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- read and write config
- load config variables into redis
import json
from random import randint
from time import sleep
import requests
from django.conf import settings
from home.src.ta.ta_redis import RedisArchivist
class AppConfig:
"""handle application variables"""
def __init__(self):
self.config = self.get_config()
def get_config(self):
"""get config from default file or redis if changed"""
config = self.get_config_redis()
if not config:
config = self.get_config_file()
return config
def get_config_file(self):
"""read the defaults from config.json"""
with open("home/config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
config_file = json.load(f)
return config_file
def get_config_redis():
"""read config json set from redis to overwrite defaults"""
for i in range(10):
config = RedisArchivist().get_message("config")
if not list(config.values())[0]:
return False
return config
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
print(f"... Redis connection failed, retry [{i}/10]")
raise ConnectionError("failed to connect to redis")
def update_config(self, form_post):
"""update config values from settings form"""
updated = []
for key, value in form_post.items():
if not value and not isinstance(value, int):
if value in ["0", 0]:
to_write = False
elif value == "1":
to_write = True
to_write = value
config_dict, config_value = key.split("_", maxsplit=1)
self.config[config_dict][config_value] = to_write
updated.append((config_value, to_write))
RedisArchivist().set_message("config", self.config, save=True)
return updated
def _build_rand_daily():
"""build random daily schedule per installation"""
return {
"minute": randint(0, 59),
"hour": randint(0, 23),
"day_of_week": "*",
def load_new_defaults(self):
"""check config.json for missing defaults"""
default_config = self.get_config_file()
redis_config = self.get_config_redis()
# check for customizations
if not redis_config:
config = self.get_config()
config["scheduler"]["version_check"] = self._build_rand_daily()
RedisArchivist().set_message("config", config)
return False
needs_update = False
for key, value in default_config.items():
# missing whole main key
if key not in redis_config:
redis_config.update({key: value})
needs_update = True
# missing nested values
for sub_key, sub_value in value.items():
if (
sub_key not in redis_config[key].keys()
or sub_value == "rand-d"
if sub_value == "rand-d":
sub_value = self._build_rand_daily()
redis_config[key].update({sub_key: sub_value})
needs_update = True
if needs_update:
RedisArchivist().set_message("config", redis_config)
return needs_update
class ReleaseVersion:
"""compare local version with remote version"""
NEW_KEY = "versioncheck:new"
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.local_version: str = settings.TA_VERSION
self.is_unstable: bool = settings.TA_VERSION.endswith("-unstable")
self.remote_version: str = ""
self.is_breaking: bool = False
def check(self) -> None:
"""check version"""
print(f"[{self.local_version}]: look for updates")
new_version = self._has_update()
if new_version:
message = {
"status": True,
"version": new_version,
"is_breaking": self.is_breaking,
RedisArchivist().set_message(self.NEW_KEY, message)
print(f"[{self.local_version}]: found new version {new_version}")
def get_local_version(self) -> str:
"""read version from local"""
return self.local_version
def get_remote_version(self) -> None:
"""read version from remote"""
sleep(randint(0, 60))
response = requests.get(self.REMOTE_URL, timeout=20).json()
self.remote_version = response["release_version"]
self.is_breaking = response["breaking_changes"]
def _has_update(self) -> str | bool:
"""check if there is an update"""
remote_parsed = self._parse_version(self.remote_version)
local_parsed = self._parse_version(self.local_version)
if remote_parsed > local_parsed:
return self.remote_version
if self.is_unstable and local_parsed == remote_parsed:
return self.remote_version
return False
def _parse_version(version) -> tuple[int, ...]:
"""return version parts"""
clean = version.rstrip("-unstable").lstrip("v")
return tuple((int(i) for i in clean.split(".")))
def is_updated(self) -> str | bool:
"""check if update happened in the mean time"""
message = self.get_update()
if not message:
return False
local_parsed = self._parse_version(self.local_version)
message_parsed = self._parse_version(message.get("version"))
if local_parsed >= message_parsed:
return settings.TA_VERSION
return False
def get_update(self) -> dict:
"""return new version dict if available"""
message = RedisArchivist().get_message(self.NEW_KEY)
if not message.get("status"):
return {}
return message
def clear_fail(self) -> None:
"""clear key, catch previous error in v0.4.5"""
message = self.get_update()
if not message:
if isinstance(message.get("version"), list):