feat(widgets/paragraph): improve scrolling

Add optional callback to `Wrap` to compute the scroll offsets given the wrapped lines. This let
users compute the offsets dynamically.
Florian Dehau 4 years ago
parent ecb482f297
commit 54b841fab6

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ where
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text).block(block).wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text).block(block).wrap(Wrap::default());
f.render_widget(paragraph, area);

@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
.block(create_block("Left, wrap"))
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[1]);
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text.clone())
.block(create_block("Center, wrap"))
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true })
.scroll((scroll, 0));
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[2]);
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
.block(create_block("Right, wrap"))
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[3]);

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
mod util;
use crate::util::event::{Event, Events};
use std::{error::Error, io};
use termion::{event::Key, input::MouseTerminal, raw::IntoRawMode, screen::AlternateScreen};
use tui::{
layout::{Alignment, Margin},
style::{Color, Style},
text::{Span, Spans},
widgets::{Block, Borders, Paragraph, Wrap},
const LOREM_IPSUM: &str = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua";
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Terminal initialization
let stdout = io::stdout().into_raw_mode()?;
let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout);
let stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout);
let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout);
let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
let events = Events::new();
let mut i = 0;
let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(100);
while i < 100 {
lines.push((i, format!("{}: {}", i, LOREM_IPSUM)));
i += 1;
loop {
terminal.draw(|f| {
let size = f.size();
let text: Vec<Spans> = lines
.map(|(j, l)| {
let span = if i == j + 1 {
Span::styled(l, Style::default().bg(Color::Yellow))
} else {
let mut wrap = Wrap::default();
wrap.scroll_callback = Some(Box::new(|text_area, lines| {
let len = lines.len() as u16;
(len.saturating_sub(text_area.height), 0)
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
size.inner(&Margin {
vertical: 2,
horizontal: 2,
match events.next()? {
Event::Tick => {
lines.push((i, format!("{}: {}", i, LOREM_IPSUM)));
i += 1;
Event::Input(key) => {
if key == Key::Char('q') {

@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text.clone())
.block(Block::default().title("Left Block").borders(Borders::ALL))
.alignment(Alignment::Left).wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[0]);
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
.block(Block::default().title("Right Block").borders(Borders::ALL))
.alignment(Alignment::Left).wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, chunks[1]);
let block = Block::default().title("Popup").borders(Borders::ALL);

@ -40,9 +40,8 @@ fn get_line_offset(line_width: u16, text_area_width: u16, alignment: Alignment)
/// .block(Block::default().title("Paragraph").borders(Borders::ALL))
/// .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White).bg(Color::Black))
/// .alignment(Alignment::Center)
/// .wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
/// .wrap(Wrap::default());
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Paragraph<'a> {
/// A block to wrap the widget in
block: Option<Block<'a>>,
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ pub struct Paragraph<'a> {
/// - Here is another point that is long enough to wrap"#);
/// // With leading spaces trimmed (window width of 30 chars):
/// Paragraph::new(bullet_points.clone()).wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
/// Paragraph::new(bullet_points.clone()).wrap(Wrap::default());
/// // Some indented points:
/// // - First thing goes here and is
/// // long so that it wraps
@ -78,19 +77,30 @@ pub struct Paragraph<'a> {
/// // is long enough to wrap
/// // But without trimming, indentation is preserved:
/// Paragraph::new(bullet_points).wrap(Wrap { trim: false });
/// Paragraph::new(bullet_points).wrap(Wrap { trim: false, ..Wrap::default() });
/// // Some indented points:
/// // - First thing goes here
/// // and is long so that it wraps
/// // - Here is another point
/// // that is long enough to wrap
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Wrap {
/// Should leading whitespace be trimmed
pub trim: bool,
pub scroll_callback: Option<Box<ScrollCallback>>,
impl Default for Wrap {
fn default() -> Wrap {
Wrap {
trim: true,
scroll_callback: None,
pub type ScrollCallback = dyn FnOnce(Rect, &[(Vec<StyledGrapheme<'_>>, u16)]) -> (u16, u16);
impl<'a> Paragraph<'a> {
pub fn new<T>(text: T) -> Paragraph<'a>
@ -130,6 +140,42 @@ impl<'a> Paragraph<'a> {
self.alignment = alignment;
fn draw_lines<'b, T>(
text_area: Rect,
buf: &mut Buffer,
mut line_composer: T,
scroll: (u16, u16),
) where
T: LineComposer<'b>,
let mut y = 0;
let mut i = 0;
while let Some((current_line, current_line_width)) = line_composer.next_line() {
if i >= scroll.0 {
let cell_y = text_area.top().saturating_add(y);
let mut x = get_line_offset(current_line_width, text_area.width, self.alignment);
for StyledGrapheme { symbol, style } in current_line {
buf.get_mut(text_area.left() + x, cell_y)
.set_symbol(if symbol.is_empty() {
// If the symbol is empty, the last char which rendered last time will
// leave on the line. It's a quick fix.
" "
} else {
x += symbol.width() as u16;
y += 1;
i += 1;
if y >= text_area.height {
impl<'a> Widget for Paragraph<'a> {
@ -158,40 +204,54 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Paragraph<'a> {
// composers to operate on lines instead of a stream of graphemes.
.chain(iter::once(StyledGrapheme {
symbol: "\n",
style: self.style,
let mut line_composer: Box<dyn LineComposer> = if let Some(Wrap { trim }) = self.wrap {
Box::new(WordWrapper::new(&mut styled, text_area.width, trim))
} else {
let mut line_composer = Box::new(LineTruncator::new(&mut styled, text_area.width));
if let Alignment::Left = self.alignment {
let mut y = 0;
while let Some((current_line, current_line_width)) = line_composer.next_line() {
if y >= self.scroll.0 {
let mut x = get_line_offset(current_line_width, text_area.width, self.alignment);
for StyledGrapheme { symbol, style } in current_line {
buf.get_mut(text_area.left() + x, text_area.top() + y - self.scroll.0)
.set_symbol(if symbol.is_empty() {
// If the symbol is empty, the last char which rendered last time will
// leave on the line. It's a quick fix.
" "
} else {
x += symbol.width() as u16;
match self.wrap {
None => {
let mut line_composer = LineTruncator::new(&mut styled, text_area.width);
if let Alignment::Left = self.alignment {
self.draw_lines(text_area, buf, line_composer, self.scroll);
y += 1;
if y >= text_area.height + self.scroll.0 {
Some(Wrap {
scroll_callback: None,
}) => {
let line_composer = WordWrapper::new(&mut styled, text_area.width, trim);
self.draw_lines(text_area, buf, line_composer, self.scroll);
Some(Wrap {
ref mut scroll_callback,
}) => {
let mut line_composer = WordWrapper::new(&mut styled, text_area.width, trim);
let mut lines = Vec::new();
while let Some((current_line, current_line_width)) = line_composer.next_line() {
lines.push((Vec::from(current_line), current_line_width));
let f = scroll_callback.take().unwrap();
let scroll = f(text_area, lines.as_ref());
self.draw_lines(text_area, buf, WrappedLines { lines, index: 0 }, scroll);
struct WrappedLines<'a> {
lines: Vec<(Vec<StyledGrapheme<'a>>, u16)>,
index: usize,
impl<'a> LineComposer<'a> for WrappedLines<'a> {
fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<(&[StyledGrapheme<'a>], u16)> {
if self.index >= self.lines.len() {
return None;
let (line, width) = &self.lines[self.index];
self.index += 1;
Some((&line, *width))

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn widgets_paragraph_can_wrap_its_content() {
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, size);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ fn widgets_paragraph_renders_double_width_graphemes() {
let text = vec![Spans::from(s)];
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, size);
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ fn widgets_paragraph_renders_mixed_width_graphemes() {
let text = vec![Spans::from(s)];
let paragraph = Paragraph::new(text)
.wrap(Wrap { trim: true });
f.render_widget(paragraph, size);
