const should = require('should/as-function') const output = require('../../src/model/output') describe('Output paths', function () { describe('Images', function () { it('generates a thumbnail', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', {}) should(o.thumbnail).eql({ path: 'media/thumbs/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'photo:thumbnail' }) }) it('generates a large "web" version', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', {}) should(o.large).eql({ path: 'media/large/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'photo:large' }) }) it('can point downloads to the large version', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'resize' }) should({ path: 'media/large/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'photo:large' }) }) it('can point previews to a copy in the output folder', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoPreview: 'copy' }) should(o.large).eql({ path: 'media/original/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:copy' }) }) it('can point downloads to a copy in the output folder', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'copy' }) should({ path: 'media/original/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:copy' }) }) it('can point downloads to a symlink to the originals', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'symlink' }) should({ path: 'media/original/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:symlink' }) }) it('can point downloads to an existing link', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '../myphotos' }) should({ path: '../myphotos/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('keeps the original image format if the browser supports it', function () { ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'gif', 'GIF'].forEach(ext => { const o = output.paths(`holidays/beach.${ext}`, 'image', {}) should(o.thumbnail.path).eql(`media/thumbs/holidays/beach.${ext}`) }) }) it('converts images to JPEG if not supported', function () { // some of these formats are supported on certain browser, but we aim for maximum compatibility ['bmp', 'tiff', 'webp'].forEach(ext => { const o = output.paths(`holidays/beach.${ext}`, 'image', {}) should(o.thumbnail.path).eql(`media/thumbs/holidays/beach.jpg`) }) }) }) describe('Videos', function () { it('generates a thumbnail', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', {}) should(o.thumbnail).eql({ path: 'media/thumbs/holidays/seagull.jpg', rel: 'video:thumbnail' }) }) it('generates a poster image', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', {}) should(o.large).eql({ path: 'media/large/holidays/seagull.jpg', rel: 'video:poster' }) }) it('generates a resized "web" video', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoFormat: 'mp4' }) should({ path: 'media/large/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'video:resized' }) }) it('can point downloads to the large version', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoDownload: 'resize', videoFormat: 'mp4' }) should({ path: 'media/large/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'video:resized' }) }) it('can point downloads to a copy in the output folder', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoDownload: 'copy' }) should({ path: 'media/original/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'fs:copy' }) }) it('can point previews to a copy in the output folder', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoPreview: 'copy' }) should({ path: 'media/original/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'fs:copy' }) }) it('can point downloads to a symlink to the originals', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoDownload: 'symlink' }) should({ path: 'media/original/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'fs:symlink' }) }) it('can point downloads to an existing link', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/seagull.mp4', 'video', { videoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '../myphotos' }) should({ path: '../myphotos/holidays/seagull.mp4', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) }) describe('Download links', function () { it('can use a relative link prefix', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '../myphotos' }) should({ path: '../myphotos/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('can use a relative link prefix ending with a slash', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '../myphotos/' }) should({ path: '../myphotos/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('can use an absolute link prefix', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '/Photos' }) should({ path: '/Photos/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('can use an absolute link prefix ending with a slash', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '/Photos/' }) should({ path: '/Photos/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('can use a URL prefix', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '' }) should({ path: '', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) it('can use a URL prefix ending with a slash', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { photoDownload: 'link', linkPrefix: '' }) should({ path: '', rel: 'fs:link' }) }) }) describe('Output structure', function () { it('defaults to the structure', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', {}) should({ path: 'media/large/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'photo:large' }) }) it('can explicitely choose the structure', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { outputStructure: 'folders' }) should({ path: 'media/large/holidays/beach.jpg', rel: 'photo:large' }) }) it('can choose the structure', function () { const o = output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { outputStructure: 'suffix' }) should({ path: 'media/holidays/beach_jpg_large.jpg', rel: 'photo:large' }) }) it('throws an error for invalid values', function () { should.throws(function () { output.paths('holidays/beach.jpg', 'image', { outputStructure: 'unknown' }) }, /Invalid output structure: unknown/) }) }) })