You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
2.1 KiB

Indexes all photos and videos in the input folder, and parses their metadata
Caches the results in <thumbsup.db> for faster re-runs
const path = require('path')
const hierarchy = require('../input/hierarchy.js')
const Index = require('../components/index/index')
const info = require('debug')('thumbsup:info')
const AlbumMapper = require('../input/album-mapper')
const Metadata = require('../model/metadata')
const File = require('../model/file')
const Observable = require('zen-observable')
const Picasa = require('../input/picasa') = function (opts, callback) {
return new Observable(observer => {
const picasaReader = new Picasa()
const index = new Index(opts.databaseFile)
const emitter = index.update(opts.input, opts)
const files = []
emitter.on('stats', stats => {
info('Differences between disk and index', stats)
// after a file is indexed
let lastPercent = -1
emitter.on('progress', stats => {
const percent = Math.floor(stats.processed * 100 /
if (percent > lastPercent) {`Indexing ${stats.processed}/${} (${percent}%)`)
lastPercent = percent
// emitted for every file once indexing is finished
emitter.on('file', file => {
const filePath = path.join(opts.input, file.metadata.SourceFile)
const picasa = picasaReader.file(filePath)
const meta = new Metadata(file.metadata, picasa || {}, opts)
const model = new File(file.metadata, meta, opts)
// only include valid photos and videos (i.e. exiftool recognised the format)
if (model.type !== 'unknown') {
// finished, we can create the albums
emitter.on('done', stats => {
const mapper = new AlbumMapper(opts.albumsFrom, opts)
const album = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, opts, picasaReader)
callback(null, files, album)