t.backgroundColor))
screen.SetContent(newPosX, posY, main, comb, t.placeholderStyle)
lastLineBreak, lastGraphemeBreak, posX = x, x, newPosX
// Draw this character.
screen.SetContent(posX, posY, main, comb, t.placeholderStyle)
posX += screenWidth
switch boundaries & uniseg.MaskLine {
case uniseg.LineMustBreak:
if posY >= y+height {
return true
posX = x
case uniseg.LineCanBreak:
lastLineBreak = posX
lastGraphemeBreak = posX
return false
// extendLines traverses the current text and extends t.lineStarts such that it
// describes at least maxLines+1 lines (or less if the text is shorter). Text is
// laid out for the given width while respecting the wrapping settings. It is
// assumed that if t.lineStarts already has entries, they obey the same rules.
// If width is 0, nothing happens.
func (t *TextArea) extendLines(width, maxLines int) {
if width <= 0 {
// Start with the first span.
if len(t.lineStarts) == 0 {
if len(t.spans) > 2 {
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, [3]int{t.spans[0].next, 0, -1})
} else {
return // No text.
// Determine starting positions and starting spans.
pos := t.lineStarts[len(t.lineStarts)-1] // The starting position is the last known line.
endPos := pos
var (
cluster, text string
lineWidth, boundaries int
lastGraphemeBreak, lastLineBreak [3]int
widthSinceLineBreak int
for pos[0] != 1 {
// Get the next grapheme cluster.
cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos = t.step(text, pos, endPos)
clusterWidth := stringWidth(cluster)
lineWidth += clusterWidth
widthSinceLineBreak += clusterWidth
// Any line breaks?
if !t.wrap || lineWidth <= width {
if pos[0] != 1 && boundaries&uniseg.MaskLine == uniseg.LineMustBreak {
// We must break over.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, pos)
lineWidth = 0
lastGraphemeBreak = [3]int{}
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
widthSinceLineBreak = 0
if len(t.lineStarts) > maxLines {
break // We have enough lines, we can stop.
} else { // t.wrap && lineWidth > width
if !t.wordWrap || lastLineBreak == [3]int{} {
if lastGraphemeBreak != [3]int{} { // We have at least one character on each line.
// Break after last grapheme.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, lastGraphemeBreak)
lineWidth = clusterWidth
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
} else { // t.wordWrap && lastLineBreak != [3]int{}
// Break after last line break opportunity.
t.lineStarts = append(t.lineStarts, lastLineBreak)
lineWidth = widthSinceLineBreak
lastLineBreak = [3]int{}
// Analyze break opportunities.
if boundaries&uniseg.MaskLine == uniseg.LineCanBreak {
lastLineBreak = pos
widthSinceLineBreak = 0
lastGraphemeBreak = pos
// Can we stop?
if len(t.lineStarts) > maxLines {
// step is similar to uniseg.StepString() but it iterates over the piece chain,
// starting with "pos", a span position plus state (which may be -1 for the
// start of the text). The returned "boundaries" value is same value returned by
// uniseg.StepString(). The "pos" and "endPos" positions refer to the start and
// the end of the "text" string, respectively. For the first call, text may be
// empty and pos/endPos may be the same. For consecutive calls, provide "rest"
// as the text and "newPos" and "newEndPos" as the new positions/states. An
// empty "rest" string indicates the end of the text. The "endPos" state is not
// used.
func (t *TextArea) step(text string, pos, endPos [3]int) (cluster, rest string, boundaries int, newPos, newEndPos [3]int) {
if pos[0] == 1 {
return // We're already past the end.
// We want to make sure we have a text at least the size of a grapheme
// cluster.
span := t.spans[pos[0]]
if len(text) < maxGraphemeClusterSize &&
(span.length < 0 && -span.length-pos[1] >= maxGraphemeClusterSize ||
span.length > 0 && t.spans[pos[0]].length-pos[1] >= maxGraphemeClusterSize) {
// We can use a substring of one span.
if span.length < 0 {
text = t.initialText[span.offset+pos[1] : span.offset-span.length]
} else {
text = t.editText.String()[span.offset+pos[1] : span.offset+span.length]
endPos = [3]int{, 0, -1}
} else {
// We have to compose the text from multiple spans.
for len(text) < maxGraphemeClusterSize && endPos[0] != 1 {
endSpan := t.spans[endPos[0]]
var moreText string
if endSpan.length < 0 {
moreText = t.initialText[endSpan.offset+endPos[1] : endSpan.offset-endSpan.length]
} else {
moreText = t.editText.String()[endSpan.offset+endPos[1] : endSpan.offset+endSpan.length]
if len(moreText) > maxGraphemeClusterSize {
moreText = moreText[:maxGraphemeClusterSize]
text += moreText
endPos[1] += len(moreText)
if endPos[1] >= endSpan.length {
endPos[0], endPos[1] =, 0
// Run the grapheme cluster iterator.
cluster, text, boundaries, pos[2] = uniseg.StepString(text, pos[2])
pos[1] += len(cluster)
for pos[0] != 1 && (span.length < 0 && pos[1] >= -span.length || span.length >= 0 && pos[1] >= span.length) {
pos[0] =
pos[1] -= span.length
span = t.spans[pos[0]]
return cluster, text, boundaries, pos, endPos