-- see what trackers are the most used select sum(seeders),tracker from trackerdata group by tracker; -- generate top 100 by seeders: SELECT torrent.name, fresh.* from fresh INNER JOIN torrent ON torrent.infohash = fresh.infohash ORDER BY s desc limit 100; SELECT added::date, count(infohash) from torrent where added > '2019-01-15'::date group by added::date order by count desc; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW fresh AS SELECT infohash, max(seeders) AS s, max(leechers) AS l, max(completed) AS c FROM trackerdata GROUP BY infohash; --- size of table SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('"".""')); --- count rows SELECT reltuples::bigint AS estimate FROM pg_class where relname='mytable'; --- create fulltext table DROP TABLE search; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW search AS select torrent.*, fresh.s as s, fresh.l as l, to_tsvector(replace(torrent.name, '.', ' ')) as vect from torrent inner join fresh on fresh.infohash = torrent.infohash; create index vect_inx on search using gin(vect); create unique index uniq_ih on search (infohash); REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW fresh; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW search CONCURRENTLY;