You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
961 B

# build package
set -e
if [[ $(basename "$(pwd)") != 'tubearchivist_browserextension' ]]; then
echo 'not in tubearchivist_browserextension folder'
exit 1
echo "latest tags:"
git tag | tail -n 5 | sort -r
printf "\ncreate new version:\n"
read -r VERSION
# build release zip files
function create_zip {
cd extension
# firefox
rm manifest.json
cp manifest-firefox.json manifest.json
zip -rq ../release/ta-companion-"$VERSION" . \
-x manifest-chrome.json -x manifest-firefox.json
# chrome
rm manifest.json
cp manifest-chrome.json manifest.json
zip -rq ../release/ta-companion-"$VERSION" . \
-x manifest-chrome.json -x manifest-firefox.json
rm manifest.json
cd ..
# create release tag
function create_release {
git tag -a "$VERSION" -m "new release version $VERSION"
git push origin "$VERSION"
exit 0