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const chalk = require('chalk')
const commandExists = require('command-exists')
const warn = require('debug')('thumbsup:warn')
const messages = require('./messages')
const BINARIES = [
// required to build the database
mandatory: true,
cmd: 'exiftool',
url: '',
msg: ''
// required to build thumbnails, even if we're only processing videos
mandatory: true,
cmd: 'gm',
url: '',
msg: ''
// optional to process videos
mandatory: false,
cmd: 'ffmpeg',
url: '',
msg: 'You will not be able to process videos.'
// optional to process animated GIFs
mandatory: false,
cmd: 'gifsicle',
url: '',
msg: 'You will not be able to process animated GIFs.'
// optional to process RAW photos
mandatory: false,
cmd: 'dcraw',
url: '',
msg: 'You will not be able to process RAW photos.'
exports.checkRequired = () => {
const missing = BINARIES.filter(bin => bin.mandatory).reduce(addToArrayIfMissing, [])
if (missing.length > 0) {
const list = => `- ${bin.cmd} (${})`)
return messages.BINARIES_REQUIRED(list)
return null
exports.checkOptional = () => {
const missing = BINARIES.filter(bin => !bin.mandatory).reduce(addToArrayIfMissing, [])
if (missing.length > 0) {
missing.forEach(bin => {
warn(`${bin.cmd} (${bin.url}) is not installed. ${bin.msg}`)
function addToArrayIfMissing (acc, binary) {
if (!commandExists.sync(binary.cmd)) {
return acc