# Changelog ## To be released ### Breaking Changes * `Terminal::draw()` now requires a closure that takes `&mut Frame`. ### Features * Add feature-gated (`serde`) serialization of `Style`. * Add `Frame::set_cursor()` to dictate where the cursor should be placed after the call to `Terminial::draw()`. Calling this method would also make the cursor visible after the call to `draw()`. See example usage in *examples/user_input.rs*. ## v0.9.5 - 2020-05-21 ### Bug Fixes * Fix out of bounds panic in `widgets::Tabs` when the widget is rendered on small areas. ## v0.9.4 - 2020-05-12 ### Bug Fixes * Ignore zero-width graphemes in `Buffer::set_stringn`. ## v0.9.3 - 2020-05-11 ### Bug Fixes * Fix usize overflows in `widgets::Chart` when a dataset is empty. ## v0.9.2 - 2020-05-10 ### Bug Fixes * Fix usize overflows in `widgets::canvas::Line` drawing algorithm. ## v0.9.1 - 2020-04-16 ### Bug Fixes * The `List` widget now takes into account the width of the `highlight_symbol` when calculating the total width of its items. It prevents items to overflow outside of the widget area. ## v0.9.0 - 2020-04-14 ### Features * Introduce stateful widgets, i.e widgets that can take advantage of keeping some state around between two draw calls (#210 goes a bit more into the details). * Allow a `Table` row to be selected. ```rust // State initialization let mut state = TableState::default(); // In the terminal.draw closure let header = ["Col1", "Col2", "Col"]; let rows = [ Row::Data(["Row11", "Row12", "Row13"].into_iter()) ]; let table = Table::new(header.into_iter(), rows.into_iter()); f.render_stateful_widget(table, area, &mut state); // In response to some event: state.select(Some(1)); ``` * Add a way to choose the type of border used to draw a block. You can now choose from plain, rounded, double and thick lines. * Add a `graph_type` property on the `Dataset` of a `Chart` widget. By default it will be `Scatter` where the points are drawn as is. An other option is `Line` where a line will be draw between each consecutive points of the dataset. * Style methods are now const, allowing you to initialize const `Style` objects. * Improve control over whether the legend in the `Chart` widget is shown or not. You can now set custom constraints using `Chart::hidden_legend_constraints`. * Add `Table::header_gap` to add some space between the header and the first row. * Remove `log` from the dependencies * Add a way to use a restricted set of unicode symbols in several widgets to improve portability in exchange of a degraded output. (see `BarChart::bar_set`, `Sparkline::bar_set` and `Canvas::marker`). You can check how the `--enhanced-graphics` flag is used in the demos. ### Breaking Changes * `Widget::render` has been deleted. You should now use `Frame::render_widget` to render a widget on the corresponding `Frame`. This makes the `Widget` implementation totally decoupled from the `Frame`. ```rust // Before Block::default().render(&mut f, size); // After let block = Block::default(); f.render_widget(block, size); ``` * `Widget::draw` has been renamed to `Widget::render` and the signature has been updated to reflect that widgets are consumable objects. Thus the method takes `self` instead of `&mut self`. ```rust // Before impl Widget for MyWidget { fn draw(&mut self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { } } /// After impl Widget for MyWidget { fn render(self, arera: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { } } ``` * `Widget::background` has been replaced by `Buffer::set_background` ```rust // Before impl Widget for MyWidget { fn render(self, arera: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { self.background(area, buf, self.style.bg); } } // After impl Widget for MyWidget { fn render(self, arera: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { buf.set_background(area, self.style.bg); } } ``` * Update the `Shape` trait for objects that can be draw on a `Canvas` widgets. Instead of returning an iterator over its points, a `Shape` is given a `Painter` object that provides a `paint` as well as a `get_point` method. This gives the `Shape` more information about the surface it will be drawn to. In particular, this change allows the `Line` shape to use a more precise and efficient drawing algorithm (Bresenham's line algorithm). * `SelectableList` has been deleted. You can now take advantage of the associated `ListState` of the `List` widget to select an item. ```rust // Before List::new(&["Item1", "Item2", "Item3"]) .select(Some(1)) .render(&mut f, area); // After // State initialization let mut state = ListState::default(); // In the terminal.draw closure let list = List::new(&["Item1", "Item2", "Item3"]); f.render_stateful_widget(list, area, &mut state); // In response to some events state.select(Some(1)); ``` * `widgets::Marker` has been moved to `symbols::Marker` ## v0.8.0 - 2019-12-15 ### Breaking Changes * Bump crossterm to 0.14. * Add cross symbol to the symbols list. ### Bug Fixes * Use the value of `title_style` to style the title of `Axis`. ## v0.7.0 - 2019-11-29 ### Breaking Changes * Use `Constraint` instead of integers to specify the widths of the `Table` widget's columns. This will allow more responsive tables. ```rust Table::new(header, row) .widths(&[15, 15, 10]) .render(f, chunk); ``` becomes: ```rust Table::new(header, row) .widths(&[ Constraint::Length(15), Constraint::Length(15), Constraint::Length(10), ]) .render(f, chunk); ``` * Bump crossterm to 0.13. * Use Github Actions for CI (Travis and Azure Pipelines integrations have been deleted). ### Features * Add support for horizontal and vertical margins in `Layout`. ## v0.6.2 - 2019-07-16 ### Features * `Text` implements PartialEq ### Bug Fixes * Avoid overflow errors in canvas ## v0.6.1 - 2019-06-16 ### Bug Fixes * Avoid a division by zero when all values in a barchart are equal to 0. * Fix the inverted cursor position in the curses backend. * Ensure that the correct terminal size is returned when using the crossterm backend. * Avoid highlighting the separator after the selected item in the Tabs widget. ## v0.6.0 - 2019-05-18 ### Breaking Changes * Update crossterm backend ## v0.5.1 - 2019-04-14 ### Bug Fixes * Fix a panic in the Sparkline widget ## v0.5.0 - 2019-03-10 ### Features * Add a new curses backend (with Windows support thanks to `pancurses`). * Add `Backend::get_cursor` and `Backend::set_cursor` methods to query and set the position of the cursor. * Add more constructors to the `Crossterm` backend. * Add a demo for all backends using a shared UI and application state. * Add `Ratio` as a new variant of layout `Constraint`. It can be used to define exact ratios constraints. ### Breaking Changes * Add support for multiple modifiers on the same `Style` by changing `Modifier` from an enum to a bitflags struct. So instead of writing: ```rust let style = Style::default().modifier(Modifier::Italic); ``` one should use: ```rust let style = Style::default().modifier(Modifier::ITALIC); // or let style = Style::default().modifier(Modifier::ITALIC | Modifier::BOLD); ``` ### Bug Fixes * Ensure correct behavoir of the alternate screens with the `Crossterm` backend. * Fix out of bounds panic when two `Buffer` are merged. ## v0.4.0 - 2019-02-03 ### Features * Add a new canvas shape: `Rectangle`. * Official support of `Crossterm` backend. * Make it possible to choose the divider between `Tabs`. * Add word wrapping on Paragraph. * The gauge widget accepts a ratio (f64 between 0 and 1) in addition of a percentage. ### Breaking Changes * Upgrade to Rust 2018 edition. ### Bug Fixes * Fix rendering of double-width characters. * Fix race condition on the size of the terminal and expose a size that is safe to use when drawing through `Frame::size`. * Prevent unsigned int overflow on large screens. ## v0.3.0 - 2018-11-04 ### Features * Add experimental test backend ## v0.3.0-beta.3 - 2018-09-24 ### Features * `show_cursor` is called when `Terminal` is dropped if the cursor is hidden. ## v0.3.0-beta.2 - 2018-09-23 ### Breaking Changes * Remove custom `termion` backends. This is motivated by the fact that `termion` structs are meant to be combined/wrapped to provide additional functionalities to the terminal (e.g AlternateScreen, Mouse support, ...). Thus providing exclusive types do not make a lot of sense and give a false hint that additional features cannot be used together. The recommended approach is now to create your own version of `stdout`: ```rust let stdout = io::stdout().into_raw_mode()?; let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout); let stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout); ``` and then to create the corresponding `termion` backend: ```rust let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout); ``` The resulting code is more verbose but it works with all combinations of additional `termion` features. ## v0.3.0-beta.1 - 2018-09-08 ### Breaking Changes * Replace `Item` by a generic and flexible `Text` that can be used in both `Paragraph` and `List` widgets. * Remove unecessary borrows on `Style`. ## v0.3.0-beta.0 - 2018-09-04 ### Features * Add a basic `Crossterm` backend ### Breaking Changes * Remove `Group` and introduce `Layout` in its place - `Terminal` is no longer required to compute a layout - `Size` has been renamed `Constraint` * Widgets are rendered on a `Frame` instead of a `Terminal` in order to avoid mixing `draw` and `render` calls * `draw` on `Terminal` expects a closure where the UI is built by rendering widgets on the given `Frame` * Update `Widget` trait - `draw` takes area by value - `render` takes a `Frame` instead of a `Terminal` * All widgets use the consumable builder pattern * `SelectableList` can have no selected item and the highlight symbol is hidden in this case * Remove markup langage inside `Paragraph`. `Paragraph` now expects an iterator of `Text` items ## v0.2.3 - 2018-06-09 ### Features * Add `start_corner` option for `List` * Add more text aligment options for `Paragraph` ## v0.2.2 - 2018-05-06 ### Features * `Terminal` implements `Debug` ### Breaking Changes * Use `FnOnce` instead of `FnMut` in Group::render ## v0.2.1 - 2018-04-01 ### Features * Add `AlternateScreenBackend` in `termion` backend * Add `TermionBackend::with_stdout` in order to let an user of the library provides its own termion struct * Add tests and documentation for `Buffer::pos_of` * Remove leading whitespaces when wrapping text ### Bug Fixes * Fix `debug_assert` in `Buffer::pos_of` * Pass the style of `SelectableList` to the underlying `List` * Fix missing character when wrapping text * Fix panic when specifying layout constraints ## v0.2.0 - 2017-12-26 ### Features * Add `MouseBackend` in `termion` backend to handle scroll and mouse events * Add generic `Item` for items in a `List` * Drop `log4rs` as a dev-dependencies in favor of `stderrlog` ### Breaking Changes * Rename `TermionBackend` to `RawBackend` (to distinguish it from the `MouseBackend`) * Generic parameters for `List` to allow passing iterators as items * Generic parameters for `Table` to allow using iterators as rows and header * Generic parameters for `Tabs` * Rename `border` bitflags to `Borders`