const handlebars = require('handlebars') const should = require('should/as-function') const times = require('../../../themes/base/helpers/times') describe('Handlebars helpers: times', () => { handlebars.registerHelper('times', times) it('executes a block several times', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(`{{#times 3}}Hello{{/times}}`) const res = template({}) should(res).eql('HelloHelloHello') }) it('skips the block when count is 0', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(`{{#times 0}}Hello{{/times}}`) const res = template({}) should(res).eql('') }) it('passes the context to the block', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(`{{#times 3}}{{hello}}{{/times}}`) const res = template({hello: 'world'}) should(res).eql('worldworldworld') }) it('passes the @index to the block', () => { const template = handlebars.compile(`{{#times 3}}{{@index}}{{/times}}`) const res = template({}) should(res).eql('012') }) })