/* Loaded into popup index.html */ 'use strict'; let browserType = getBrowser(); // boilerplate to dedect browser type api function getBrowser() { if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { if (typeof browser !== 'undefined') { return browser; } else { return chrome; } } else { console.log('failed to detect browser'); throw 'browser detection error'; } } async function sendMessage(message) { let { success, value } = await browserType.runtime.sendMessage(message); if (!success) { throw value; } return value; } let errorOut = document.getElementById('error-out'); function setError(message) { errorOut.style.display = 'initial'; errorOut.innerText = message; } function clearError() { errorOut.style.display = 'none'; } // store access details document.getElementById('save-login').addEventListener('click', function () { let url = document.getElementById('full-url').value; if (!url.includes('://')) { url = 'http://' + url; } try { clearError(); let parsed = new URL(url); let toStore = { access: { url: `${parsed.protocol}//${parsed.hostname}`, port: parsed.port || (parsed.protocol === 'https:' ? '443' : '80'), apiKey: document.getElementById('api-key').value, }, }; browserType.storage.local.set(toStore, function () { console.log('Stored connection details: ' + JSON.stringify(toStore)); pingBackend(); }); } catch (e) { setError(e.message); } }); // verify connection status document.getElementById('status-icon').addEventListener('click', function () { pingBackend(); }); // send cookie document.getElementById('sendCookies').addEventListener('click', function () { sendCookie(); }); // autostart document.getElementById('autostart').addEventListener('click', function () { toggleAutostart(); }); let fullUrlInput = document.getElementById('full-url'); fullUrlInput.addEventListener('change', () => { browserType.storage.local.set({ popupFullUrl: fullUrlInput.value, }); }); let apiKeyInput = document.getElementById('api-key'); apiKeyInput.addEventListener('change', () => { browserType.storage.local.set({ popupApiKey: apiKeyInput.value, }); }); function sendCookie() { console.log('popup send cookie'); clearError(); function handleResponse(message) { console.log('handle cookie response: ' + JSON.stringify(message)); let cookie_validated = message.cookie_validated; document.getElementById('sendCookiesStatus').innerText = 'validated: ' + cookie_validated; } function handleError(error) { console.log(`Error: ${error}`); setError(error); } let checked = document.getElementById('sendCookies').checked; let toStore = { sendCookies: { checked: checked, }, }; browserType.storage.local.set(toStore, function () { console.log('stored option: ' + JSON.stringify(toStore)); }); if (checked === false) { return; } let sending = sendMessage({ type: 'sendCookie' }); sending.then(handleResponse, handleError); } function toggleAutostart() { let checked = document.getElementById('autostart').checked; let toStore = { autostart: { checked: checked, }, }; browserType.storage.local.set(toStore, function () { console.log('stored option: ' + JSON.stringify(toStore)); }); } // send ping message to TA backend function pingBackend() { clearError(); function handleResponse() { console.log('connection validated'); setStatusIcon(true); } function handleError(error) { console.log(`Verify got error: ${error}`); setStatusIcon(false); setError(error); } console.log('ping TA server'); let sending = sendMessage({ type: 'verify' }); sending.then(handleResponse, handleError); } // add url to image function addUrl(access) { const url = `${access.url}:${access.port}`; document.getElementById('ta-url').setAttribute('href', url); } function setCookieState() { clearError(); function handleResponse(message) { console.log(message); document.getElementById('sendCookies').checked = message.cookie_enabled; if (message.validated_str) { document.getElementById('sendCookiesStatus').innerText = message.validated_str; } } function handleError(error) { console.log(`Error: ${error}`); setError(error); } console.log('set cookie state'); let sending = sendMessage({ type: 'cookieState' }); sending.then(handleResponse, handleError); document.getElementById('sendCookies').checked = true; } // change status icon based on connection status function setStatusIcon(connected) { let statusIcon = document.getElementById('status-icon'); if (connected) { statusIcon.innerHTML = '☑'; statusIcon.style.color = 'green'; } else { statusIcon.innerHTML = '☒'; statusIcon.style.color = 'red'; } } // fill in form document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => { function onGot(item) { if (!item.access) { console.log('no access details found'); if (item.popupFullUrl != null && fullUrlInput.value === '') { fullUrlInput.value = item.popupFullUrl; } if (item.popupApiKey != null && apiKeyInput.value === '') { apiKeyInput.value = item.popupApiKey; } setStatusIcon(false); return; } let { url, port } = item.access; let fullUrl = url; if (!(url.startsWith('http://') && port === '80')) { fullUrl += `:${port}`; } document.getElementById('full-url').value = fullUrl; document.getElementById('api-key').value = item.access.apiKey; pingBackend(); addUrl(item.access); } function setCookiesOptions(result) { if (!result.sendCookies || result.sendCookies.checked === false) { console.log('sync cookies not set'); return; } console.log('set options: ' + JSON.stringify(result)); setCookieState(); } function setAutostartOption(result) { console.log(result); if (!result.autostart || result.autostart.checked === false) { console.log('autostart not set'); return; } console.log('set options: ' + JSON.stringify(result)); document.getElementById('autostart').checked = true; } browserType.storage.local.get(['access', 'popupFullUrl', 'popupApiKey'], function (result) { onGot(result); }); browserType.storage.local.get('sendCookies', function (result) { setCookiesOptions(result); }); browserType.storage.local.get('autostart', function (result) { setAutostartOption(result); }); });