use bitflags::bitflags; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum Color { Reset, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Gray, DarkGray, LightRed, LightGreen, LightYellow, LightBlue, LightMagenta, LightCyan, White, Rgb(u8, u8, u8), Indexed(u8), } impl Color { /// Returns a short code associated with the color, used for debug purpose /// only pub(crate) fn code(self) -> &'static str { match self { Color::Reset => "X", Color::Black => "b", Color::Red => "r", Color::Green => "c", Color::Yellow => "y", Color::Blue => "b", Color::Magenta => "m", Color::Cyan => "c", Color::Gray => "w", Color::DarkGray => "B", Color::LightRed => "R", Color::LightGreen => "G", Color::LightYellow => "Y", Color::LightBlue => "B", Color::LightMagenta => "M", Color::LightCyan => "C", Color::White => "W", Color::Indexed(_) => "i", Color::Rgb(_, _, _) => "o", } } } bitflags! { pub struct Modifier: u16 { const BOLD = 0b0000_0000_0001; const DIM = 0b0000_0000_0010; const ITALIC = 0b0000_0000_0100; const UNDERLINED = 0b0000_0000_1000; const SLOW_BLINK = 0b0000_0001_0000; const RAPID_BLINK = 0b0000_0010_0000; const REVERSED = 0b0000_0100_0000; const HIDDEN = 0b0000_1000_0000; const CROSSED_OUT = 0b0001_0000_0000; } } impl Modifier { /// Returns a short code associated with the color, used for debug purpose /// only pub(crate) fn code(self) -> String { use std::fmt::Write; let mut result = String::new(); if self.contains(Modifier::BOLD) { write!(result, "BO").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::DIM) { write!(result, "DI").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::ITALIC) { write!(result, "IT").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::UNDERLINED) { write!(result, "UN").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::SLOW_BLINK) { write!(result, "SL").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::RAPID_BLINK) { write!(result, "RA").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::REVERSED) { write!(result, "RE").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::HIDDEN) { write!(result, "HI").unwrap(); } if self.contains(Modifier::CROSSED_OUT) { write!(result, "CR").unwrap(); } result } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub struct Style { pub fg: Color, pub bg: Color, pub modifier: Modifier, } impl Default for Style { fn default() -> Style { Style { fg: Color::Reset, bg: Color::Reset, modifier: Modifier::empty(), } } } impl Style { pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.fg = Color::Reset; = Color::Reset; self.modifier = Modifier::empty(); } pub fn fg(mut self, color: Color) -> Style { self.fg = color; self } pub fn bg(mut self, color: Color) -> Style { = color; self } pub fn modifier(mut self, modifier: Modifier) -> Style { self.modifier = modifier; self } }