TTY_SERVER=./out/tty-server TTY_SENDER=./out/tty-sender # We need to make sure the assets_bundle is in the list only onces in both these two special cases: # a) first time, when the assets_bundle.go is generated, and b) when it's already existing there, # but it has to be re-generated. # Unfortunately, the assets_bundle.go seems to have to be in the same folder as the rest of the # server sources, so that's why all this mess TTY_SERVER_SRC=$(filter-out ./tty-server/assets_bundle.go, $(wildcard ./tty-server/*.go)) ./tty-server/assets_bundle.go TTY_SENDER_SRC=$(wildcard ./tty-sender/*.go) EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS=$(wildcard ./common/*go) TTY_SERVER_ASSETS=$(wildcard frontend/public/*) all: $(TTY_SERVER) $(TTY_SENDER) @echo "All done" $(TTY_SERVER): $(TTY_SERVER_SRC) $(EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS) go build -o $@ $(TTY_SERVER_SRC) $(TTY_SENDER): $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) $(EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS) go build -o $@ $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) tty-server/assets_bundle.go: $(TTY_SERVER_ASSETS) go-bindata --prefix frontend/public/ -o $@ $^ # We only care about creating release binaries for the sender side dist: frontend ./out/ ./out/ % zip $@ $^ ./out/tty-sender.osx: $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) $(EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS) GOOS=darwin go build -o $@ $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) ./out/tty-sender.linux: $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) $(EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS) GOOS=linux go build -o $@ $(TTY_SENDER_SRC) frontend: FORCE cd frontend && npm run build && cd - clean: rm -f $(TTY_SERVER) $(TTY_SENDER) rm -fr frontend/out/ @echo "Cleaned" # Runs the server, without TLS/HTTPS (no need for localhost testing) runs: $(TTY_SERVER) ./$(TTY_SERVER) --url http://localhost:9090 --web_address :9090 --sender_address :7654 -frontend_path ./frontend/public # Runs the sender, without TLS (no need for localhost testing) runc: $(TTY_SENDER) ./$(TTY_SENDER) --useTLS=false --server localhost:7654 test: @go test -v FORCE: