app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { results: undefined, resultsFound: false, showProgress: false, progress: 0 } }) let actionid = 0 let sessionid let query window.onmessage = function(e){ if ( == "results") { let results = JSON.parse( app.results = => { result.length = formatBytes(result.len) return result }) app.resultsFound = true setTimeout(updateSize,1) } else if ( == "query") { query = console.log("Query sent, sending limited anonymized telemetry.") sendTelemetry({"query":query}) } }; function updateSize(){ window.parent.postMessage(parseInt(document.body.scrollHeight),"*") } function formatBytes(a,b){if(0==a)return"0 Bytes";var c=1024,d=b||2,e=["B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"],f=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(c));return parseFloat((a/Math.pow(c,f)).toFixed(d))+" "+e[f]} /** * Sends telemetry payload, adds actionid and sessionid to it. IP is never logged. */ function sendTelemetry(payload){ payload.aid = actionid; actionid = actionid + 1 if (sessionid == undefined){ sessionid = Math.round((Math.random()-0.5)*Math.pow(2,32)) payload.sid = sessionid; }else{ payload.sid = sessionid; } fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(payload) }) } /** * Reports anonymized data about which result you picked. Smart result sorting is planned and I expect that screen resolution, language and OS will be critical in determining which result you prefer. */ function resultClicked(ih,name,s,l,len){ console.log("Result clicked, sending limited anonymized telemetry") payload = {ih: ih, n: name, s: s, l:l, len: len} payload.os = platform.os payload.w = window.screen.width*window.devicePixelRatio payload.h = window.screen.height*window.devicePixelRatio payload.lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage payload.query = query sendTelemetry(payload) }