const debug = require('debug') const util = require('util') debug.recorded = [] // enable all logs while running the tests debug.enable('thumbsup:*') // don't format the logs to avoid any extra ANSI codes debug.formatArgs = function (args) { } // capture the logs instead of displaying them debug.log = function () { const message = util.format.apply(null, arguments) debug.recorded.push(`${this.namespace} ${message}`) } debug.reset = function () { debug.recorded = [] } debug.assertContains = function (expected) { const matches = debug.recorded.filter(message => { return message.includes(expected) }) if (matches.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Expected log to contain: ${expected}`) } } debug.assertNotContains = function (expected) { const matches = debug.recorded.filter(message => { return message.includes(expected) }) if (matches.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Expected log not to contain: ${expected}, but contained at least: ${matches[0]}`) } }