const should = require('should/as-function') const sinon = require('sinon') const streamMock = require('stream-mock') const exifStream = require('../../../src/components/exiftool/stream') const parallel = require('../../../src/components/exiftool/parallel') describe('exiftool parallel', function () { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(exifStream, 'parse').callsFake(mockExifStream) }) afterEach(() => { exifStream.parse.restore() }) it('creates 1 stream if no concurrency', (done) => { // test data const files = numberedFiles(3) const concurrency = 1 // create the streams const stream = parallel.parse('input', files, concurrency) reduceStream(stream, emittedData => { const emittedPaths = => e.SourceFile) should(emittedPaths).eql([ 'input/IMG_0001.jpg', 'input/IMG_0002.jpg', 'input/IMG_0003.jpg' ]) done() }) }) it('creates concurrent streams to split files evenly', (done) => { // test data const files = numberedFiles(5) const concurrency = 2 // create the streams const stream = parallel.parse('input', files, concurrency) reduceStream(stream, emittedData => { // should have created 2 streams, with 2 or 3 files each sinon.assert.callCount(exifStream.parse, 2) should(exifStream.parse.args[0]).eql(['input', ['IMG_0001.jpg', 'IMG_0002.jpg', 'IMG_0003.jpg']]) should(exifStream.parse.args[1]).eql(['input', ['IMG_0004.jpg', 'IMG_0005.jpg']]) // should have 5 files in the merged output const emittedPaths = => e.SourceFile) should(emittedPaths).eql([ 'input/IMG_0001.jpg', 'input/IMG_0002.jpg', 'input/IMG_0003.jpg', 'input/IMG_0004.jpg', 'input/IMG_0005.jpg' ]) done() }) }) }) function numberedFiles (count) { return Array(count).join(' ').split(' ').map((a, i) => `IMG_000${i + 1}.jpg`) } function mockExifStream (root, filenames) { const input = => { return { SourceFile: `${root}/${name}`, Directory: root } }) return new streamMock.ReadableMock(input, { objectMode: true }) } function reduceStream (stream, done) { const emittedData = [] stream.on('data', entry => { emittedData.push(entry) }).on('end', () => { done(emittedData) }) }