/* Special Listr renderer that - on every change, renders the whole task list in memory - accumulates all rendered data into an array - has this array available as `listr._renderer.output` */ module.exports = class ListrTestRenderer { static get nonTTY () { return true } constructor (tasks) { this._tasks = tasks this.output = [] } render () { for (let task of this._tasks) { this.subscribe(task) } } subscribe (task) { task.subscribe( event => { if (event.type === 'SUBTASKS') { // new subtasks: subscribe to them too task.subtasks.forEach(sub => this.subscribe(sub)) } else { // something else happened, capture all titles const titles = this.allTitles(this._tasks, 0) this.output.push(titles) } } ) } allTitles (tasks, indent) { return tasks.map(task => { const subTitles = this.allTitles(task.subtasks, indent + 1) return ' '.repeat(indent) + task.title + '\n' + subTitles }).join('') } end () { } }