extern crate failure; extern crate log; extern crate stderrlog; extern crate termion; extern crate tui; #[allow(dead_code)] mod util; use std::io; use termion::event::Key; use termion::input::MouseTerminal; use termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use termion::screen::AlternateScreen; use tui::backend::{Backend, TermionBackend}; use tui::layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect}; use tui::style::{Color, Modifier, Style}; use tui::widgets::canvas::{Canvas, Line, Map, MapResolution}; use tui::widgets::{ Axis, BarChart, Block, Borders, Chart, Dataset, Gauge, List, Marker, Paragraph, Row, SelectableList, Sparkline, Table, Tabs, Text, Widget, }; use tui::{Frame, Terminal}; use util::event::{Event, Events}; use util::{RandomSignal, SinSignal, TabsState}; struct Server<'a> { name: &'a str, location: &'a str, coords: (f64, f64), status: &'a str, } struct App<'a> { size: Rect, items: Vec<&'a str>, events: Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)>, selected: usize, tabs: TabsState<'a>, show_chart: bool, progress: u16, data: Vec, data2: Vec<(f64, f64)>, data3: Vec<(f64, f64)>, data4: Vec<(&'a str, u64)>, window: [f64; 2], colors: [Color; 2], color_index: usize, servers: Vec>, } fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { stderrlog::new() .module(module_path!()) .verbosity(4) .init()?; let stdout = io::stdout().into_raw_mode()?; let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout); let stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout); let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; terminal.hide_cursor()?; let events = Events::new(); let mut rand_signal = RandomSignal::new(0, 100); let mut sin_signal = SinSignal::new(0.2, 3.0, 18.0); let mut sin_signal2 = SinSignal::new(0.1, 2.0, 10.0); let mut app = App { size: Rect::default(), items: vec![ "Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4", "Item5", "Item6", "Item7", "Item8", "Item9", "Item10", "Item11", "Item12", "Item13", "Item14", "Item15", "Item16", "Item17", "Item18", "Item19", "Item20", "Item21", "Item22", "Item23", "Item24", ], events: vec![ ("Event1", "INFO"), ("Event2", "INFO"), ("Event3", "CRITICAL"), ("Event4", "ERROR"), ("Event5", "INFO"), ("Event6", "INFO"), ("Event7", "WARNING"), ("Event8", "INFO"), ("Event9", "INFO"), ("Event10", "INFO"), ("Event11", "CRITICAL"), ("Event12", "INFO"), ("Event13", "INFO"), ("Event14", "INFO"), ("Event15", "INFO"), ("Event16", "INFO"), ("Event17", "ERROR"), ("Event18", "ERROR"), ("Event19", "INFO"), ("Event20", "INFO"), ("Event21", "WARNING"), ("Event22", "INFO"), ("Event23", "INFO"), ("Event24", "WARNING"), ("Event25", "INFO"), ("Event26", "INFO"), ], selected: 0, tabs: TabsState::new(vec!["Tab0", "Tab1"]), show_chart: true, progress: 0, data: rand_signal.by_ref().take(300).collect(), data2: sin_signal.by_ref().take(100).collect(), data3: sin_signal2.by_ref().take(200).collect(), data4: vec![ ("B1", 9), ("B2", 12), ("B3", 5), ("B4", 8), ("B5", 2), ("B6", 4), ("B7", 5), ("B8", 9), ("B9", 14), ("B10", 15), ("B11", 1), ("B12", 0), ("B13", 4), ("B14", 6), ("B15", 4), ("B16", 6), ("B17", 4), ("B18", 7), ("B19", 13), ("B20", 8), ("B21", 11), ("B22", 9), ("B23", 3), ("B24", 5), ], window: [0.0, 20.0], colors: [Color::Magenta, Color::Red], color_index: 0, servers: vec![ Server { name: "NorthAmerica-1", location: "New York City", coords: (40.71, -74.00), status: "Up", }, Server { name: "Europe-1", location: "Paris", coords: (48.85, 2.35), status: "Failure", }, Server { name: "SouthAmerica-1", location: "São Paulo", coords: (-23.54, -46.62), status: "Up", }, Server { name: "Asia-1", location: "Singapore", coords: (1.35, 103.86), status: "Up", }, ], }; loop { let size = terminal.size()?; if size != app.size { terminal.resize(size)?; app.size = size; } // Draw UI terminal.draw(|mut f| { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(0)].as_ref()) .split(app.size); Tabs::default() .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("Tabs")) .titles(&app.tabs.titles) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Green)) .highlight_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .select(app.tabs.index) .render(&mut f, chunks[0]); match app.tabs.index { 0 => draw_first_tab(&mut f, &app, chunks[1]), 1 => draw_second_tab(&mut f, &app, chunks[1]), _ => {} }; })?; match events.next()? { Event::Input(input) => match input { Key::Char('q') => { break; } Key::Up => { if app.selected > 0 { app.selected -= 1 }; } Key::Down => if app.selected < app.items.len() - 1 { app.selected += 1; }, Key::Left => { app.tabs.previous(); } Key::Right => { app.tabs.next(); } Key::Char('t') => { app.show_chart = !app.show_chart; } _ => {} }, Event::Tick => { app.progress += 5; if app.progress > 100 { app.progress = 0; } app.data.insert(0, rand_signal.next().unwrap()); app.data.pop(); for _ in 0..5 { app.data2.remove(0); app.data2.push(sin_signal.next().unwrap()); } for _ in 0..10 { app.data3.remove(0); app.data3.push(sin_signal2.next().unwrap()); } let i = app.data4.pop().unwrap(); app.data4.insert(0, i); app.window[0] += 1.0; app.window[1] += 1.0; let i = app.events.pop().unwrap(); app.events.insert(0, i); app.color_index += 1; if app.color_index >= app.colors.len() { app.color_index = 0; } } } } Ok(()) } fn draw_first_tab(f: &mut Frame, app: &App, area: Rect) where B: Backend, { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints( [ Constraint::Length(7), Constraint::Min(7), Constraint::Length(7), ] .as_ref(), ).split(area); draw_gauges(f, app, chunks[0]); draw_charts(f, app, chunks[1]); draw_text(f, chunks[2]); } fn draw_gauges(f: &mut Frame, app: &App, area: Rect) where B: Backend, { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Length(2), Constraint::Length(3)].as_ref()) .margin(1) .split(area); Block::default() .borders(Borders::ALL) .title("Graphs") .render(f, area); Gauge::default() .block(Block::default().title("Gauge:")) .style( Style::default() .fg(Color::Magenta) .bg(Color::Black) .modifier(Modifier::Italic), ).label(&format!("{} / 100", app.progress)) .percent(app.progress) .render(f, chunks[0]); Sparkline::default() .block(Block::default().title("Sparkline:")) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Green)) .data(&app.data) .render(f, chunks[1]); } fn draw_charts(f: &mut Frame, app: &App, area: Rect) where B: Backend, { let constraints = if app.show_chart { vec![Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)] } else { vec![Constraint::Percentage(100)] }; let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints(constraints) .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .split(area); { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .split(chunks[0]); { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref()) .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .split(chunks[0]); SelectableList::default() .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("List")) .items(&app.items) .select(Some(app.selected)) .highlight_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow).modifier(Modifier::Bold)) .highlight_symbol(">") .render(f, chunks[0]); let info_style = Style::default().fg(Color::White); let warning_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow); let error_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Magenta); let critical_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Red); let events = app.events.iter().map(|&(evt, level)| { Text::styled( format!("{}: {}", level, evt), match level { "ERROR" => error_style, "CRITICAL" => critical_style, "WARNING" => warning_style, _ => info_style, }, ) }); List::new(events) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("List")) .render(f, chunks[1]); } BarChart::default() .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title("Bar chart")) .data(&app.data4) .bar_width(3) .bar_gap(2) .value_style( Style::default() .fg(Color::Black) .bg(Color::Green) .modifier(Modifier::Italic), ).label_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Green)) .render(f, chunks[1]); } if app.show_chart { Chart::default() .block( Block::default() .title("Chart") .title_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan).modifier(Modifier::Bold)) .borders(Borders::ALL), ).x_axis( Axis::default() .title("X Axis") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray)) .labels_style(Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Italic)) .bounds(app.window) .labels(&[ &format!("{}", app.window[0]), &format!("{}", (app.window[0] + app.window[1]) / 2.0), &format!("{}", app.window[1]), ]), ).y_axis( Axis::default() .title("Y Axis") .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Gray)) .labels_style(Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Italic)) .bounds([-20.0, 20.0]) .labels(&["-20", "0", "20"]), ).datasets(&[ Dataset::default() .name("data2") .marker(Marker::Dot) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan)) .data(&app.data2), Dataset::default() .name("data3") .marker(Marker::Braille) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .data(&app.data3), ]).render(f, chunks[1]); } } fn draw_text(f: &mut Frame, area: Rect) where B: Backend, { let text = [ Text::raw("This is a paragraph with several lines. You can change style your text the way you want.\n\nFox example: "), Text::styled("under", Style::default().fg(Color::Red)), Text::raw(" "), Text::styled("the", Style::default().fg(Color::Green)), Text::raw(" "), Text::styled("rainbow", Style::default().fg(Color::Blue)), Text::raw(".\nOh and if you didn't "), Text::styled("notice", Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Italic)), Text::raw(" you can "), Text::styled("automatically", Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Bold)), Text::raw(" "), Text::styled("wrap", Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Invert)), Text::raw(" your "), Text::styled("text", Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Underline)), Text::raw(".\nOne more thing is that it should display unicode characters: 10€") ]; Paragraph::new(text.iter()) .block( Block::default() .borders(Borders::ALL) .title("Footer") .title_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Magenta).modifier(Modifier::Bold)), ).wrap(true) .render(f, area); } fn draw_second_tab(f: &mut Frame, app: &App, area: Rect) where B: Backend, { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(30), Constraint::Percentage(70)].as_ref()) .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .split(area); let up_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Green); let failure_style = Style::default().fg(Color::Red); let header = ["Server", "Location", "Status"]; let rows = app.servers.iter().map(|s| { let style = if s.status == "Up" { up_style } else { failure_style }; Row::StyledData(vec![s.name, s.location, s.status].into_iter(), style) }); Table::new(header.into_iter(), rows) .block(Block::default().title("Servers").borders(Borders::ALL)) .header_style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow)) .widths(&[15, 15, 10]) .render(f, chunks[0]); Canvas::default() .block(Block::default().title("World").borders(Borders::ALL)) .paint(|ctx| { ctx.draw(&Map { color: Color::White, resolution: MapResolution::High, }); ctx.layer(); for (i, s1) in app.servers.iter().enumerate() { for s2 in &app.servers[i + 1..] { ctx.draw(&Line { x1: s1.coords.1, y1: s1.coords.0, y2: s2.coords.0, x2: s2.coords.1, color: Color::Yellow, }); } } for server in &app.servers { let color = if server.status == "Up" { Color::Green } else { Color::Red }; ctx.print(server.coords.1, server.coords.0, "X", color); } }).x_bounds([-180.0, 180.0]) .y_bounds([-90.0, 90.0]) .render(f, chunks[1]); }