You can index playlists of a channel from the channel detail page as described [here](Channels#channel-detail).
The **Subscribe to Playlist** button <imgsrc="assets/icon-add.png?raw=true"alt="add icon"width="20px"style="margin:0 5px;"> opens a text field to subscribe to playlists. You have a few options:
- Enter the YouTube playlist id, for example: *PL96C35uN7xGLLeET0dOWaKHkAlPsrkcha*
- Enter the Youtube dedicated playlist url, for example: **
- Add one per line.
- NOTE: It doesn't make sense to subscribe to a playlist if you are already subscribed the corresponding channel as this will slow down the **Rescan Subscriptions** [task](Downloads#rescan-subscriptions).
The search icon <imgsrc="assets/icon-search.png?raw=true"alt="search icon"width="20px"style="margin:0 5px;"> opens a text box to search for indexed playlists.
## Playlist Detail
Each playlist will get a dedicated playlist detail page accessible at `/playlist/<playlist-id>/` of your Tube Archivist. This page shows all the videos you have downloaded from this playlist.
- If you are subscribed to the playlist, an Unsubscribe button will show, else the Subscribe button will show.
- The Mark as Watched button will mark all videos of this playlist as watched.
- The **Delete Playlist** button will give you the option to delete just the *metadata* which won't delete any media files or *delete all* which will delete metadata plus all videos belonging to this playlist.