const should = require('should/as-function') const File = require('../../src/model/file') describe('File', function () { it('reads the relative file path', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ SourceFile: 'holidays/beach.jpg' })) should(file.path).eql('holidays/beach.jpg') }) it('parses the file modification date', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ File: { FileModifyDate: '2017:01:27 14:38:29+05:00' } })) should( }) it('can guess the media type for photos', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' } })) should(file.type).eql('image') }) it('can guess the media type for videos', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'video/quicktime' } })) should(file.type).eql('video') }) it('marks all other data types as unknown', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'text/html' } })) should(file.type).eql('unknown') }) it('has a boolean flag for videos to simplify templates', function () { const photo = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' } })) should(photo.isVideo).eql(false) const video = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'video/quicktime' } })) should(video.isVideo).eql(true) }) it('exposes the URL for each output file', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ File: { MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' } })) should(file.urls.thumbnail).eql('media/thumbs/photo.jpg') should(file.urls.small).eql('media/small/photo.jpg') should(file.urls.large).eql('media/large/photo.jpg') should('media/large/photo.jpg') }) it('encodes the URLs to cater for special characters', function () { const file = new File(dbFile({ SourceFile: 'test%22folder/photo.jpg', File: { MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' } })) should(file.urls.small).eql('media/small/test%2522folder/photo.jpg') }) }) function dbFile (data) { // some required data if (!data.SourceFile) data.SourceFile = 'photo.jpg' if (!data.File) data.File = {} if (!data.File.FileModifyDate) data.File.FileModifyDate = '1999:12:31 23:59:59+00:00' return data }