const childProcess = require('child_process') const debug = require('debug') const mockSpawn = require('mock-spawn') const should = require('should/as-function') const sinon = require('sinon') const exifStream = require('../../../src/components/exiftool/stream') describe('exiftool stream', function () { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(childProcess, 'spawn') debug.reset() }) afterEach(() => { childProcess.spawn.restore() }) it('parses exiftool JSON output into an array', (done) => { // setup a mock that returns exiftool-like JSON data const errorSpawn = mockSpawn() childProcess.spawn.callsFake(errorSpawn) errorSpawn.setDefault(function (cb) { setTimeout(() => { this.stdout.write(`[{ "SourceFile": "IMG_0001.jpg", "MIMEType": "image/jpeg" },`) }, 10) setTimeout(() => { this.stdout.write(`{ "SourceFile": "IMG_0002.jpg", "MIMEType": "image/jpeg" }]`) }, 20) setTimeout(() => cb(), 30) }) // check the data returned const stream = exifStream.parse('input', ['IMG_0001.jpg', 'IMG_0002.jpg']) reduceStream(stream, emittedData => { should(emittedData).eql([{ SourceFile: 'IMG_0001.jpg', MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' }, { SourceFile: 'IMG_0002.jpg', MIMEType: 'image/jpeg' }]) done() }) }) it('returns an empty array and prints an error if exiftool is not available', (done) => { // setup a mock that always fails const errorSpawn = mockSpawn() childProcess.spawn.callsFake(errorSpawn) errorSpawn.setDefault(function (cb) { this.emit('error', new Error('spawn ENOENT')) setTimeout(() => cb(), 10) }) // check the data returned const stream = exifStream.parse('input', ['IMG_0001.jpg']) reduceStream(stream, emittedData => { should(emittedData).eql([]) debug.assertContains('installed on your system') debug.assertContains('spawn ENOENT') done() }) }) }) function reduceStream (stream, done) { const emittedData = [] stream.on('data', entry => { emittedData.push(entry) }).on('end', () => { done(emittedData) }) }