const path = require('path') const should = require('should/as-function') const hierarchy = require('../../src/input/hierarchy.js') const Album = require('../../src/model/album.js') const fixtures = require('../fixtures') const DEFAULT_OPTS = { homeAlbumName: 'Home' } describe('hierarchy', function () { beforeEach(function () { Album.resetIds() }) describe('root album', function () { it('creates a root album (homepage) to put all sub-albums', function () { const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['all']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums([], mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.title).eql('Home') }) it('can configure the top-level album name', function () { const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['all']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums([], mapper, { homeAlbumName: 'Holidays' }) should(home.title).eql('Holidays') }) it('defaults the homepage to index.html', function () { const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['all']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums([], mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.path).eql('index.html') should(home.url).eql('index.html') }) it('can configure the homepage path', function () { const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['all']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums([], mapper, { homeAlbumName: 'Home', index: 'default.html' }) should(home.path).eql('default.html') should(home.url).eql('default.html') }) }) describe('empty mappers', function () { const emptyMappers = ['', '.', '/', null] emptyMappers.forEach(value => { it(`adds any photos mapped to <${value}> to the root gallery`, function () { const files = [{ path: 'IMG_000001.jpg' }),{ path: 'IMG_000002.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => [value]) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(0) should(home.files.length).eql(2) should(home.files[0].filename).eql('IMG_000001.jpg') should(home.files[1].filename).eql('IMG_000002.jpg') }) }) }) describe('nested albums', function () { it('can group media into a single folder', function () { const files = [{ path: 'IMG_000001.jpg' }),{ path: 'IMG_000002.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['all']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('all') should(home.albums[0].files).eql([files[0], files[1]]) }) it('can group media into several folders', function () { const files = [{ path: 'one/IMG_000001.jpg' }),{ path: 'two/IMG_000002.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => [path.dirname(file.path)]) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(2) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('one') should(home.albums[0].files).eql([files[0]]) should(home.albums[1].title).eql('two') should(home.albums[1].files).eql([files[1]]) }) it('can group media into one nested folder', function () { const files = [{ path: 'IMG_000001.jpg' }),{ path: 'IMG_000002.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['one/two']) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('one') should(home.albums[0].albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].albums[0].title).eql('two') should(home.albums[0].albums[0].files).eql([files[0], files[1]]) }) it('can group media at different levels', function () { const files = [{ path: 'one/IMG_000001.jpg' }),{ path: 'one/two/IMG_000002.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => [path.dirname(file.path)]) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('one') should(home.albums[0].files).eql([files[0]]) should(home.albums[0].albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].albums[0].title).eql('two') should(home.albums[0].albums[0].files).eql([files[1]]) }) it('does not duplicate home album', function () { const files = [{ path: 'one/IMG_000001.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['.', '/', path.dirname(file.path)]) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.files.length).eql(1) should(home.files[0].filename).eql(files[0].filename) should(home.albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('one') should(home.albums[0].files).eql(files) should(home.albums[0].albums.length).eql(0) }) it('does not duplicate sub albums', function () { const files = [{ path: 'one/IMG_000001.jpg' }) ] const mapper = mockMapper(file => ['one', path.dirname(file.path)]) const home = hierarchy.createAlbums(files, mapper, DEFAULT_OPTS) should(home.albums.length).eql(1) should(home.albums[0].title).eql('one') should(home.albums[0].files).eql(files) should(home.albums[0].albums.length).eql(0) }) }) }) function mockMapper (fn) { return { getAlbums: fn } }