import { Terminal, IEvent, IDisposable } from "xterm"; import base64 from './base64'; interface IRectSize { width: number; height: number; } class TTYReceiver { private xterminal: Terminal; private containerElement: HTMLElement; constructor(wsAddress: string, container: HTMLDivElement) { const connection = new WebSocket(wsAddress); this.xterminal = new Terminal({ cursorBlink: true, macOptionIsMeta: true, scrollback: 0, fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0, fontFamily: 'Sauce_Code_Pro' }); this.containerElement = container;; connection.onclose = (evt: CloseEvent) => { this.xterminal.blur(); this.xterminal.setOption('cursorBlink', false); this.xterminal.clear(); this.xterminal.write('Session closed'); } this.xterminal.focus(); const containerPixSize = this.getElementPixelsSize(container); const newFontSize = this.guessNewFontSize(this.xterminal.cols, this.xterminal.rows, containerPixSize.width, containerPixSize.height); this.xterminal.setOption('fontSize', newFontSize); connection.onmessage = (ev: MessageEvent) => { let message = JSON.parse( let msgData = base64.decode(message.Data) if (message.Type === "Write") { let writeMsg = JSON.parse(msgData) this.xterminal.writeUtf8(base64.base64ToArrayBuffer(writeMsg.Data)); } if (message.Type == "WinSize") { let winSizeMsg = JSON.parse(msgData) const containerPixSize = this.getElementPixelsSize(container); const newFontSize = this.guessNewFontSize(winSizeMsg.Cols, winSizeMsg.Rows, containerPixSize.width, containerPixSize.height); this.xterminal.setOption('fontSize', newFontSize); // Now set the new size. this.xterminal.resize(winSizeMsg.Cols, winSizeMsg.Rows) } } // TODO: .on() is deprecated. Should be replaced. this.xterminal.on('data', function (data) { let writeMessage = { Type: "Write", Data: base64.encode(JSON.stringify({ Size: data.length, Data: base64.encode(data)})), } let dataToSend = JSON.stringify(writeMessage) connection.send(dataToSend); }); } // Get the pixels size of the element, after all CSS was applied. This will be used in an ugly // hack to guess what fontSize to set on the xterm object. Horrible hack, but I feel less bad // about it seeing that VSV does it too: // private getElementPixelsSize(element: HTMLElement): IRectSize { const defView = this.containerElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; let width = parseInt(defView.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px', ''), 10); let height = parseInt(defView.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('height').replace('px', ''), 10); return { width, height, } } // Tries to guess the new font size, for the new terminal size, so that the rendered terminal // will have the newWidth and newHeight dimensions private guessNewFontSize(newCols: number, newRows: number, targetWidth: number, targetHeight: number): number { const cols = this.xterminal.cols; const rows = this.xterminal.rows; const fontSize = this.xterminal.getOption('fontSize'); const xtermPixelsSize = this.getElementPixelsSize(this.containerElement.querySelector(".xterm-screen")); const newHFontSizeMultiplier = (cols / newCols) * (targetWidth / xtermPixelsSize.width); const newVFontSizeMultiplier = (rows / newRows) * (targetHeight / xtermPixelsSize.height); let newFontSize; if (newHFontSizeMultiplier > newVFontSizeMultiplier) { newFontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * newVFontSizeMultiplier); } else { newFontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * newHFontSizeMultiplier); } return newFontSize; } } export { TTYReceiver }