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use crate::widgets::{RenderContext, Widget};
/// A widget to to clear/reset a certain area to allow overdrawing (e.g. for popups)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use tui::widgets::{Clear, Block, Borders};
/// # use tui::layout::Rect;
/// # use tui::Frame;
/// # use tui::backend::Backend;
/// fn draw_on_clear<B: Backend>(f: &mut Frame<B>, area: Rect) {
/// let block = Block::default().title("Block").borders(Borders::ALL);
/// f.render_widget(Clear, area); // <- this will clear/reset the area first
/// f.render_widget(block, area); // now render the block widget
/// }
/// ```
/// # Popup Example
/// For a more complete example how to utilize `Clear` to realize popups see
/// the example `examples/`
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Clear;
impl Widget for Clear {
type State = ();
fn render(self, ctx: &mut RenderContext<Self::State>) {
for x in ctx.area.left()..ctx.area.right() {
for y in {
ctx.buffer.get_mut(x, y).reset();