const fs = require('node:fs') const path = require('node:path') const async = require('async') const debug = require('debug')('thumbsup:debug') const fsextra = require('fs-extra') const handlebars = require('handlebars') const less = require('less') class Theme { constructor (themeDir, destDir, opts) { // directory that contains the theme this.dir = path.resolve(themeDir) // target directory this.dest = path.resolve(destDir) // custom options this.opts = opts } // load all theme helpers // and copy assets into the output folder (static files, CSS...) prepare (done) { this.options = this.loadPackageOptions() this.dir = path.join(this.dir, this.options.themeRoot || '') // validate that the theme looks well structured this.validateStructure() // compiled template this.template = compileTemplate(path.join(this.dir, 'album.hbs')) this.loadPartials() this.loadHelpers() async.series([ next => this.copyPublic(next), next => this.renderStyles(next) ], done) } // look for an explicit root in the theme's loadPackageOptions () { try { const packagePath = path.join(this.dir, 'package.json') const contents = fs.readFileSync(packagePath).toString() const pkg = JSON.parse(contents) return pkg.thumbsup || {} } catch (ex) { debug('Theme does not have a package.json, using default options') return {} } } // make sure the given folder is a valid theme validateStructure () { if (!fs.existsSync(this.dir)) { throw new Error(`Theme does not exist: ${this.dir}`) } const template = fs.existsSync(path.join(this.dir, 'album.hbs')) const style = fs.existsSync(path.join(this.dir, 'theme.less')) if (!template || !style) { throw new Error(`Invalid theme structure in ${this.dir}`) } } // renders the given album HTML page render (targetPath, data, next) { const fullPath = path.join(this.dest, targetPath) debug(`Theme rendering ${targetPath}`) const contents = this.template(data) fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(fullPath), { recursive: true }) fs.writeFile(fullPath, contents, next) } // ------------------------ // private methods // ------------------------ loadPartials () { if (!isDirectory(path.join(this.dir, 'partials'))) { return } // load all files in the folder const partials = fs.readdirSync(path.join(this.dir, 'partials')) const isTemplate = filepath => path.extname(filepath) === '.hbs' partials.filter(isTemplate).forEach(filename => { debug(`Loading partial ${filename}`) const templateName = path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) handlebars.registerPartial(templateName, compileTemplate(path.join(this.dir, 'partials', filename))) }) } loadHelpers () { if (!isDirectory(path.join(this.dir, 'helpers'))) { return } // load all files in the folder const helpers = fs.readdirSync(path.join(this.dir, 'helpers')) const isHelper = filepath => path.extname(filepath) === '.js' helpers.filter(isHelper).forEach(filename => { debug(`Loading helper ${filename}`) const name = path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) const fullPath = path.join(this.dir, 'helpers', filename) handlebars.registerHelper(name, require(fullPath)) }) } renderStyles (done) { debug('Rendering theme styles') // full LESS content const themeFile = path.join(this.dir, 'theme.less') const themeLess = fs.readFileSync(themeFile, 'utf-8') // optional custom LESS file const customInclude = this.customStylesInclude() // now render both together const lessOptions = { paths: [this.dir] } less.render(themeLess + customInclude, lessOptions, (err, output) => { if (err) return done(err) const filename = this.opts.stylesheetName || 'theme.css' const dest = path.join(this.dest, 'public', filename) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(this.dest, 'public'), { recursive: true }) fs.writeFile(dest, output.css, done) }) } customStylesInclude () { const customPath = this.opts.customStylesPath if (customPath) { // see // we use (inline) to avoid processing raw CSS files const includeType = path.extname(customPath) === '.css' ? '(inline) ' : '' return `\n@import ${includeType}'${customPath}';` } return '' } copyPublic (done) { if (!isDirectory(path.join(this.dir, 'public'))) { return done() } // copy all files in the folder const src = path.join(this.dir, 'public') const dest = path.join(this.dest, 'public') fsextra.copy(src, dest, done) } } function compileTemplate (hbsFile) { const src = fs.readFileSync(hbsFile) return handlebars.compile(src.toString()) } function isDirectory (fullPath) { try { return fs.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory() } catch (ex) { return false } } module.exports = Theme