const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const os = require('os') const should = require('should/as-function') const tmp = require('tmp') const AlbumMapper = require('../../src/input/album-mapper.js') const fixtures = require('../fixtures.js') const TEST_FILE ={ path: 'Holidays/IMG_0001.jpg', date: '2016:07:14 12:07:41' }) describe('Album mapper', function () { it('can use a single string pattern', function () { const mapper = new AlbumMapper(['%path']) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['Holidays']) }) it('can use a single function (for testing)', function () { const custom = file => 'hello' const mapper = new AlbumMapper([custom]) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['hello']) }) it('can provide multiple string patterns', function () { const mapper = new AlbumMapper(['%path', '{YYYY}']) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['Holidays', '2016']) }) it('merges all albums into a single array', function () { const custom1 = file => ['one'] const custom2 = file => ['two', 'three'] const mapper = new AlbumMapper([custom1, custom2]) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['one', 'two', 'three']) }) it('defaults to %path if no patterns are specified', () => { const mapper = new AlbumMapper() should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['Holidays']) }) describe('custom function using file://', () => { it('with an absolute path', () => { const absolutePath = createTmpFile({ dir: os.tmpdir(), contents: "module.exports = file => ['my-album']" }) const mapper = new AlbumMapper([`file://${absolutePath}`]) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['my-album']) }) it('with a path relative to the current directory', () => { const absolutePath = createTmpFile({ dir: process.cwd(), contents: "module.exports = file => ['my-album']" }) const relative = path.basename(absolutePath) const mapper = new AlbumMapper([`file://${relative}`]) should(mapper.getAlbums(TEST_FILE)).eql(['my-album']) }) }) }) /* Create a temporary file. It will automatically be deleted when the tests finish. */ function createTmpFile (opts) { const file = tmp.fileSync({ dir: opts.dir, discardDescriptor: true }) fs.writeFileSync(, opts.contents) // return the absolute path to the file return }