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Provides Picasa metadata based on <picasa.ini> files in the input folder
const fs = require('node:fs')
const path = require('node:path')
const ini = require('ini')
class Picasa {
constructor () {
// memory cache of all Picasa files read so far
this.folders = {}
album (dir) {
const entry = this.folderMetadata(dir)
// album metadata is stored in a section called [Picasa]
return entry.Picasa || null
file (filepath) {
const dir = path.dirname(filepath)
const entry = this.folderMetadata(dir)
// file metadata is stored in a section called [FileName.ext]
const filename = path.basename(filepath)
const fileParts = filename.split('.')
return getIniValue(entry, fileParts)
folderMetadata (dirname) {
// try reading from cache first
if (this.folders[dirname]) {
return this.folders[dirname]
// otherwise try to read the file from disk
const inipath = path.join(dirname, 'picasa.ini')
const content = loadIfExists(inipath)
this.folders[dirname] = content ? ini.parse(content) : {}
return this.folders[dirname]
function loadIfExists (filepath) {
try {
return fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8')
} catch (ex) {
return null
// the INI parser creates nested objects when the key contains a '.'
// this is a problem for sections like [IMG_0001.jpg]
// this might get fixed with
// but for now we have to recursively get the value
function getIniValue (iniObject, keyParts) {
const current = iniObject[keyParts[0]]
if (!current) {
return null
} else if (keyParts.length === 1) {
return current
} else {
return getIniValue(current, keyParts.slice(1))
module.exports = Picasa